Your church might be ghetto if:
You send out invitations to an afternoon program that you want to start at 3 pm, so you know that you have to put 2:30 on it so people will show up by 3:15.
Your guest choir was thirty minutes late and they get mad if you don't let them sing. No they weren't trying to find the church because they are three blocks away from you.
Your mother's board have faith to cast out any demon and live in the roughest neighborhood, but they need the chruch van to drive fourteen hours to convocation because they are scared to fly for ninety minutes.
If your members step outside the church and go down to Mom-n-dem's for some fried chicken, Kool-Aid and a nap before you got to be back at 6 for YPWW.
If you go out to Ponderosa after church and get the buffet and the waiters and waitresses groan when they see your group coming in.
Divorce is running rampant, but your deacon board fervently prays that the saints be protected against anthrax powder, the bird flu, mad cow disease and whatever other news they saw on TV last night.
If your ministers know the basketball teams in the playoffs, but don't know any Scripture and all and stay mad at the pastor because they don't get a chance to preach.
If your choir robes are kept in a closet that smells like curl activator, hair grease and that oil they mix with cologne.
Your van driver isn't licensed to drive anything other than his car.
Everyone that can halfway preach is called, minister or evangelist, missionary or elder, but to tell the truth no one really knows who is actually ordained and who isn't . . . and goodness knows where they got that ordainment from.
You have a staff of missionaries and no one knows the last time any of them every set foot outside your church (doesn't missionary mean someone who goes out and carries the Gospel?)
Visiting evangelists stay at the pastor's house, but not because they want to . . . they stay there because that is the only place they can afford to stay on the offering they are getting. After the meeting is over, they have to fill up their gas tank with a credit card.
Be Blessed, everyone