Hi guys,
I am new here and i gota say, this place is a great resource! Anyway, I wanted to know what the common chords were for entering into, and exiting a bridge...
any ideas?
Welcome swishmasta!
To answer your question, I'd say it all depends on the song ... however, from my experience a pivot chord is used. One that has one or more notes in it from the key you are playing in and also from the key you are making the transition to. For example, in the key of "C", the bridge may include using the "Bb" (flatted 7th) chord because the notes that make up the chord, "Bb,D, and F" are also notes that are in the "C" scale and yet it can lead you into a whole new key, ("F", "Eb" are a couple of them).
"flatted 6th" or "flatted 7th" chord is one popular way of entering into a bridge. From there, many options open up for key changes. The same concept is used to transition back to the chorus or verse of the song.
Basically, the transition into and out of a bridge; and transitions in modulations have a lot in common.
God bless you, BroAllan (I'll try and give you a few examples later on ...)