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Author Topic: Relllp!!!!  (Read 7542 times)

Offline chevonee

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« on: July 10, 2007, 10:56:35 PM »
As you can see, these chords were posted my Hammondman...a while back...I just want to know what am I doing wrong? These are the correct chords without a doubt...but when I play them, they don't sound right....what am I doing wrong???Please help a sistah out
Should I invert some of the chords? How would you play this song??

The song is in Eb then ends in Db, then moldulates to Bb!
D Ab / C D F Ab
G D / B D G
C G / Bb Eb G
~~~~~~~~[ working off the m6th ]
E B / Bb Db E G
F C / C Eb F Ab
A Db G / A C Eb F
Bb F / Ab C Eb F [repeat from top]
~~~~~~~~~~~~[ moving in 4ths ]
G Db / F G Bb Db
C G / Db F Ab Bb
F C / Eb G Bb
~~~~~~~~~~~~[ moving in 4ths ]
D Gb C / D F Bb
Eb Bb / Eb G Bb
C E Bb / C Eb Ab
Db Ab / Db F Ab
Bb D Ab / Bb Db Gb
B Gb / B Eb Gb
~~~~~~~~~~~ [ moving in 5ths ]
C Gb / Bb C Eb Gb
F C / Eb Gb A C
[ change to go into the m6th of Db ]
Bb F / Bb Db F
G Eb / G Bb Eb
Ab Eb / Ab C Eb
F Bb / Gb Db
~~~~~~~~~~~[ moving in 5ths ]
Eb A / Eb F Ab B
D Ab / A F Ab Bb
~~~~~~~~[change to go into Db]
Eb Bb / Db Eb Gb Bb
Ab Eb / Gb Bb Db Eb
---- /Gb Bb C Eb{this is a resolve}
Db Ab / F Ab Db
~~~~~~~~~~~~[ KEY CHANGE ]
F C / Bb Eb G
A Db G / A C F
Bb F / Bb D F
A F / A C F
G D / G Bb D
E Ab D / E G C
F C / F A C
Eb Bb / Eb G Bb
D A / C D F A
Eb Gb / C Eb Gb A
G D / D F G Bb
D A / C F A
G D / D F Bb
C F / F A Bb D
F C / Eb G Bb C
A Db G / A C F
~~~~~~~~~~~~~[ repeat ]
Bb F / Bb D F
A F / A C F
G D / G Bb D
E Ab D / Db Gb Bb
Eb Bb / D G Bb
D A / C F A
C F / D Eb G Bb
A Db G / A C F
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[ REPEAT AND END ON Bb CHORD ]
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Offline ddw4e

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 12:40:24 AM »
Try to play them on the middle of the keyboard. If it's a 61 key, try transposing everything down 12 keys (that's if you don't have a octave option)

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 09:38:37 AM »
Practice playing with the CD.
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Offline T-Block

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2007, 09:54:55 PM »
I had trouble playing this song as well.  It has a lot of wierd chord changes, plus some small modulations here and there within the key.  What helped me to get it right was take it a piece at a time and figure out what is going on in that one piece, then add on until I understood the whole thing.  I'll give you some help with understanding Part 1:

How many times do I go against your will,
Then you for give me, but yet I still,

O.K., for these first 2 lines, your gonna play a 7-3 in Eb, then a 3-6-2 in Ab:

Key Eb

D (7)  How ma-
G (3)  ny times,

Key change to Ab

C (3)  do I
F (6)  go against your will,
Bb (2)
(repeat for next line)

Turn around and do the things,

For this line, your gonna stay in Ab and play a 1-7-3-6.  Let's add that:

Key Eb

D (7)  How ma-
G (3)  ny times,

Key change to Ab

C (3)  do I
F (6)  go against your will,
Bb (2)
(repeat for next line)

Ab (1)  turn a-
G (7)  round and do
C (3)  the things,
F (6)

The things I should not do,

Right here, your gonna play a 5-#4-2-5.  The #4 is gonna be the 3rd of the 2 chord that you play next.  That 2 chord is gonna be a major 2, which means it's a secondary dominant, and it goes to the 5.  If u don't know what a secondary dominant is, it's when u take a chord that's normally minor (a 2 chord for example), make it major or dominant 7th chord, then resolve it to 4 of the chord.  Lets add it:

Key Eb

D (7)  How ma-
G (3)  ny times,

Key change to Ab

C (3)  do I
F (6)  go against your will,
Bb (2)
(repeat for next line)

Ab (1)  turn a-
G (7)  round and do
C (3)  the things,
F (6)
Eb (5)  the
D (#4)  things I  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Bb (2)  should not  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Eb (5)  do,

U wit me so far?  I hope so.

Cause I belong to,

For this, you gonna play a 4-3-1.  Let's add it:

Key Eb

D (7)  How ma-
G (3)  ny times,

Key change to Ab

C (3)  do I
F (6)  go against your will,
Bb (2)
(repeat for next line)

Ab (1)  turn a-
G (7)  round and do
C (3)  the things,
F (6)
Eb (5)  the
D (#4)  things I  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Bb (2)  should not  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Eb (5)  do,
Db (4)  cause
C (3)  I be-
Ab (1)  long to

you, and I know you will come through,

O.K., at this point they key changes again to Gb.  So, you're gonna play a 5-4-3-1-4 in Gb.  Let's add it:

Key Eb

D (7)  How ma-
G (3)  ny times,

Key change to Ab

C (3)  do I
F (6)  go against your will,
Bb (2)
(repeat for next line)

Ab (1)  turn a-
G (7)  round and do
C (3)  the things,
F (6)
Eb (5)  the
D (#4)  things I  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Bb (2)  should not  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Eb (5)  do,
Db (4)  cause
C (3)  I be-
Ab (1)  long to

Key change to Gb

Db (5)  you,
Cb (4)  and I
Bb (3)  know You
Gb (1)  will come
Cb (4)  through,

O.K., now the key is gonna change to Db and from here throught the end of the verse it stays in Db.

Lord I know, I take ad-,

Right here, you're gonna play a 7-3-6 in Db:

Key Eb

D (7)  How ma-
G (3)  ny times,

Key change to Ab

C (3)  do I
F (6)  go against your will,
Bb (2)
(repeat for next line)

Ab (1)  turn a-
G (7)  round and do
C (3)  the things,
F (6)
Eb (5)  the
D (#4)  things I  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Bb (2)  should not  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Eb (5)  do,
Db (4)  cause
C (3)  I be-
Ab (1)  long to

Key change to Gb

Db (5)  you,
Cb (4)  and I
Bb (3)  know You
Gb (1)  will come
Cb (4)  through,

Key change to Db

C (7)  Lord
F (3)  I know,
Bb (6)  I take ad-

vantage of your grace,

Now, you're gonna play a 2-#4-5.  The 2 is gonna be an Eb major chord, then that #4 u play next will be the 3rd of that chord.  This is that secondary dominant thing they played ealier.  Let's add it:

Key Eb

D (7)  How ma-
G (3)  ny times,

Key change to Ab

C (3)  do I
F (6)  go against your will,
Bb (2)
(repeat for next line)

Ab (1)  turn a-
G (7)  round and do
C (3)  the things,
F (6)
Eb (5)  the
D (#4)  things I  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Bb (2)  should not  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Eb (5)  do,
Db (4)  cause
C (3)  I be-
Ab (1)  long to

Key change to Gb

Db (5)  you,
Cb (4)  and I
Bb (3)  know You
Gb (1)  will come
Cb (4)  through,

Key change to Db

C (7)  Lord
F (3)  I know,
Bb (6)  I take ad-
Eb (2)  vantage  *RH chord will be an Eb major chord
G (#4)  of Your  *RH chord will be an Eb major chord
Ab (5)  grace,

Here in this Christian race,

Now, you're gonna play a 4-3-1-4 plus 3-6 filler chords:

Key Eb

D (7)  How ma-
G (3)  ny times,

Key change to Ab

C (3)  do I
F (6)  go against your will,
Bb (2)
(repeat for next line)

Ab (1)  turn a-
G (7)  round and do
C (3)  the things,
F (6)
Eb (5)  the
D (#4)  things I  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Bb (2)  should not  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Eb (5)  do,
Db (4)  cause
C (3)  I be-
Ab (1)  long to

Key change to Gb

Db (5)  you,
Cb (4)  and I
Bb (3)  know You
Gb (1)  will come
Cb (4)  through,

Key change to Db

C (7)  Lord
F (3)  I know,
Bb (6)  I take ad-
Eb (2)  vantage  *RH chord will be an Eb major chord
G (#4)  of Your  *RH chord will be an Eb major chord
Ab (5)  grace,
Gb (4)  here
F (3)  in this
Db (1)  Christian
Gb (4)  race,
F (3)  *filler chord
Bb (6)  *filler chord

But yet I still hear You calling my name,

This is just gonna be a simple 2-5-1 progression, then u ready to repeat it.  So, let's see it altogether:

Part 1:

Key Eb

D (7)  How ma-
G (3)  ny times,

Key change to Ab

C (3)  do I
F (6)  go against your will,
Bb (2)
(repeat for next line)

Ab (1)  turn a-
G (7)  round and do
C (3)  the things,
F (6)
Eb (5)  the
D (#4)  things I  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Bb (2)  should not  *RH chord will be Bb major chord
Eb (5)  do,
Db (4)  cause
C (3)  I be-
Ab (1)  long to

Key change to Gb

Db (5)  you,
Cb (4)  and I
Bb (3)  know You
Gb (1)  will come
Cb (4)  through,

Key change to Db

C (7)  Lord
F (3)  I know,
Bb (6)  I take ad-
Eb (2)  vantage  *RH chord will be an Eb major chord
G (#4)  of Your  *RH chord will be an Eb major chord
Ab (5)  grace,
Gb (4)  here
F (3)  in this
Db (1)  Christian
Gb (4)  race,
F (3)  *filler chord
Bb (6)  *filler chord
Eb (2)  yet I still hear you
Ab (5)  calling my
Db (1)  name,

Did you get all that?  I'm sure you didn't, so just go through study it carefully.  Realize that the whole first part is in the key of Db, it's just those little key changes in the middle that help explain how to play it and rationalize it in your head.

You saw how I kept taking it piece by piece, then adding it to the song.  Each piece built on the one before it, until I got through the whole thing.  That's the process I took my mind through before trying to add in chords and play the song.  That's basically what I do for every song I am learning.

Once you can fully understand what just went on in that one little verse, the rest is not hard at all.  It's gonna use some of the techniques u just learned here, but the key is gonna change and stay in Bb.  Let me know when u ready for Part 2.  Ask any questions, and I will do my best to answer them!!! ;D
Real musicians play in every key!!!
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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2007, 10:57:02 PM »
I posted a lesson video on youtube waiting for it to load so I can post the link
I love music, any kind of music.

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2007, 11:00:55 PM »
I love music, any kind of music.

Offline chevonee

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 04:47:42 PM »
 :'( :'( :'( :'(  It's beautiful!!! I can understand it better now especially when you can see and hear what to do.  Thank you both...I appreciate it so much.  And T-block it does make a lot more sense to see the numbers because the numbers don't lie.  The confusion came from all of the many twists and turn during the song....I think that I can understand pretty well now. When you get time, please send the other part....Thanks again to you both....God bless you!! Oh yeah, the other thing that I think that I figured out is that lets just take the scale of Bb which is Bb, C, D, E, F, G, A, Bb. Now, I figured that a lot of the chords thats played in Bb is not within this scale but if it is in the key of one of the notes contained in the scale then it fits....CORRECT!!! Lets just use the example of C# or Dbmaj7....Ab is not in the scale of Bb....but it is in one of the scales of the notes contained in the key of Bb....In other words, Ab is in the scale of C# or Db....Am I right about this or is it all in my head  ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Offline BroAllan

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2007, 06:10:59 AM »
:'( :'( :'( :'(  It's beautiful!!! I can understand it better now especially when you can see and hear what to do.  Thank you both...I appreciate it so much.  And T-block it does make a lot more sense to see the numbers because the numbers don't lie.  The confusion came from all of the many twists and turn during the song....I think that I can understand pretty well now. When you get time, please send the other part....Thanks again to you both....God bless you!! Oh yeah, the other thing that I think that I figured out is that lets just take the scale of Bb which is Bb, C, D, E, F, G, A, Bb. Now, I figured that a lot of the chords thats played in Bb is not within this scale but if it is in the key of one of the notes contained in the scale then it fits....CORRECT!!! Lets just use the example of C# or Dbmaj7....Ab is not in the scale of Bb....but it is in one of the scales of the notes contained in the key of Bb....In other words, Ab is in the scale of C# or Db....Am I right about this or is it all in my head  ;D ;D ;D ;D

  Chevonee, you might be on to something there, or you might be stretching it just a little bit ... :) 
  As for me, the reason I would try to play an "Ab" chord while in the key of "Bb", is because it's the flatted 7th of that key, (and it sounds good).  It's what I refer to as a visiting relative chord.  A chord that normally is not in the key you are playing, but it fits during certain parts of the song.  There are many such chords and altered chords that can be used in a song, which makes it more challenging to pick out the chord if we are only looking at the chords in the given key.     Just my thoughts,  BroAllan

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 10:59:53 AM »
Hey brotherallen...I'm just trying to learn and understand what I'm playing.....In all your getting get understanding.  So if I'm wrong about something please just spell it out and help me do better. Thats why I come to this site.....Just help me please...I am eager and not affraid to admitt that I'm wrong when I am wrong....so please explain this to me ok :( :( :(
Strike while the iron is hot!

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2007, 03:14:38 PM »
Hey brotherallen...I'm just trying to learn and understand what I'm playing.....In all your getting get understanding.  So if I'm wrong about something please just spell it out and help me do better. Thats why I come to this site.....Just help me please...I am eager and not affraid to admitt that I'm wrong when I am wrong....so please explain this to me ok :( :( :(

Chevonee, I applaud and admire your eagerness and desire to learn and improve your skills as a musician.  In all honesty, the speed at which you are learning is way faster than when I started to play.  My process was slow and very tedious.  There was no one guiding me, no one to really follow, and I had no computer way back then  :D.  That's why this site is such a wonderful blessing to all of us, whether we've just starting out, or been playing for many years! 

  Anyway, I don't have all the theory knowledge, but I've learned enough to make a lot of the connections between what to play and why I play it. As for your question, I don't think you are wrong for your theory, I just believe that it needs some fine tuning.  Here's what I mean:

In any key you have relative keys and relative chords.  Certain keys will have similar chords to another which allow you to transition smoothly between keys.  You also have visiting chords that are not in that specific key but can be played at certain times and it sounds good.  Then you have the altered chords which are also used to enrich or enhance a song.

  At any time, these chords whether visiting or altered, are used by artist to give a song a certain feel that may be unique to that artist or style of playing, that's where the creativity comes in, and that's the beauty of music.  That with all the theory and patterns, creativity is unlimited!  Take for example, the tri-tone or the diminished chord.  When these chords are properly placed in a song, it's impact is beautiful.

Once again Chevonee, keep up the good work and remember, that's why we are here, to help one another grow as musicians and children of God.           God bless, BroAllan

(P.S. I just learned to play the song "Ave Maria" by Celine Dion.  It's an example of what I was sharing in this post.  :))

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2007, 06:01:01 PM »
Thanks BroAllan...I appreciate your help and any other help that I can get!!! I have actually been playing for quite a while off and on (7 years) but as I said my sickness caused me to have a large set back...so since then I had to re-learn all that I knew and more which has taken 2 years....so I have had a long tedious music ministry as well....But the love and committment that we have to our ministries is what keeps us coming back for more...even when you don't see anything happening.  Sometimes you can come to a stand-still in the music ministry as well as other ministries but again you can't give it up because "IT"S IN YOUR HEART"  ;D ;D ;D So in reallity ITS ABOUT TIME for CHEVONNE to finally get it....LOL How is this chording arrangment you guys? I tried to follow your instructions T-block  ;)

Calling My Name

L.H. R.H. single notes

D-Ab / C-D-F-Ab
G-F / B-Db-Ab G,F How man - y
C-G / Bb-D-Eb-G times
Eb,Eb must I
F-C-Eb / C-Eb-Ab go
Bb-Eb-G a
C-Eb-Ab gainst
Eb,Eb your wa-
Bb-F / Ab-C-Db-F ay
D-Ab / C-D-F-Ab G Then you
G-F / B-Db-F for
C-G-C / G-Bb-Eb Gi-
F-Bb-D ive
G-Bb-Eb me
F-C-Eb / C-Ab But
/Db-Bb yet
Eb-C I
Eb-C sti-
Bb-F / Db-Bb ill
Bb,C Turn a-
G-F / F-Bb-Db round
C and
C-E-Bb / E-G-Bb do
C the
F-C / Eb-G-Ab things
Eb / C-Eb-Ab Passing chord
Bb-Eb-G the
D / Bb-D-F things
C / Bb-Eb-G I
Bb / D-F-Bb should
Ab / Bb-D-F not
G / Bb-Eb-G do
F / Bb-D-F Passing chord
Eb / G-Bb-Eb Passing chord
Db / Ab-Db-F cause
C / Ab-C-Eb I
Bb / Ab-Db-F be-
Ab-Gb / C-Eb-Bb long
Ab-C-Eb to
Db / Ab-Db-F you
B / Ab-Db-F Passing chord
Db,Eb and I
Bb / Ab-Db-F know
Ab / Ab-C-F you
Gb / Bb-Db-Gb will
Gb-Bb-Db come
B / Bb-Eb through
F-Eb / Bb-C-Eb Passing chord
F / A-C-Eb Passing chord
F-C-F / C-Eb-Bb Lord
A-Gb-A / Eb-Bb I
Bb-F-Ab / F-Bb-Db know
Db-F-Bb I
Db-F-Bb take
Eb-Ab-C ad-
Eb-Eb / F-Ab-Db vantage
G-Eb / G-Bb-Eb of
G-Bb your
Ab-Eb-G grace
C-G / Bb-Eb-G-Bb Passing chord
C here
F-C-Eb / Eb-Ab-C in
Eb-Ab-C this
F-Ab-Db christian
Gb-Db-F / Bb-F-Ab-Bb race
F-C-Eb / Eb-F-Ab-B Passing chord
Bb-F-Ab / D-F-Ab-Bb Passing chord
D-B-D / B-D-F-Ab but
Eb-Bb-Eb / Ab-Db-F-Ab yet
Bb-Eb-Gb I
Bb-Eb-Gb still
Ab-Db-F here
Bb-Eb-Gb you
Ab-Eb-Ab / Ab-Db-F call-
Ab-C-Eb ing
Ab-Db-F my
Db-Ab-Db/ F-Ab-Db name

F-C-Eb / G-Bb-Eb-G
C-F-A you're
F-C-F / C-F-A call-
D-G-Bb ing
F-A-C my
Bb-F-Bb / F-Bb-D name
A-F-A / F-A-C Passing chord
F-A-C to
G-D-F / F-Bb-D come
F-Bb-D in
E-C / G-Bb-E to
E-G-C your
F-C-F / F-A-C arms
Eb-Eb / hold F chord
C,D to be
D-D / Gb-A-C-Eb safe
Gb-A-D from
Gb-D / Gb-A-C fear
Gb-A and
G-D-F / F-G-Bb-D harm
C / C-F-A know-
Db / Db-F-Bb ing
D / C-D-F this
D-F-G-Bb but
G / D-F-G-Bb I
F-G-Bb-D still
C-C / F-B-D choose
C to
E-C / E-G-C go
E-G-B my
F-C / F-A-C way
Strike while the iron is hot!

Offline T-Block

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2007, 07:35:44 PM »
Oh yeah, the other thing that I think that I figured out is that lets just take the scale of Bb which is Bb, C, D, E, F, G, A, Bb. Now, I figured that a lot of the chords thats played in Bb is not within this scale but if it is in the key of one of the notes contained in the scale then it fits....CORRECT!!! Lets just use the example of C# or Dbmaj7....Ab is not in the scale of Bb....but it is in one of the scales of the notes contained in the key of Bb....In other words, Ab is in the scale of C# or Db....Am I right about this or is it all in my head  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Remember this, every chord and note is part of every key, but there are certain notes that are part of a particular major scale.  The way u tell what key you in is by the organization of the chords.  The major scale just tells you what notes and chords you will most likely play.  So, a few chord here and there that's "out of the key" doesn't really matter, as long as it helps the music stay in that key.  Does that make sense?

Your ear is the final determining factor.  Usually, if it sounds good, then most likely u still in the key.  If it starts sounding really "off", chances are you have gotten out of the key.  Theory can help you stay in key, but your ear helps you to be creative while doing it.

This music thing can get complicated if u don't know the basics first.  The principle of the basics will never change, it's just like people.  People can wear different clothes, have different hairstyles, dress up anyway they want.  But, underneath they are the same, no matter how dressed up they are.
Real musicians play in every key!!!
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Offline T-Block

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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2007, 07:48:22 PM »
How is this chording arrangment you guys? I tried to follow your instructions T-block  ;)

Calling My Name

L.H. R.H. single notes

D-Ab / C-D-F-Ab
G-F / B-Db-Ab G,F How man - y
C-G / Bb-D-Eb-G times
Eb,Eb must I
F-C-Eb / C-Eb-Ab go
Bb-Eb-G a
C-Eb-Ab gainst
Eb,Eb your wa-
Bb-F / Ab-C-Db-F ay
D-Ab / C-D-F-Ab G Then you
G-F / B-Db-F for
C-G-C / G-Bb-Eb Gi-
F-Bb-D ive
G-Bb-Eb me
F-C-Eb / C-Ab But
/Db-Bb yet
Eb-C I
Eb-C sti-
Bb-F / Db-Bb ill
Bb,C Turn a-
G-F / F-Bb-Db round
C and
C-E-Bb / E-G-Bb do
C the
F-C / Eb-G-Ab things
Eb / C-Eb-Ab Passing chord
Bb-Eb-G the
D / Bb-D-F things
C / Bb-Eb-G I
Bb / D-F-Bb should
Ab / Bb-D-F not
G / Bb-Eb-G do
F / Bb-D-F Passing chord
Eb / G-Bb-Eb Passing chord
Db / Ab-Db-F cause
C / Ab-C-Eb I
Bb / Ab-Db-F be-
Ab-Gb / C-Eb-Bb long
Ab-C-Eb to
Db / Ab-Db-F you
B / Ab-Db-F Passing chord
Db,Eb and I
Bb / Ab-Db-F know
Ab / Ab-C-F you
Gb / Bb-Db-Gb will
Gb-Bb-Db come
B / Bb-Eb through
F-Eb / Bb-C-Eb Passing chord
F / A-C-Eb Passing chord
F-C-F / C-Eb-Bb Lord
A-Gb-A / Eb-Bb I
Bb-F-Ab / F-Bb-Db know
Db-F-Bb I
Db-F-Bb take
Eb-Ab-C ad-
Eb-Eb / F-Ab-Db vantage
G-Eb / G-Bb-Eb of
G-Bb your
Ab-Eb-G grace
C-G / Bb-Eb-G-Bb Passing chord
C here
F-C-Eb / Eb-Ab-C in
Eb-Ab-C this
F-Ab-Db christian
Gb-Db-F / Bb-F-Ab-Bb race
F-C-Eb / Eb-F-Ab-B Passing chord
Bb-F-Ab / D-F-Ab-Bb Passing chord
D-B-D / B-D-F-Ab but
Eb-Bb-Eb / Ab-Db-F-Ab yet
Bb-Eb-Gb I
Bb-Eb-Gb still
Ab-Db-F here
Bb-Eb-Gb you
Ab-Eb-Ab / Ab-Db-F call-
Ab-C-Eb ing
Ab-Db-F my
Db-Ab-Db/ F-Ab-Db name

F-C-Eb / G-Bb-Eb-G
C-F-A you're
F-C-F / C-F-A call-
D-G-Bb ing
F-A-C my
Bb-F-Bb / F-Bb-D name
A-F-A / F-A-C Passing chord
F-A-C to
G-D-F / F-Bb-D come
F-Bb-D in
E-C / G-Bb-E to
E-G-C your
F-C-F / F-A-C arms
Eb-Eb / hold F chord
C,D to be
D-D / Gb-A-C-Eb safe
Gb-A-D from
Gb-D / Gb-A-C fear
Gb-A and
G-D-F / F-G-Bb-D harm
C / C-F-A know-
Db / Db-F-Bb ing
D / C-D-F this
D-F-G-Bb but
G / D-F-G-Bb I
F-G-Bb-D still
C-C / F-B-D choose
C to
E-C / E-G-C go
E-G-B my
F-C / F-A-C way

Oh my gosh, this sounds soooo good.  I'm impressed, this sounds just like the song.  I knew you could do it, it makes a big difference once u understand what's going on.  I give this arrangement an A-.

Once suggestion I would make is don't try to play a note or chord with every word.  Sometimes, you can just hold down a chord and let the choir sing it.  That's when you take the roll of accompanying, the choir does the singing and u just play.  If u listen closely to the real version of this song, you will notice that the music doesn't play for every word.  That's how you want your music to sound, not like a copy of the choir, but as an enhancement of what they're doing.
Real musicians play in every key!!!
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Re: Relllp!!!!
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2007, 08:16:30 PM »

Oh my gosh, this sounds soooo good.  I'm impressed, this sounds just like the song.  I knew you could do it, it makes a big difference once u understand what's going on.  I give this arrangement an A-.

Once suggestion I would make is don't try to play a note or chord with every word.  Sometimes, you can just hold down a chord and let the choir sing it.  That's when you take the roll of accompanying, the choir does the singing and u just play.  If u listen closely to the real version of this song, you will notice that the music doesn't play for every word.  That's how you want your music to sound, not like a copy of the choir, but as an enhancement of what they're doing.

Ahhhhhhhhhh!! I am so happy......Thank you Jesus and thank you Tblock once again........ ;D ;D ;D ;D
Strike while the iron is hot!
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