Hello Sybie5,
You can do a couple of simple things. For example, instead of playing the regular D key (D/D Eb A) , I modify it sometimes by playing a 7 2 3 5 modification. Sometimes I also add a 2 or a 7 to the regular chords.
For example in Breathe, you can play this:
Left Hand/ Right Hand
D A/D E F# A This is the << I added the E key making the chord a 1 2 3 5 chord.
G D/G B D F# air I breathe << I added a F# to a regular G chord (making G maj7)
D A/Db E Eb A This is the <<I changed the regular (1 3 5) D chord to a 7 2 3 5 to give it a different sound (is there an actual name for this trick? I don't know)
G D/Eb A B D air I breathe << I did another 7 2 3 5 modification to the chord of G, just for showing purposes
You can apply these easy tips anywhere on any song. I normally use the 7 2 3 5 modiication when I am coming back to my initial key from any chord progressions. It also sound cool with arpegios. Also, you can use these tricks on any chord. Once you see the pattern and you know your scales, it can be applied anywhere. Once again, i learned how to play by ear, so I don't know any technical names for these easy tips.
Well I hope this helps. Be blessed.