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Author Topic: I need some help.  (Read 11517 times)

Offline sjonathan02

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I need some help.
« on: September 10, 2007, 09:06:06 AM »
I'm looking for some smooth transitions going from one key to another key NOT a half-step or whole-step away.

For example: Eb to Gb; A to F   something like that.

any suggestions?
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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2007, 09:25:07 AM »

Eb/GBbEb        Eb
Ab/GbCbEb      Abm7
Db/GbCbDb      Db7sus
Db/FCbDb        Db7
Gb/GbBbDb      Gb


A/C#EA         A
D/CFA           Dm7
G/BbDG         Gm
C/BbEG         C7
F/ACF           F

Hope this helps I'm kinda new to the site haven't gotten a chance to help anybody really, when I get some real time I planned to post Hanon exercises for everybody, you think people will use them?  Cause it would take a lot of time, but I'm classically trained and I owe all my virtuosity to doing Hanons for 15 years. 

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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2007, 09:37:29 AM »

Eb/GBbEb        Eb
Ab/GbCbEb      Abm7
Db/GbCbDb      Db7sus
Db/FCbDb        Db7
Gb/GbBbDb      Gb


A/C#EA         A
D/CFA           Dm7
G/BbDG         Gm
C/BbEG         C7
F/ACF           F

Hope this helps I'm kinda new to the site haven't gotten a chance to help anybody really, when I get some real time I planned to post Hanon exercises for everybody, you think people will use them?  Cause it would take a lot of time, but I'm classically trained and I owe all my virtuosity to doing Hanons for 15 years. 

First, let me say thank you, I'll try this in a minute.

Second, anything that folks post on this site will help; folks just have to use it. ;)

Thanks, again.
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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2007, 06:21:28 PM »
I hope that maybe this helps Sjon. I got this from T-block:

This is what I need to learn, how about you?Here is a routine you can practice every time you get to a keyboard to get you used to playing in all keys. Don't miss a key now, alright? It doesn't matter what key you start at, but I recommend starting at C.

Progression wise, I suggest practicing 7-3-6-2-5-1 the most cuz that is a common progression. Any time you want to modulate to another key, the best way to do it is by playing the 4 chord of your new key with the 5th of your new key in the bass:

Key C

C-C / D-E-G-C (1)
C-C / G-C-D-E
C-C / Ab-C-D-F
C-C / G-C-D-E
/ D, E
B / A-D-F (7)
E / Ab-C-D-G, F (3)
A / G-C-E (6)
D / Ab-C-D-F (2)
E / G-C-E
F / Ab-C-D-F
G / G-C-E (5)
G / F-G-C-D
G / F-G-B-D, C
C / D-E-G-C (1)

Modulation chord to Db: Ab / Gb-Ab-Bb-Db

Key Db

Db-Db / Eb-F-Ab-Db (1)
Db-Db / Ab-Db-Eb-F
Db-Db / A-Db-Eb-Gb
Db-Db / Ab-Db-Eb-F
/ Eb, F
C / Bb-Eb-Gb (7)
F / A-Db-Eb-Ab, G (6)
Bb / Ab-Db-F
Eb / A-Db-Eb-Gb (2)
F / Ab-Db-F
Gb / A-Db-Eb-Gb
Ab / Ab-Db-F (5)
Ab / Gb-Ab-Db-Eb
Ab / Gb-Ab-C-Eb, Db
Db / Eb-F-Ab-Db (1)

Modulation chord to D: A / G-A-B-D

Key D

D-D / E-F#-A-D (1)
D-D / A-D-E-F#
D-D / A#-D-E-G
D-D / A-D-E-F#
/ E, F#
C# / B-E-G (7)
F# / Bb-D-E-A, G (6)
B / A-D-F#
E / A#-D-E-G (2)
F# / A-D-F#
G# / A#-D-E-G
A / A-D-F# (5)
A / G-A-D-E
A / G-A-C#-E, D
D / E-F#-A-D (1)

Modulation chord to Eb: Bb / Ab-Bb-C-Eb

Key Eb

Eb-Eb / F-G-Bb-Eb (1)
Eb-Eb / Bb-Eb-F-G
Eb-Eb / B-Eb-F-Ab
Eb-Eb / Bb-Eb-F-G
/ F, G
D / C-F-Ab (7)
G / B-Eb-F-Bb, Ab (3)
C / Bb-Eb-G (6)
F / B-Eb-F-Ab (2)
G / Bb-Eb-G
Ab / B-Eb-F-Ab
Bb / Bb-Eb-G (5)
Bb / Ab-Bb-Eb-F
Bb / Ab-Bb-D-F, Eb
Eb / F-G-Bb-Eb

Modulation chord to E: B / A-B-C#-E

Key E

E-E / F#-G#-B-E (1)
E-E / B-E-F#-G#
E-E / B#-E-F#-A
E-E / B-E-F#-G#
/ F#, G#
D# / C#-F#-A (7)
G# / B#-E-F#-B, A (3)
C# / B-E-G# (6)
F# / B#-E-F#-A (2)
G# / B-E-G#
A / B#-E-F#-A
B / B-E-G# (5)
B / A-B-E-F#
B / A-B-D#-F#, E
E / F#-G#-B-E

Modulation chord to F: C / Bb-C-D-F

Key F

F-F / G-A-C-F (1)
F-F / C-F-G-A
F-F / Db-F-G-Bb
F-F / C-F-G-A
/ G, A
E / D-G-Bb (7)
A / Db-F-G-C, Bb (3)
D / C-F-A (6)
G / Db-F-G-Bb (2)
A / C-F-A
Bb / Db-F-G-Bb
C / C-F-A (5)
C / Bb-C-F-G
C / Bb-C-E-G, F
F / G-A-C-F (1)

Modulation chord to Gb: Db / Cb-Db-Eb-Gb

Key Gb

Gb-Gb / Ab-Bb-Db-Gb (1)
Gb-Gb / Db-Gb-Ab-Bb
Gb-Gb / D-Gb-Ab-Cb
Gb-Gb / Db-Gb-Ab-Bb
/ Ab, Bb
F / Eb-Ab-Cb (7)
Bb / D-Gb-Ab-Db, Cb (3)
Eb / Db-Gb-Bb (6)
Ab / D-Gb-Ab-Cb (2)
Bb / Db-Gb-Bb
Cb / D-Gb-Ab-Cb
Db / Db-Gb-Bb (5)
Db / Cb-Db-Gb-Ab
Db / Cb-Db-F-Ab, Gb
Gb / Ab-Bb-Db-Gb (1)

Modulation chord to G: D / C-D-E-G

Key G

G-G / A-B-D-G (1)
G-G / D-G-A-B
G-G / D#-G-A-C
G-G / D-G-A-B
/ A, B
F# / E-A-C (7)
B / D#-G-A-D, C (3)
E / D-G-B (6)
A / D#-G-A-C (2)
B / D-G-B
C / D#-G-A-C
D / D-G-B (5)
D / C-D-G-A
D / C-D-F#-A, G
G / A-B-D-G (1)

Modulation chord to Ab: Eb / Db-Eb-F-Ab

Key Ab

Ab-Ab / Bb-C-Eb-Ab (1)
Ab-Ab / Eb-Ab-Bb-C
Ab-Ab / Fb-Ab-Bb-Db
Ab-Ab / Eb-Ab-Bb-C
/ Bb, C
G / F-Bb-Db (7)
C / Fb-Ab-Bb-Eb, Db (3)
F / Eb-Ab-C (6)
Bb / Fb-Ab-Bb-Db (2)
C / Eb-Ab-C
Db / Fb-Ab-Bb-Db
Eb / Eb-Ab-C (5)
Eb / Db-Eb-Ab-Bb
Eb / Db-Eb-G-Bb, Ab
Ab / Bb-C-Eb-Ab (1)

Modulation chord to A: E / D-E-F#-A

Key A

A-A / B-C#-E-A (1)
A-A / E-A-B-C#
A-A / F-A-B-D
A-A / E-A-B-C#
/ B, C#
G# / F#-B-D (7)
C# / F-A-B-E, D (3)
F# / E-A-C# (6)
B / F-A-B-D (2)
C# / E-A-C#
D / F-A-B-D
E / E-A-C# (5)
E / D-E-A-B
E / D-E-G#-B, A
A / B-C#-E-A (1)

Modulation chord to Bb: F / Eb-F-G-Bb

Key Bb

Bb-Bb / C-D-F-Bb (1)
Bb-Bb / F-Bb-C-D
Bb-Bb / Gb-Bb-C-Eb
Bb-Bb / F-Bb-C-D
/ C, D
A / G-C-Eb (7)
D / Gb-Bb-C-F, Eb (3)
G / F-Bb-D (6)
C / Gb-Bb-C-Eb (2)
D / F-Bb-D
Eb / Gb-Bb-C-Eb
F / F-Bb-D (5)
F / Eb-F-Bb-C
F / Eb-F-A-C, Bb
Bb / C-D-F-Bb (1)

Modulation chord to B: F# / E-F#-G#-B

Key B

B-B / C#-D#-F#-B (1)
B-B / F#-B-C#-D#
B-B / G-B-C#-E
B-B / F#-B-C#-D#
/ C#, D#
A# / G#-C#-E (7)
D# / G-B-C#-F#, E (3)
G# / F#-B-D# (6)
C# / G-B-C#-E (2)
D# / F#-B-D#
E / G-B-C#-E
F# / F#-B-D# (5)
F# / E-F#-B-C#
F# / E-F#-A#-C#, B
B / C#-D#-F#-B (1)

Modulation chord back to C: G / F-G-A-C

Once you run through this every time you get a chance, you will find it easier to start playing in other keys. 
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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2007, 05:04:51 AM »
I'm looking for some smooth transitions going from one key to another key NOT a half-step or whole-step away.

For example: Eb to Gb; A to F   something like that.

any suggestions?

Hi SJ,
A lot of how I transition from one key to another, depends on several things:

1.  How much time do I have to make the transition, (2 beats, 4 beats, 2 measures, 4                 
    measures ) ...?

2. Where is the transition leading too, (chorus, verse, bridge, new song)?

3.  Will I be making the transition while ministering through worship, (between song changes,
    from one key to another)?

     I'll share an example of #3 and how I might make the transition between two songs, one in the key of "Eb" and the new song in the key of "Gb"...

     Take the song "How Great is Our God" in the key of "Eb".  That would be the chord that we end the song in slowing way down and allowing  the congregation to worship while the Spirit of God moves through the hearts of the people.  The song "Because of Who You Are" by Martha Munizzi in the key of "Gb" is where I'm going to.

Here's the transition: 
Ending chord of last song ... Eb


Eb Bb / Eb F G Bb    (Eb9 chord)
Bb F Bb / Db F Ab C  (Bbm9 chord)
Ab Eb Ab / B Eb Gb B  (Abm7)      (slowing down)
Db Ab / B Eb Ab      (Db11)          (slowing way down)
Db Ab B / Db F       (Db7 ... this is the chord that leads me to the Gb chord)
Gb Db  / Gb Bb Db  (Gb ... "Because of Who You Are")

Hope this helps someone looking for different ways of making transitions.  BroAllan :)

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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2007, 06:26:53 AM »
Hi SJ,
A lot of how I transition from one key to another, depends on several things:

1.  How much time do I have to make the transition, (2 beats, 4 beats, 2 measures, 4                 
    measures ) ...?

2. Where is the transition leading too, (chorus, verse, bridge, new song)?

3.  Will I be making the transition while ministering through worship, (between song changes,
    from one key to another)?

     I'll share an example of #3 and how I might make the transition between two songs, one in the key of "Eb" and the new song in the key of "Gb"...

     Take the song "How Great is Our God" in the key of "Eb".  That would be the chord that we end the song in slowing way down and allowing  the congregation to worship while the Spirit of God moves through the hearts of the people.  The song "Because of Who You Are" by Martha Munizzi in the key of "Gb" is where I'm going to.

Here's the transition: 
Ending chord of last song ... Eb


Eb Bb / Eb F G Bb    (Eb9 chord)
Bb F Bb / Db F Ab C  (Bbm9 chord)
Ab Eb Ab / B Eb Gb B  (Abm7)      (slowing down)
Db Ab / B Eb Ab      (Db11)          (slowing way down)
Db Ab B / Db F       (Db7 ... this is the chord that leads me to the Gb chord)
Gb Db  / Gb Bb Db  (Gb ... "Because of Who You Are")

Hope this helps someone looking for different ways of making transitions.  BroAllan :)

I'm printing this out, right now. That #3 is what I was really referring to; but, all of it could apply.

I'll study this and get back with you. And, THANKS, Bro. Allen and everyone for the assistance. ;) :D
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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2007, 07:48:04 AM »
     Take the song "How Great is Our God" in the key of "Eb".  That would be the chord that we end the song in slowing way down and allowing  the congregation to worship while the Spirit of God moves through the hearts of the people.  The song "Because of Who You Are" by Martha Munizzi in the key of "Gb" is where I'm going to.

Here's the transition: 
Ending chord of last song ... Eb


Eb Bb / Eb F G Bb    (Eb9 chord)
Bb F Bb / Db F Ab C  (Bbm9 chord)
Ab Eb Ab / B Eb Gb B  (Abm7)      (slowing down)
Db Ab / B Eb Ab      (Db11)          (slowing way down)
Db Ab B / Db F       (Db7 ... this is the chord that leads me to the Gb chord)
Gb Db  / Gb Bb Db  (Gb ... "Because of Who You Are")

Hope this helps someone looking for different ways of making transitions.  BroAllan :)

I added in the timing that I use for this transition

Eb Bb / Eb F G Bb    (Eb9 chord)       ( 4 beats)
Bb F Bb / Db F Ab C  (Bbm9 chord)    ( 4 beats)
Ab Eb Ab / B Eb Gb B  (Abm7)      (slowing down)   ( 2 beats)
Db Ab / B Eb Ab      (Db11)          (slowing way down)  ( 1 beat)     
Db Ab B / Db F       (Db7 ... this is the chord that leads me to the Gb chord) (hold this chord)
Gb Db  / Gb Bb Db  (Gb ... "Because of Who You Are")  :)

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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2007, 05:41:33 PM »
I added in the timing that I use for this transition

Eb Bb / Eb F G Bb    (Eb9 chord)       ( 4 beats)
Bb F Bb / Db F Ab C  (Bbm9 chord)    ( 4 beats)
Ab Eb Ab / B Eb Gb B  (Abm7)      (slowing down)   ( 2 beats)
Db Ab / B Eb Ab      (Db11)          (slowing way down)  ( 1 beat)    
Db Ab B / Db F       (Db7 ... this is the chord that leads me to the Gb chord) (hold this chord)
Gb Db  / Gb Bb Db  (Gb ... "Because of Who You Are")  :)

Wow, this sounds gr8 Bro Allan!!!You know exactly how to answer this question, I wasn't even close to this. Could you explain the difference between modulation and transition? I hope that I'm not asking a silly question, if so just pray for me. BTW, I didn't see the answer to this in the theory room, if its in there just give me the link. Thanks in advance and thanks again for this example. ;)
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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2007, 06:18:20 PM »
Wow, this sounds gr8 Bro Allan!!!You know exactly how to answer this question, I wasn't even close to this. Could you explain the difference between modulation and transition? I hope that I'm not asking a silly question, if so just pray for me. BTW, I didn't see the answer to this in the theory room, if its in there just give me the link. Thanks in advance and thanks again for this example. ;)

Hi Chevonee,  first of all, it's great that you responded to help. Secondly, in working with theory, styles, and the application of them, it isn't always that simple to see what the person is really looking for help with.  That's why I usually give a few examples and hope that at least one of them will help.
     As for your question concerning the difference between a "modulation" and "transition", I
personally use "modulation for a key change within a song", whereas a "transition" is the path I take to flow from one song to the next, whether it's in the same key or not.

    Having said that, keep in mind that sometimes the best way to transition to another song, is simply to slowly stop playing altogether, especially during worship when the atmosphere is full of God's presence and the people are wrapped up in His Love.  Then as you softly and gently bring in the new song, the focus of the people is still upon Him.  This is where the dynamics play an important part.  The knowledge of the musicians and singers of when to come in, when to boost up the volume and when to tone it down all make for a beautiful time of praise and worship.                    God bless you ...  BroAllan  :)

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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2007, 06:29:27 PM »
Hi Chevonee,  first of all, it's great that you responded to help. Secondly, in working with theory, styles, and the application of them, it isn't always that simple to see what the person is really looking for help with.  That's why I usually give a few examples and hope that at least one of them will help.
     As for your question concerning the difference between a "modulation" and "transition", I
personally use "modulation for a key change within a song", whereas a "transition" is the path I take to flow from one song to the next, whether it's in the same key or not.

    Having said that, keep in mind that sometimes the best way to transition to another song, is simply to slowly stop playing altogether, especially during worship when the atmosphere is full of God's presence and the people are wrapped up in His Love.  Then as you softly and gently bring in the new song, the focus of the people is still upon Him.  This is where the dynamics play an important part.  The knowledge of the musicians and singers of when to come in, when to boost up the volume and when to tone it down all make for a beautiful time of praise and worship.                    God bless you ...  BroAllan  :)

This dude is dropping some knowledge.   Folks GOT to learn about dynamics  while playing. They will take you to another level just like phat chords,  and they give the song "LIFE"


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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2007, 07:38:42 PM »
I'm looking for some smooth transitions going from one key to another key NOT a half-step or whole-step away.

For example: Eb to Gb; A to F   something like that.

any suggestions?

Hey SJ,

I'll give a simple example of going from the key of "A" to the key of "F".  The songs I'll use in the example are,  "America the Beautiful" (key of A ), and going to "How Great Thou Art" (key of F).
The last chord in "America the Beautiful" is the "A" chord.
Here's the simple transition I use:

LH  /  RH 

A E / A C# E A      (A chord ...    present key)
G D G / Bb D F A   (Gm9 chord ...  transition chord)
C G Bb / C E G      (C7 chord ...     transition chord)
 C,C,C (single notes)  O' Lord my
F C / F A      God ..(F chord ... new key of F)   

Just sharing a little bit of how I might transition from "A" to "F".   God bless ... :)

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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2007, 07:54:59 PM »
Hey SJ,

I'll give a simple example of going from the key of "A" to the key of "F".  The songs I'll use in the example are,  "America the Beautiful" (key of A ), and going to "How Great Thou Art" (key of F).
The last chord in "America the Beautiful" is the "A" chord.
Here's the simple transition I use:

LH  /  RH 

A E / A C# E A      (A chord ...    present key)
G D G / Bb D F A   (Gm9 chord ...  transition chord)
C G Bb / C E G      (C7 chord ...     transition chord)
 C,C,C (single notes)  O' Lord my
F C / F A      God ..(F chord ... new key of F)   

Just sharing a little bit of how I might transition from "A" to "F".   God bless ... :)

Dude, you are doin' it UP!! Thanks for the help. If you have ANYTHING else, please post.

One thing, do you have a jazzier of making these transitions. Just wondering. And, thanks, again. ;)
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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2007, 01:06:07 AM »
Hi Chevonee,  first of all, it's great that you responded to help. Secondly, in working with theory, styles, and the application of them, it isn't always that simple to see what the person is really looking for help with.  That's why I usually give a few examples and hope that at least one of them will help.
     As for your question concerning the difference between a "modulation" and "transition", I
personally use "modulation for a key change within a song", whereas a "transition" is the path I take to flow from one song to the next, whether it's in the same key or not.

    Having said that, keep in mind that sometimes the best way to transition to another song, is simply to slowly stop playing altogether, especially during worship when the atmosphere is full of God's presence and the people are wrapped up in His Love.  Then as you softly and gently bring in the new song, the focus of the people is still upon Him.  This is where the dynamics play an important part.  The knowledge of the musicians and singers of when to come in, when to boost up the volume and when to tone it down all make for a beautiful time of praise and worship.                    God bless you ...  BroAllan  :)
Thank you so much for answering my question Bro Allan! The knowledge that you have is very annointed and inspirational. It is true that we must make sure that our playing doesn't get in the way of the flow of the annointing. God bless you and thanks again for sharing this information with us, it is truly a blessing.
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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2007, 08:30:46 AM »
This is some good stuff BroAllan, keep up the good work. :D
Real musicians play in every key!!!
Music Theory, da numbers work!

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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2007, 10:26:29 AM »
This is some good stuff BroAllan, keep up the good work. :D

Thanks T-Block! (Just trying to follow your example ...)  :)

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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2007, 12:00:09 PM »
I'm looking for some smooth transitions going from one key to another key NOT a half-step or whole-step away.

For example: Eb to Gb; A to F   something like that.

any suggestions?

Here's another example of going from the key of "A" to the key of "F" ...
The songs I'll use are "Falling in love with Jesus" (key of "A"), and "Amazing Grace" (key of "F")
Here it is:
Ending of "Falling in love with Jesus" (key of A)

LH  /  RH

Falling in love with
A E G  / B D F#     Je-
A E  / A C# E        sus ...
                          it's the
B F# B / D F# A    best
C# G# C# / E G# B  thing
D A D / F# A C#    I
E G# B / E G# B   ev-
E G# B / E  A       er
A E / A C# E        done ...

C# G# C# / E G# B E    (C#m7 chord)    transition chord still in "A"
B F# B / D F# A D        (Bm7 chord )     transition chord still in "A"
Bb  Bb / D F A D          (Bbmaj7 chord)  pivot chord linking "A" to "F" (notice the common notes used to link the keys)
Bb  Bb / C E GC      A-    (C7 chord w/ a Bb bass)  the "5th" of the new key ("F")
F C F / C F A          mazing
F C# F / C# F A     Grace,
Bb F Bb / D F        sweet the
F C F / A C           sound ...

Just another example of how I might make a transition ...
Remember these two things:
1) Try to find the pivot or linking notes and chords that are common to the two keys you are    working with ... and
2)  Using the "5th" of the new key is a great way accomplish the key change

In this case I went from a "Bm7" chord which is in the key of "A", to a "Bbmaj7" chord which is in the key of "F".  The common notes in both chords are "D" and "A".  Now, I just used the "5th" of the new key "F" (which is the "C" chord), to help establish that key ...

God bless ... BroAllan  :)

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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2007, 12:18:37 PM »
Here's another example of going from the key of "A" to the key of "F" ...
The songs I'll use are "Falling in love with Jesus" (key of "A"), and "Amazing Grace" (key of "F")
Here it is:
Ending of "Falling in love with Jesus" (key of A)

LH  /  RH

Falling in love with
A E G  / B D F#     Je-
A E  / A C# E        sus ...
                          it's the
B F# B / D F# A    best
C# G# C# / E G# B  thing
D A D / F# A C#    I
E G# B / E G# B   ev-
E G# B / E  A       er
A E / A C# E        done ...

C# G# C# / E G# B E    (C#m7 chord)    transition chord still in "A"
B F# B / D F# A D        (Bm7 chord )     transition chord still in "A"
Bb  Bb / D F A D          (Bbmaj7 chord)  pivot chord linking "A" to "F" (notice the common notes used to link the keys)
Bb  Bb / C E GC      A-    (C7 chord w/ a Bb bass)  the "5th" of the new key ("F")
F C F / C F A          mazing
F C# F / C# F A     Grace,
Bb F Bb / D F        sweet the
F C F / A C           sound ...

Just another example of how I might make a transition ...
Remember these two things:
1) Try to find the pivot or linking notes and chords that are common to the two keys you are    working with ... and
2)  Using the "5th" of the new key is a great way accomplish the key change

In this case I went from a "Bm7" chord which is in the key of "A", to a "Bbmaj7" chord which is in the key of "F".  The common notes in both chords are "D" and "A".  Now, I just used the "5th" of the new key "F" (which is the "C" chord), to help establish that key ...

God bless ... BroAllan  :)

Thanks, again. I'll work on this. ;) ;D
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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2007, 08:40:29 AM »
BroAllan, U'r a Godsend.. :)

Plz post some more if U can..& any1 out there, plz post stuff U know....I can't believe i learnt so much so unexpectedly.
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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2007, 09:13:56 AM »
How about this Eb to Gb.
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Re: I need some help.
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2010, 02:35:56 PM »
I hope that maybe this helps Sjon. I got this from T-block:

This is what I need to learn, how about you?Here is a routine you can practice every time you get to a keyboard to get you used to playing in all keys. Don't miss a key now, alright? It doesn't matter what key you start at, but I recommend starting at C.

Progression wise, I suggest practicing 7-3-6-2-5-1 the most cuz that is a common progression. Any time you want to modulate to another key, the best way to do it is by playing the 4 chord of your new key with the 5th of your new key in the bass:

Key C

C-C / D-E-G-C (1)
C-C / G-C-D-E
C-C / Ab-C-D-F
C-C / G-C-D-E
/ D, E
B / A-D-F (7)
E / Ab-C-D-G, F (3)
A / G-C-E (6)
D / Ab-C-D-F (2)
E / G-C-E
F / Ab-C-D-F
G / G-C-E (5)
G / F-G-C-D
G / F-G-B-D, C
C / D-E-G-C (1)

Modulation chord to Db: Ab / Gb-Ab-Bb-Db

Key Db

Db-Db / Eb-F-Ab-Db (1)
Db-Db / Ab-Db-Eb-F
Db-Db / A-Db-Eb-Gb
Db-Db / Ab-Db-Eb-F
/ Eb, F
C / Bb-Eb-Gb (7)
F / A-Db-Eb-Ab, G (6)
Bb / Ab-Db-F
Eb / A-Db-Eb-Gb (2)
F / Ab-Db-F
Gb / A-Db-Eb-Gb
Ab / Ab-Db-F (5)
Ab / Gb-Ab-Db-Eb
Ab / Gb-Ab-C-Eb, Db
Db / Eb-F-Ab-Db (1)

Modulation chord to D: A / G-A-B-D

Key D

D-D / E-F#-A-D (1)
D-D / A-D-E-F#
D-D / A#-D-E-G
D-D / A-D-E-F#
/ E, F#
C# / B-E-G (7)
F# / Bb-D-E-A, G (6)
B / A-D-F#
E / A#-D-E-G (2)
F# / A-D-F#
G# / A#-D-E-G
A / A-D-F# (5)
A / G-A-D-E
A / G-A-C#-E, D
D / E-F#-A-D (1)

Modulation chord to Eb: Bb / Ab-Bb-C-Eb

Key Eb

Eb-Eb / F-G-Bb-Eb (1)
Eb-Eb / Bb-Eb-F-G
Eb-Eb / B-Eb-F-Ab
Eb-Eb / Bb-Eb-F-G
/ F, G
D / C-F-Ab (7)
G / B-Eb-F-Bb, Ab (3)
C / Bb-Eb-G (6)
F / B-Eb-F-Ab (2)
G / Bb-Eb-G
Ab / B-Eb-F-Ab
Bb / Bb-Eb-G (5)
Bb / Ab-Bb-Eb-F
Bb / Ab-Bb-D-F, Eb
Eb / F-G-Bb-Eb

Modulation chord to E: B / A-B-C#-E

Key E

E-E / F#-G#-B-E (1)
E-E / B-E-F#-G#
E-E / B#-E-F#-A
E-E / B-E-F#-G#
/ F#, G#
D# / C#-F#-A (7)
G# / B#-E-F#-B, A (3)
C# / B-E-G# (6)
F# / B#-E-F#-A (2)
G# / B-E-G#
A / B#-E-F#-A
B / B-E-G# (5)
B / A-B-E-F#
B / A-B-D#-F#, E
E / F#-G#-B-E

Modulation chord to F: C / Bb-C-D-F

Key F

F-F / G-A-C-F (1)
F-F / C-F-G-A
F-F / Db-F-G-Bb
F-F / C-F-G-A
/ G, A
E / D-G-Bb (7)
A / Db-F-G-C, Bb (3)
D / C-F-A (6)
G / Db-F-G-Bb (2)
A / C-F-A
Bb / Db-F-G-Bb
C / C-F-A (5)
C / Bb-C-F-G
C / Bb-C-E-G, F
F / G-A-C-F (1)

Modulation chord to Gb: Db / Cb-Db-Eb-Gb

Key Gb

Gb-Gb / Ab-Bb-Db-Gb (1)
Gb-Gb / Db-Gb-Ab-Bb
Gb-Gb / D-Gb-Ab-Cb
Gb-Gb / Db-Gb-Ab-Bb
/ Ab, Bb
F / Eb-Ab-Cb (7)
Bb / D-Gb-Ab-Db, Cb (3)
Eb / Db-Gb-Bb (6)
Ab / D-Gb-Ab-Cb (2)
Bb / Db-Gb-Bb
Cb / D-Gb-Ab-Cb
Db / Db-Gb-Bb (5)
Db / Cb-Db-Gb-Ab
Db / Cb-Db-F-Ab, Gb
Gb / Ab-Bb-Db-Gb (1)

Modulation chord to G: D / C-D-E-G

Key G

G-G / A-B-D-G (1)
G-G / D-G-A-B
G-G / D#-G-A-C
G-G / D-G-A-B
/ A, B
F# / E-A-C (7)
B / D#-G-A-D, C (3)
E / D-G-B (6)
A / D#-G-A-C (2)
B / D-G-B
C / D#-G-A-C
D / D-G-B (5)
D / C-D-G-A
D / C-D-F#-A, G
G / A-B-D-G (1)

Modulation chord to Ab: Eb / Db-Eb-F-Ab

Key Ab

Ab-Ab / Bb-C-Eb-Ab (1)
Ab-Ab / Eb-Ab-Bb-C
Ab-Ab / Fb-Ab-Bb-Db
Ab-Ab / Eb-Ab-Bb-C
/ Bb, C
G / F-Bb-Db (7)
C / Fb-Ab-Bb-Eb, Db (3)
F / Eb-Ab-C (6)
Bb / Fb-Ab-Bb-Db (2)
C / Eb-Ab-C
Db / Fb-Ab-Bb-Db
Eb / Eb-Ab-C (5)
Eb / Db-Eb-Ab-Bb
Eb / Db-Eb-G-Bb, Ab
Ab / Bb-C-Eb-Ab (1)

Modulation chord to A: E / D-E-F#-A

Key A

A-A / B-C#-E-A (1)
A-A / E-A-B-C#
A-A / F-A-B-D
A-A / E-A-B-C#
/ B, C#
G# / F#-B-D (7)
C# / F-A-B-E, D (3)
F# / E-A-C# (6)
B / F-A-B-D (2)
C# / E-A-C#
D / F-A-B-D
E / E-A-C# (5)
E / D-E-A-B
E / D-E-G#-B, A
A / B-C#-E-A (1)

Modulation chord to Bb: F / Eb-F-G-Bb

Key Bb

Bb-Bb / C-D-F-Bb (1)
Bb-Bb / F-Bb-C-D
Bb-Bb / Gb-Bb-C-Eb
Bb-Bb / F-Bb-C-D
/ C, D
A / G-C-Eb (7)
D / Gb-Bb-C-F, Eb (3)
G / F-Bb-D (6)
C / Gb-Bb-C-Eb (2)
D / F-Bb-D
Eb / Gb-Bb-C-Eb
F / F-Bb-D (5)
F / Eb-F-Bb-C
F / Eb-F-A-C, Bb
Bb / C-D-F-Bb (1)

Modulation chord to B: F# / E-F#-G#-B

Key B

B-B / C#-D#-F#-B (1)
B-B / F#-B-C#-D#
B-B / G-B-C#-E
B-B / F#-B-C#-D#
/ C#, D#
A# / G#-C#-E (7)
D# / G-B-C#-F#, E (3)
G# / F#-B-D# (6)
C# / G-B-C#-E (2)
D# / F#-B-D#
E / G-B-C#-E
F# / F#-B-D# (5)
F# / E-F#-B-C#
F# / E-F#-A#-C#, B
B / C#-D#-F#-B (1)

Modulation chord back to C: G / F-G-A-C

Once you run through this every time you get a chance, you will find it easier to start playing in other keys. 

cool, i need to learn this, could someone  give me a breakdown of this progression?

thnks this site has so much info
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