Well, it sounds like you've been replaced. Personally, since you've been pushed aside and dude has no interest in helping you I don't see the point in saying. However, pray about what God would have you to do in this situation. Who knows, God may have you stay there and soften the musician's heart so he will be willing to help you.
If you're going to confront your pastor about this situation ask him, in a loving way, what's going on. Maybe you should ask him "yes" or "no" questions. Any question he ducks around is, most likely, the answer that isn't in your favor. Still, that's just my two cents.
Please take a few deep breaths. Focus on God. Give this situation over to God. As my current Avatar says..."Anger is the condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future."