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Author Topic: Thank GOD for LGM!!  (Read 831 times)

Offline zacke12

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Thank GOD for LGM!!
« on: May 17, 2004, 11:30:22 AM »
Man is it just me or do it seems like everything in the news today is always depressing. I try my best to keep with war in Iraq and other news man but just reading the paper, CNN.com, or watching TV will put a damper on your spirit so I just log on to LGM sometimes not to look for musical insight but just get to a word of inspiration or some encouragement because there doesn't seem to be anything positive happening out there that the news is telling us about. I know the bible says in Matt. 24:6 "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet".... I understand that completely and I read that scripture everday that my spirit gets down about the cares of this world, but I am just saying sometimes it is just Good for us to laugh. I just got done reading about the beheading of the guy in Iraq and it really just got me upset; but it is nothing that a little prayer can't handle. Everyday I pray for soldiers over in Iraq because I know if I am uneasy just by watching it on T.V. they have got to be also. But I said all of that to say thanks to LGM andespecially to Bboy for all of your inspiring, spirit-filled, and encouraging messages that you post. Be blessed


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Thank GOD for LGM!!
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2004, 06:03:59 PM »
thanks for the prayers, i was over there a for a year. :D

Offline thekeynote

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Thank GOD for LGM!!
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2004, 05:51:53 AM »
Amen, thank God for refuge among the saints.  

Our country is truly in a mess.  We cannot find a friend on any other soil in the world it seems.  Pray, pray, pray and vote in November to remove Bush from office.

If "seeing is believing", try believing without seeing!

Offline zacke12

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Thank GOD for LGM!!
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2004, 10:12:12 AM »
Pray, pray, pray and vote in November to remove Bush from office.

 :(  I personally think that Bush was a good President, please don't shoot me :roll: . I am not saying that everything he did was perfect but I think for the season that our country was in Bush was the man to best fulfill the duties of President. Now just think where we would have been if Al Gore was in office the day of 9/11. I didn't mean to turn this into a political forum but I just wanted to say that honestly I would rather have Bush for another term for 2 reason. The first one is because I think a transition in our government right now would open the door for new terrorist threats among other things. The second John Kerry just doesn't settle well with for the simple fact that other countries are endorsing his campaign. I am not a big political buff but have there been any other time where other countries endorsed presidential candidates. Anyway let's just keep our country in prayer because only God knows best. I say this because some of  us are praying for Bush to stay and others are praying for him to leave, and I believe in situations like that where TRUE christians have different views God says, "I am going to do what is best for MY people as a whole".
       Be blessed.

Offline zacke12

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Thank GOD for LGM!!
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2004, 10:49:28 AM »
To clear up any confusion I wrote the last part of the above post I just put too many quotes in...THanks :lol:
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