I believe with all my heart that when you take care of God's business, He will assuredly take care of yours. I find that those who are payrolled musicians must give(cheerfully), meaning, the firstfruits of your blessing(i.e. tithes, brothers and sisters), then there is the sacrifical seed(offering) that needs to follow. Any church that I have played for, and I do not say this boastfully, but with gratitude, I never asked for a dime. Although, in each and every meeting, salary was the subject brought forth, which opened the floor for negotiations. If the church desires a full-time minister of music, NOTE that I did say FULL-TIME, a salary package(including health benefits, 401 K, etc) should be implemented. Our caucasian counterparts have no problem in doing so, why, because they fully understand the dynamics of the position that the individual is to secure. Wake up 21st century church!!!!!!
It takes finances to keep new material in circulation(you know we want to sing every new song we hear on the radio), it takes finances to learn new techiques(i.e. DVD's, workshops), it takes finances to make sure that you have your own equipment(i.e. keyboards), just in case there is not suitable instruments to play when you travel. In some situations, that may not be the case, but it is good to be prepared. Every church has not embraced the concept of "new technology".
Ministers of music, musicians, whatever the title, have an awesome task, if done correctly. The Word says, "The servant(labourer) is worthy of his hire. Pastors, ministers alike are paid for speaking engagements, ....I do know, that if the choir cannot attend, they are just as comfortable in just bringing the musician. There is ministry in both areas. Yes, brothers and sisters, it is far more than the money....Live Holy, Thirst and Hunger after Righteousness, Study God's Word, Be a Doer and not a Hearer only, Give God all the Glory, because it is not about you anyway. I will say this with much conviction, "Your gift will make room for you". Those who sow sparingly, will reap sparingly. Those who sow bountifully, will reap bountifully.
Now, for those of you that will play without pay, God is blessing your mind, soul, and body. And for those of us who will play, get paid, and give God what's rightfully His, I know God is blessing us in the same manner. LISTEN TO THE HOLY SPIRIT!
Yours in Christ,