How to learn all keys.
1. Major Scales in every key. If you know major scales you will know the minor. Just have to work on fingering.
2. Learn how to form triads: major, minor, diminished, augmented, suspended 2 and 4. Main thing here is that you understand how they formed.
3. Learn the circle of 4ths and 5ths and the relative minor chords. You need to know how the keys relate. You will understand this more and more over time.
4. Learn basic progressions: 1-4-5, 2-5-1, 3-6-2-5-1, 7-3-6-2-5-1 in that order. This is the mysteryman method.

All you need is a basic understanding of number 3 and 4 if you are a beginner. The knowledge will come over time.
Now once you grasp these for things you take simple songs and learn the simple progressions in every key. For example learn "Lord I Lift Your Name on High" in all keys using the 1-4-5. You should know this progression in all keys if you don't know the others.
Ex 1-4-5
Notice if you follow the circle of 4ths you only have to learn one new chord.
In the key of C you play Cmaj, Fmaj, Gmaj.
In the key of F you play Fmaj, Bbmaj, Cmaj.
If you follow the circle of fifths you only have to learn one new chord.
In the key of C you play Cmaj, Fmaj, Gmaj.
In the key of G you play Gmaj, Cmaj, Dmaj.
The circle of 4ths and 5ths makes practicing very easy for you. If you can play in one key you can play in the keys to the right and left of it following the circle. There is so much more I can add but I follow these basic principles when I do practice serious. lol
Copyright 2010 "Learn to Play in 24 Hours." haha
I wanted to prove this a while back but no one responded to a post I made a while back. Either not many people come in here or they were just not interested in learning. The mysteryman method.

if you want to progress quickly first you must pray and you should find an outlet to use your abilities. If you don't have an outlet sing the song as you play and get into it. If you can make the practice fun, playing will get better.
Again if anyone needs help learning hit me on yahoo messenger mysterymman1. I'm not charging just trying to be a blessing.

Got one person I'm helping we will see how fast he progresses.