Some posts I see here scare me..
Is it really that difficult to find choir parts when you know how a song goes in general?
IMO, this is what makes gospel music somewhat challenging. Developing a good ear is very important if you want to sing most of the contemporary songs. In most genres of music, choir parts are already written down and it is just a matter of reading and playing. Basic sightreading can take a matter of months up to a year. Developing your ear can take years. For example here is the choir parts for the beginning of hezekiah's "lift him up in" in Fm:
He is worthy, He is worthy, He is worthy,
Fm 1st inv. CM 2nd inv. AbM 3rd inv
To see this and apply it is just a matter of knowing your basic triads. To hear this( for me) was challenging and still is at times. At the same time, this is no different than trying to learn a song by ear. Eventually, you find that everything in music is a pattern and can be conquered.