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Author Topic: skill level?  (Read 2355 times)

Offline jonesl78

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skill level?
« on: May 08, 2008, 04:40:40 PM »
What skills do YOU think are neccessary to have in order to be placed at a certain skill level?  ( In reference to gospel music)

For example:

-begginer  = know major scales; can't quite hold down a service

-intermediate =  can hold down a service; can only play in certain keys

- advanced = play in all keys; can somewhat hang with the big boys

-master musician = The big boy

Im curious as to what other people think and of course this is only subjective.

Offline organman88

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2008, 04:11:31 PM »
In my opinion of the skill level chart

beginner-doesn't know basic theory,only knows the notes on the keyboard, can only play songs they practiced at home,can't hold down a service

intermediate-can play the major scale in most keys, can only play in a few keys fluently,can play bass with left hand and chords with right,can barely hold down a service

advance-knows at least intermediate theory non traditonal scales, can play fluently in all keys,has a good chord vocabulary and knows when and not to use them,has been playing the keys more than 5 years minimum(even though some people been playing longer than 5 doesnt make you advance either), can transpose manually don't with a button lol understands how and when to use passing chords and notes

Pro-playing at least ten years, the same stuff as advance, can understand whats going on in a song without being at the piano, can improvise and/or arrange a song on to the keyboard from your head

thats my take on skill level i dont think the sick runs and chords dont make you advance or a pro its the technique, knowing your craft and how you fits those into the music your playing not just gospel but in other styles also.
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Offline 4hisglory

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2008, 04:27:37 PM »
IMO, you can't base level on the number of years you have been playing because alot of people start and stop, or just mess around for years before taking it seriously.

Also, theory is a hard thing to judge because there are alot of pro level players that don't know a bit a theory.  I'm gonna have to think about this a little.

Offline kodacolor

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2008, 07:25:51 PM »
 - beginner = can only play a song with 2-3 note chords on the right and and single notes, octaves notes, and/or 2 note chords on the left hand.  Rarely uses the black keys.  If they can play by ear they will trip over 2-3 notes before finding the right one.  Could probably play the little piano part in "Let It Rise".  Would struggle playing the chorus of "Imagine Me".  Can't hold their own in church. 

 - intermediate =  Uses more advanced chords.  Uses the black keys more.  Picks up songs quicker than the beginner.  Can hold their own in a church service.  Can ad lib a bit.  Knows all of or most of the basic, traditional hymns.  May have a little bit of trouble modulating.  Can play the basic styles played in chruches in general.  May be able to rearrange songs but would rather stick to the CD version so that they'll have something to follow.

 - advanced = Uses all the keys.  Can modulate.  Can ad lib.  Can play many - all the styles generally played in church. Very little problem picking up songs.  It's very easy for them to pick up a person singing acapella.  Can rearrange song and doesn't need to follow the CD after he/she knows the basics of the song. 

 - master musician = Has VERY few flaws when it comes to his/her playing. 

IMO  :-\                                                                                                                                                 

Offline 4hisglory

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2008, 03:24:42 PM »
-Can play in 1 to 4 keys
-Styles:  Gospel
-Theory; Scales - know and can apply the major scale
-Repertoire:  1 - 10 songs by memory

-Can play in 5 - 8 keys
-Styles:  Gospel, Jazz, Blues
-Theory:  Scales - know and can apply the major, blues and Pentatonic scale
-Repertoire:  10 -25 songs by memory

-Can play in 9 - 12 keys
-Styles: Gospel, Jazz, Blues, Classical, Rock
-Theory:  Scales - know and can apply major, blues, pentatonic, minor pentatonic, melodic, and harmonic scales
-Repertoire:  25+

Offline Fenix

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2008, 03:33:29 PM »
I guess i'm at the intermediate level. I know my theory, i play chords on my left hand and fill/ runs on my right hand pretty fluently. I am good in about 8 keys. I can pick up songs pretty quickly and play almost the CD version.

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Offline SisterCM

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2008, 04:54:32 PM »
-Can play in 1 to 4 keys
-Styles:  Gospel
-Theory; Scales - know and can apply the major scale
-Repertoire:  1 - 10 songs by memory

-Can play in 5 - 8 keys
-Styles:  Gospel, Jazz, Blues
-Theory:  Scales - know and can apply the major, blues and Pentatonic scale
-Repertoire:  10 -25 songs by memory

-Can play in 9 - 12 keys
-Styles: Gospel, Jazz, Blues, Classical, Rock
-Theory:  Scales - know and can apply major, blues, pentatonic, minor pentatonic, melodic, and harmonic scales
-Repertoire:  25+

I was wondering about this, too.

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Offline betnich

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2008, 12:10:27 AM »
I think there's TWO sets of standards - for those who play by ear and those who read. We've all heard those artists who are BEASTS on their axe, but couldn't for the life of them understand or explain what they were doing. On the other hand a lot of note-readers tend to get hemmed in and limited by the printed music, thus contributing to the nerdy classical stereotype.

Not that those two gifts can't co-exist in one person...


Offline musallio

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2008, 05:38:00 AM »
In my opinion of the skill level chart

beginner-doesn't know basic theory,only knows the notes on the keyboard, can only play songs they practiced at home,can't hold down a service

intermediate-can play the major scale in most keys, can only play in a few keys fluently,can play bass with left hand and chords with right,can barely hold down a service

advance-knows at least intermediate theory non traditonal scales, can play fluently in all keys,has a good chord vocabulary and knows when and not to use them,has been playing the keys more than 5 years minimum(even though some people been playing longer than 5 doesnt make you advance either), can transpose manually don't with a button lol understands how and when to use passing chords and notes

Pro-playing at least ten years, the same stuff as advance, can understand whats going on in a song without being at the piano, can improvise and/or arrange a song on to the keyboard from your head

thats my take on skill level i dont think the sick runs and chords dont make you advance or a pro its the technique, knowing your craft and how you fits those into the music your playing not just gospel but in other styles also.

I consider myself to be a beginner, but your definition really leaves me fiiting nowhere. :'(

1stly, I know my basic theory. (therefore in your definition I'm not a beginner)
I can play the major scale in ALL the keys & can play most of the songs they sing at church in most of the keys without prior practice. (therefore not really intermediate ?/?

I'm not advanced either, so couldn't there be something inbetween?
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Offline ferrente

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2008, 12:31:18 PM »
In my opinion of the skill level chart

beginner-doesn't know basic theory,only knows the notes on the keyboard, can only play songs they practiced at home,can't hold down a service

intermediate-can play the major scale in most keys, can only play in a few keys fluently,can play bass with left hand and chords with right,can barely hold down a service

advance-knows at least intermediate theory non traditonal scales, can play fluently in all keys,has a good chord vocabulary and knows when and not to use them,has been playing the keys more than 5 years minimum(even though some people been playing longer than 5 doesnt make you advance either), can transpose manually don't with a button lol understands how and when to use passing chords and notes

Pro-playing at least ten years, the same stuff as advance, can understand whats going on in a song without being at the piano, can improvise and/or arrange a song on to the keyboard from your head

thats my take on skill level i dont think the sick runs and chords dont make you advance or a pro its the technique, knowing your craft and how you fits those into the music your playing not just gospel but in other styles also.

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2008, 11:33:11 PM »
Beginner: Can play simple songs. May or may not know all keys. Can play songs that you rehearsal ahead of time.

Intermediate: Knows all your inversions of the basic chords. Can play in all keys and hold down a service by ear or rehearse ahead of time.

Advance: Knows all keys, chord alterations, and substitutions. Has a good ear for harmony and melody. Can hold down a service. Can adjust playing styles to fit the singer or service as a whole.

Master: In a class all by yourself in musical ability. Has all the skill level of the previous. Can play pretty much any song by ear. Can play behind any soloist whether you know the song or not. Very creative in bringing life to any song. Can set the tone of the service to a level you choose.
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Re: skill level?
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2008, 08:59:41 AM »
Beginner: Can play simple songs. May or may not know all keys. Can play songs that you rehearsal ahead of time.

Intermediate: Knows all your inversions of the basic chords. Can play in all keys and hold down a service by ear or rehearse ahead of time.

Advance: Knows all keys, chord alterations, and substitutions. Has a good ear for harmony and melody. Can hold down a service. Can adjust playing styles to fit the singer or service as a whole.

Master: In a class all by yourself in musical ability. Has all the skill level of the previous. Can play pretty much any song by ear. Can play behind any soloist whether you know the song or not. Very creative in bringing life to any song. Can set the tone of the service to a level you choose.

I think this is the more accurate description..
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Re: skill level?
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2008, 09:03:11 AM »
Beginner: Can play simple songs. May or may not know all keys. Can play songs that you rehearsal ahead of time.

Intermediate: Knows all your inversions of the basic chords. Can play in all keys and hold down a service by ear or rehearse ahead of time.

Advance: Knows all keys, chord alterations, and substitutions. Has a good ear for harmony and melody. Can hold down a service. Can adjust playing styles to fit the singer or service as a whole.

Master: In a class all by yourself in musical ability. Has all the skill level of the previous. Can play pretty much any song by ear. Can play behind any soloist whether you know the song or not. Very creative in bringing life to any song. Can set the tone of the service to a level you choose.

Yeah thats the best one yet. I guess I'm an intermediate, according to you

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2008, 10:02:19 AM »
Yeah thats the best one yet. I guess I'm an intermediate, according to you

at least some1 agrees with me
I would rate you somewhere inbetween intermediate & advanced, but more skewed towards advanced!!.
In fact, if the people I hear call themselves intermediate, then you are surely advanced!
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Re: skill level?
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2008, 10:14:02 AM »
at least some1 agrees with me
I would rate you somewhere inbetween intermediate & advanced, but more skewed towards advanced!!.
In fact, if the people I hear call themselves intermediate, then you are surely advanced!

NO way. I have a very very good ear, but I need to work on my articulation, delivery, advanced chords, feel, shouts, bass, reading, style. Basically everything. If When i study diligently, then Maybe I will be advanced by next year

Offline 4hisglory

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2008, 11:18:33 AM »
Beginner: Can play simple songs. May or may not know all keys. Can play songs that you rehearsal ahead of time.

Intermediate: Knows all your inversions of the basic chords. Can play in all keys and hold down a service by ear or rehearse ahead of time.

Advance: Knows all keys, chord alterations, and substitutions. Has a good ear for harmony and melody. Can hold down a service. Can adjust playing styles to fit the singer or service as a whole.

Master: In a class all by yourself in musical ability. Has all the skill level of the previous. Can play pretty much any song by ear. Can play behind any soloist whether you know the song or not. Very creative in bringing life to any song. Can set the tone of the service to a level you choose.


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Re: skill level?
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2008, 11:22:28 AM »
Interesting topic....

I'd rate myself somewhere between beginner and intermediate on keys.  I know all the major scales and understand a good bit of theory, but have never had to hold down a service since keys aren't my primary instrument.  Truth be told, I wouldn't feel comfortable at this point even trying to!

Now bass is another story... 8)

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Offline Casioman

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2008, 02:07:48 PM »
Using organman88's assessment of the skill levels I would judge myself as intermediate but I can hold down a service & have done so on many occasions, but I do struggle in some keys, but I'm working on moving to the next level every day. I think I need to make more effective use of the limited practice time I get at present, or re-position myself so I can get more practice time in. All the lessons are here but finding the time to do them is a problem.:-(

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Offline musallio

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Re: skill level?
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2008, 02:56:41 PM »
Using organman88's assessment of the skill levels I would judge myself as intermediate but I can hold down a service & have done so on many occasions, but I do struggle in some keys, but I'm working on moving to the next level every day. I think I need to make more effective use of the limited practice time I get at present, or re-position myself so I can get more practice time in. All the lessons are here but finding the time to do them is a problem.:-(


Man, I can't wait to get to your level..

Bets wishes in your personal development journey :)
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