I had posted this move a minute ago on here like in 06.. I just thought I'd repost it in the proper place.
It's still fresh.
Here is another run that you can add to your toolbox.
MIDI File is HERE --->>>
http://homepages.uc.edu/~strayhjr/music/3625RunC.midHere are the details behind it.. basically you're doing this run over a 3-6-2-5-1 progression..
So in C (which is the key of the MIDI file), the basic chords would be..
Em -> A7 -> Dm -> G7 -> Cmaj7
This is exactly what I'm doing on the MIDI... it would be hard to write out this run as it is really all about the timing and rhythm of it.
The MIDI is broken up into 4 tracks
1 - Piano RH Run
2 - Piano LH Chords (Rootless voicings)
3 - Bass
4 - Woodblock (acting as a metronome so that you can feel the timing)
With VanBasco MIDI player you can change tempo, keys and turn off any of these tracks.