Not to sound to abrasive but that track didnt move me.. 8O ..I mean whose to say that once we are in christ were not perfect? We say that.............I know the bible sayes our righteousness is as filthy rags .....But it also sayes that once we're in christ were a new creature, old thigns have passed away behold all things are new...Websters definition of new: is that to be freshly made...
I dont know why I said all that.....I'm not knockin ya sis.....I think I'm just a little disturb for a couple of reasons....
1) It hurts me to see gospel artist cross over insome sort or fashion......How can you draw unless you come out from among them.....and have a renewing of your mind,......which is to be like chist Jesus......and still draw folks? I guess thats one of those Miracluous things that God does........ :? and i better leave it alone........ :oops:
2) I just recieved a letter sayin that as of jan 3, 05 i'm goin to be terminated from the school that i work at.. I didnt do anything...The letter stated that I didnt meet the requirements of the Special Education Instructional Aide....but when i got my ratings before i got hired.....My rating had said in black and white that I was the "BEst Qualified".....I'm goin through......but i'm not goin through alone.....I thank God for my rib.....My wife...... she's prayin me through,and encouragin me......I really feel like a failure....because I dont know what I did for them to do this to me...............I really could understand if I had verbally abused, molested, or did something of that vulgar a child...All i did was try to make sure that i made my immediate supervisor happy with my work and for the past two weeks its been sweet...after she told me what she expects to see from me.......I even prayed over the office and laid hands on the chairs.. I asked the Lord for his presence and annointing to be in the office of where i worked....I went so far as to pray in the room and bind every foul spirit that comes up against the power of God in the Name of Jesus..and told it to get out!!! I opened the window yall and told it to leave..... :x I'm serious about having the peace of God in my work area........
I'm just asking that yall uphold me in your prayers that God direct me, what he would have me to do...and where he wants me to go on this island.....