Me personally, I beg to differ. I believe that as you should only listen to music you can handle spritiually, music and lyrics don't necessarily mean the same thing to me. While a lot of Hip Hop music has cursing in it, i listen to it b/c i like the beats and the music. I have somewhat learned to listen to music for just that music. However, as a levite, I have no choice but to listen to Gospel music on a regular basis. Just as we get snips and chords from other Gospel songs to put into another one, some of us use Jazz, Classical, and R&B melodies to play in gospel music too. Not from the lyrical stand point but for musical and chord purposes.
there is a guy up here in new york that I heard speak
at a church
and he believes that there are many many satanic influences in neo soul and hip hop
he verifies this with lyrics taken right from the cd jackets of artists like jay-z and naz
photos of hip hop artists on stage that if you didnt know better you would think you were looking at one of those 80's metal bands on stage just a different skin color
blood sacrifices etc
one point he made was how on one of jay z's albums
j-hova which if you researched hip hop you would see at its core is the theology that men are gods
speak to the real pioneers in the game the africa bambattas and you will find that at its core hip hop is a religion of sorts
but I am getting away from myself
I am really referring to this guy I heard speak
and he showed a lot of lyrics from hip hop records which were citing biblical texts but rewriting them and not in just a creative type of way but an almost sinister design way
I cant remember all of what this man said or can I cite each and every album
I can point you to two
one was the naz one where he was covered in blood on the cover
the lyrics in one of the songs was a theology lesson in the religion of hip hop
and the j hova album if you search the lyrics and compare them to the lyrics of naz you can tell they went to the same school
so to speak
for me I listent to what I want there are some hip hop songs that I am feeling
most I dont like
by the way the man I heard speak made a clear distinction between Rap and hip hop
he said rap was cool hip hop was not
I am not saying I believe everything this man said
but I would be an idiot not to take pause at all the evidence he brought to the table to support his positiion
as a man Of God I owe it to myself to arm myself against the tricks of the greatest musician heaven had.