gubs... Hi my name is Simone, i type from Italy ( !!! ) and I'm about to rehearse for the first time with a local gospel choir.
I'd need a little help to learn quickly (TOMORROW evening!) the following tunes:
(the living word) - 'ready done, very easy..
total praise
hallelujah you're worthy
high & lifted up
i believe i can fly
jesus is the answer
joy (oops.. kinda newbie, ain't I? don't know WHICH...
lean on me
(in the sanctuary) - done (cool, suitable for miller-like slap pattern :-))
my life my love my all
(oh happy day) - done ... so easy to get an ear into..
teach us your way
when you need a friend
sing it joy
when the spirit of the lord
i'm sending on an S.O.S. ..thank you.