What up people?
I'm just curious about something. Is it me or are a lot of cats out there are playing to busy. It seems like chops are overtaken the music. All drummers want to shine, but it seems to me like just because you find space in the time to fill, why do we throw our 64th note double bass, warp 5 speed fill in there. I was told growing up that less is more, let your ear tell you whats the correct cymbal to hit. I admit, I'm guity of working on a fill and when the opportunity comes along in time let me try the fill here. But it might not of been the correct musical time to do that fill. Dennis Chambers is my dog I love him! But does his warp 10 single stokes suppose to be in most of his fills. To me dave weckl and steve smith are example of what i'm trying to say also. They have their own bands, its about them( the drummer) I thought as drummers are support back ground, if the artist wants to give us a solo it will be made known. I'm not saying not to be creative just be musical. I'm just opening up conversation here! What do you think :?: