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If you had it to do over, would you learn to play by ear first, or learn to read music first.

I learned to play by ear first, it's the only way to go.
2 (15.4%)
I learned to read music first, I highly recommend it.
3 (23.1%)
I learned to read music first, but perhaps playing by ear would have worked better as a start
6 (46.2%)
I learned to play by ear first, I definitely should have learned to sight read initially instead
2 (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: March 22, 2005, 04:50:02 PM

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Author Topic: Has anyone tried this instructional video?  (Read 1196 times)

Offline vwebster

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Has anyone tried this instructional video?
« on: March 22, 2005, 04:50:02 PM »
Learn to Play Gospel Piano - Ethel Caffe Austin. I am a new musician. I ordered Jermaine Griggs, "Hear and Play", and his 300 page video and the Gospel Keys 101 tape were great. I learned a lot. Actually, they inspired me to sign up for an adult beginners class at my university, which I thoroughly enjoy.

But, if not for the ability to break away with a instuctional video that specifies "black gospel or gospel - play by ear", I would be thoroughly discouraged.

Thankfully, I didn't start with the university course. So, now that I've found out that this can be fun, it's easier to stick with the traditional course.

Let me know about the above video and let me know about any other courses (video, dvd, online instruction course, or instructor that you like) I would really appreciate it.

This site packs a punch, as well. I'm thinking about upgrading my membership here as well. Any advice...

Offline BBoy

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Has anyone tried this instructional video?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2005, 04:58:56 PM »
You might want to check out West Coast Piano by Wheatworks Productions, with Cassandra ONeal. The girl is so smooth on the piano it is wonderful.

Be Blessed!
Joshua 1: 7, 8

Offline vwebster

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Thanks... link included
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2005, 05:03:50 PM »
Here's a link to Wheatworks Productions for anyone else interested.

Offline GospelPlaya

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Has anyone tried this instructional video?
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2005, 04:55:03 PM »
I have the "Learn to Play Gospel Piano" DVDs by Ethel Caffe Austin.  They are somewhat helpful, although I wouldn't recommend them for a beginning or even an intermediate player.  I would only recommend them to an advanced player who needs help getting that "traditional" black gospel sound.  I consider myself a somewhat advanced player and I was totally lost at times.  However, the videos were very well produced and I was able to get some ideas from them.  I suggest you stick with the "Hear & Play" videos.   They're not as nicely produced as the "Learn to Play Gospel Piano" by Ethel Caffe Austin videos, but they cater to players on all levels - especially the beginners.  I have a few of the "Hear & Play" videos and in my opinion they are much, much better than most other instructional videos I have seen in that they educate more on theory than completely by ear.  I guess it comes down to whether you want to learn some theory or just learn PERIOD.


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Has anyone tried this instructional video?
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2005, 10:35:56 PM »




Offline vwebster

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Has anyone tried this instructional video?
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2005, 11:14:55 AM »
Quote from: GospelPlaya
I have the "Learn to Play Gospel Piano" DVDs by Ethel Caffe Austin.  They are somewhat helpful, although I wouldn't recommend them for a beginning or even an intermediate player.  I would only recommend them to an advanced player who needs help getting that "traditional" black gospel sound.  I consider myself a somewhat advanced player and I was totally lost at times.  However, the videos were very well produced and I was able to get some ideas from them.  I suggest you stick with the "Hear & Play" videos.   They're not as nicely produced as the "Learn to Play Gospel Piano" by Ethel Caffe Austin videos, but they cater to players on all levels - especially the beginners.  I have a few of the "Hear & Play" videos and in my opinion they are much, much better than most other instructional videos I have seen in that they educate more on theory than completely by ear.  I guess it comes down to whether you want to learn some theory or just learn PERIOD.

Good point. Actually, I want to learn to play by ear, but I want to learn the theory as well. I'm a slow sight reader, but I'm improving. I can play some songs by ear, and play some some simple songs using sheet music.  The theory is interesting and sometimes makes the learning to play by ear a little easier. There is often carryover from what I hear in class on campus, and what I read here. Jermaine's GK 300 page book gave me a headstart on the campus class, though.

I have the GK 300 videos, the 202 videos, and the 101 video. The 300 and 202  are a bit advanced for me, now. But, I think they're going to be a better resource for me before the year is out. Right now, In class, we're working with songs in the key of  C, G & D and  Jermaine is using the keys of Db & Ab, which are probably more popular gospel music. I know my scales, but using an instructional video compiled in a key, I'm not quite comfortable with yet, makes the videos a bit of a struggle for me.
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