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Author Topic: Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..  (Read 1844 times)


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Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« on: May 03, 2004, 06:55:51 PM »
I have a question to ask all of you who are on this site.  Do you think it's good to attend a music school or just let the Lord teach you.  My situation is like this.  I want to attend a music school but everywhere I try to apply, they always tell me that I need to audition and reading music is required.  I cannot read music and that is what's hindering me to go forth in music.  I've always wanted to attend a music school and I tried my best to learn how to read music but I just can't get it.  Someone PLEASE help me.  PLEASE!

Offline 4hisglory

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I think it depends
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2004, 07:25:41 PM »
TLJACKSON, I think it all depends on  your goals.  Are you trying to be a professional, or are you trying to play for you rlocal church, oorrrr, are you just playiing for your personal enjoyment.??
    When I went to college, I already knew how to program, but since the times had change, I knew I couldn't just  go get a job without a degree.  
    It all boils down to your goals, in my opinion.

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Re: Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2004, 07:30:31 PM »
Quote from: TLJACKSON
I have a question to ask all of you who are on this site.  Do you think it's good to attend a music school or just let the Lord teach you.  My situation is like this.  I want to attend a music school but everywhere I try to apply, they always tell me that I need to audition and reading music is required.  I cannot read music and that is what's hindering me to go forth in music.  I've always wanted to attend a music school and I tried my best to learn how to read music but I just can't get it.  Someone PLEASE help me.  PLEASE!

I agree with the previous poster. I say you should definitely try again to read music. There are tons of musicians out there without a degree and a tone of crappy ones who do have one, so that's never really a gauge. Reading music will open up your horizons in many ways though I think. If you'd like, I can get you the name of some literature for adults that teaches the basics.
Hope this helps,

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Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2004, 10:43:56 PM »
Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus. You have been such an encouragement, TLJackson  :D

So you can't read music, you say? I say you can. I say you can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you. I say you received power (ability and might) when the Holy Ghost came upon you. However, it is not what I say that will determine what you can do, rather, it is what YOU say. If YOU say that you can't do it, dear saint, then you can't and never will.  8O So, say yes you can! You might need work, it might not come easy, but so what? All the more shouting when it does come! And when you have to fight to get something, it always stays with you more than if it comes easy. . . and that's truth  :lol:

Now, like others have said, what do you want to do? If you want to go to music school and you feel led to go, and you know that reading music is what you need to do, then get after it!  :lol:  

I agree with 4HisGlory. It depends on your goals . . . but either way, reading music sure can't hurt.

Be Blessed . . . and do what God has put in your spirit to do. Follow the peace of the Holy Ghost. May you accomplish all that God called you to do!

BBoy  8)
Joshua 1: 7, 8

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Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2004, 04:44:31 AM »
I was blessed with an ear for music, like you.  I never thought i'd needed piano lessons because this was a gift from God, therefore He'll strengthen my gift.  I felt my skills behind the piano increasing as years passed and i always knew it was because of God. Then one day as i was sitting at my piano with a CD playing a song i was trying to chord, I suddenly paused it.  A question entered my mind; "Is this it?".  I 've always been playing by ear and i suddenly felt Although i knew my ear was excellent I wasn't satisfied.  I said to myself God will satisfy this hunger because this was God given talent.  Then something came over me.  I realized God had done soooo much for me in just my music alone.  How i was able to play piano the way i did amazed me, but it was God. Sometimes I felt like i had nothing, but through my music God spoke to me and that's all i needed.  But God spoke to me and told me there is so much more he has in store for me, but i 'd have to PREPARE MYSELF.  Thus, bringing me to...I wanted to learn how to read music, but i was scared. :cry:  
       My first class i was so frustrated.  It made me laugh.  All i ever knew how to play was the piano but yet i still i haven't LEARNED how to play the piano.  Embarassed i was.  "God has not given us the spirit of fear but he has given unto us the spirit of power..."  He will always be my help, but what is a preacher if he doesn't know how to read(a blind preacher).  Sure it's possible like us playing by ear, but there is a whole other world that's unexplored without the skills to read.  Reading has taken my talent to another level, HOLLA!, eventhough this isn't what i want to do professionally it's all about me multiplying these talents that God has given.  I was encouraged by a sermon my father had preached; based on the parable of the talents(Mat. 25:14-30) God has blessed us each with talent(s) we must multiply these talents or increase our knowledge about these talents.  So I pray the next time I ask myself "is this all?" I can answer YES!!!!!!!!.

***I didn't go to a music school i but took music fundementals, then jazz and gospel at my community college.  Still craving to learn more on harmony and voicings.

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Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2004, 06:03:00 AM »
I read music first (before playing by ear) because I took traditional piano lessons as a child and that is the way Mrs. Withrow did it (this is over 30 years ago--there was no other way to learn)  :D

I would say in ALL things that would glorify God, edify the body of Christ, and further the gift of music within you, the MORE you learn, the better.  

People make excuses for not learning to read music and it usually just boils down to L.A.Z.Y.  Imagine if we taught our children:  Honey, you don't need to learn how to read the printed word because you can just listen to the teacher talk and learn all your math, history, social studies, science, "By Ear".  MMMMM.....

Be encouraged!
If "seeing is believing", try believing without seeing!

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Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2004, 07:36:53 AM »
Quote from: thekeynote
I would say in ALL things that would glorify God, edify the body of Christ, and further the gift of music within you, the MORE you learn, the better.

DITTO!! Never be satisfied with where you are.

Quote from: TLJACKSON
I need to audition and reading music is required

If you are trying to learn music why would you need to to already KNOW music? Reading music & auditioning requires skills.  Are you trying to get into a more advance class? You may need to enter music school on a begginers level so that you can learn to read and gain entry to the school. Do whatever it takes.


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Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2004, 09:37:15 AM »
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!  I want to thank you all who have responded to my post.  You all really helped me out.  The reason why i want to attend a music school is because I want to get better.  I don't want to settle for what I can do now, but I want to get better and you all just don't know how much I've worked hard to get to where I am now.  The piano teachers I've had in the past all went away and left me, leaving me by myslef learning on my own with the help of God.  My father told me that maybe the Lord is trying to tell me something due to the reason why everytime I get a piano teacher they always have to leave.  So I just decided well if I enroll into a music school then the teacher can;t leave me.  I really enjoy playing the piano and I really want to succeed in it.  I don't just want to be a person who knows how to play the piano but i want to know what I'm doing.  So yes if you know of any information or books that you think will help me, will you please let me know the name of the book.  Thanks again for all of your help and I pray that the Lord blesses you all.

Offline AEGibbs

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Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2004, 01:22:02 PM »
Well from a person who took music as a child, then picked it back up in high school for a year or so then in college a class or two in music and even going to a few "private" music schools on my own as a young adult.  With all of that training (learning to read music) I had a hunger to learn to play by ear.  The addage of "the grass is greener".
As mentioned earlier, it is YOUR ultimate decision as to what you want to achieve.
I will say as far as piano teachers leaving or shutting down is more than likely for economical reasons not a personal thing.  I believe someone mentioned that they took classes at a community college - try there.  There are some wonderful sites on the Internet - Check out Samsmuzikco.com There are great resources on the site, he has 5 PDF workbooks available.
I do know that learning music (as with anything else) you must dedicate to it and if you don't use it it takes a while to get back in to it - - I know because I stopped playing for a few years and am trying to get back into it.
May God continue to Bless you as you seek to grow more and Praise God with the gift of music!


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Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2004, 09:09:29 PM »

I was in the same boat too. I learned alot from this sight and Hearandplay.com.  


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Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2004, 10:16:11 PM »
Yes its good to go to school for music:stay in school(learn all you can now);God will teach you music .But we are called to do 1 thing -
make disciples; how can you make a disciple if you dont know (what being a disciple is all about.)Right?Right And how can you be a musician if your not tought.(by a teacher),someone who knows all or majority of music theory.Right?
In webster dictionary there are 3 definitions of music
1. the art of arranging sounds in time to produce a composition that elictcs(to call forth or bring out)an Aesthetic response(God,HOLY) :D in a listener.
2.Vocal or instrumental sounds having some degree of melody,harmony,or rhythm
3. A musical composition
4.Aestheticlly (there goes that word again)Aestheticlly pleasing or harmonious sounds or combination of sounds.School is good if you want to learn the theory behind what you are playing :D  
I like school. trust me if you are serious about school and your a christian Gods already blessing you by giving you a opportinnuty to do so. 8)
So  my answer is yes its good to go to school.
God is blessing you, right now!Pray! Amen!
herry 395  :D


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Very Serious Question for EVERYONE: Please Respond..
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2004, 07:20:14 AM »
Thanks again for the responses.  I have my application for Saginaw Valley State University.  And I'm a little choicy on what I want my major to be.  I just finished school at a community college with an Associate in Science. I did take the music classes there, but the class was only for an hour and the teacher really couldn't teach us the way he wanted to.  I did pass the classes with an A.  But I know deep within myself that I should have learned more than what I learned in his class.  There were things that I did learn while in his class but it's like when I tried to talk to him one on one, he would be so busy trying to get ready for his other class.  I really want to go to a music school and the school I'm going to in the fall does have a music program but eveyone I talked to said it's whack.  Well I thought about majoring in either Law or Pre-Dentistry and then when my dad retires and move to Alabama, I'll go to that school and major in music.  I heard that Alabama have a good music school.  Well latley I've been self-teaching.  I'm learning how to read notes now, so I can be ready in two years when I move.  I have the treble clef down but it's the bass clef that is really hard for me.  Can some of you tell me how did you all learn the bass clef.  Most people I talk to tell me that the bass clef is hard for them to learn as well.  Thank You and May God Bless you ALL!
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