Man,,wanna b,,,u r funny..i laugh about that..cause..i was just sitting up here with an upset stomach..i better not spend money on another instrutment..i don't have much ,, but,,i want to sell my yam -120 and want to put it on ebay,, and dont kow the lst first thing about sellilng just want another piano..yeah i want pricies to drop..all the time to so i wait ..but i don't wait for sheet music to go on sale...there hadly any sales on that..can u really get addicted on buying that music stuff..LOL??..If, so. i don't want to be delivered from it..LOL. My piano tuner came to tuned my acustic piano and he told me that he had a HAMMOND ORGAN a100 800.00..I mainly like the piano, i like the organ too, the organ was in mint condition..and guess what..i felt foolish for not buying it..i kow it was a good deal i told the organist at church..he jump on it..for his home..well, now i feel better cause i know the organs got a home to live in . Maybe , thats how i feel when i go to the music the instructments and books don't have a real place to be. LOL.