Hey LGM Folks,
I don't post very often, but I wanted to write to you all to vent my frustration. I am playing for achoir director who has trouble with preparation. She likes to do everything spur of the moment, which causes alot of confusion because the musicians rarely know what we are going to do for Sundays or for big events. She likes to wait until the rehearsal time to decide, which is Saturday morning, which leaves the musicians no time to practice individually to work out any rough spots.
She announced three months ago that we were going to have a concert. Well here it is one day before the concert and we still don't have a concrete list of songs we will be doing. We have just sort of half-way gone over about 20-25 different possibilites, but she will narrow down to the 8 to 10 songs that we will do on the day of the concert. I think that is CRAZY!!! She says she doesn't want to box in the Holy Spirit by selecting the songs ahead of time. She wants to wait to see what the spirit says on the day of the concert.
I think that just like a preacher prepares his message ahead of time, the music ministry can do the same thing without boxing in the spirit. I don't think there is anything wrong with having a list ahead of time. This way you can confidently present the songs with passion without fumbling through words and music because you didn't prepare ahead of time. Am I wrong in my thinking? What can I say that will get her to understand how I am feeling?