My God is awesome - Charles Jenkins
key of E, only 4 chords (EM, BM, C#m, AM) easy for musicians and singers
O la le - (Listed as caribbean praise on Youtube)
Easy words to remember, Key of F, may be difficult for beginning musicians to learn, however it is easy for singers.
(Note that it may be a little high and they modulate a few times. This can be altered to fit your group)
We enter in - Nathan East
Song in Unison- Key Ab->Bb->C->Db, Beautiful worship song with easy words
Let everthing that hath praise - Joe Pace
starts in C->Db->D easy for singers, maybe difficult for beginning musicians, uptempo praise song
Freedom song - eddie James
Key of E, 4 chords (EM, BM, C#m, AM) easy words and Harmonies, Crazy praise song! easy song to learn for singers and musicians
All of these songs can be found on youtube. Hope this helps someone!