Before anyone elsedecides to request chords for song, I strongly suggest that you go through these steps first:
1. At least attempt to learn the song.I see so many people just asking for chords, and I wonder if they even try to learn the song first. My guess is most people just hear a song and automatcally think "I don't know this song, I'll just beg for chords." This is the wrong frame of mind fellow musicians. You have to try something in order to know for sure that u can or can't play a song.
2. If you have attempted to learn the song, post what you have figured out already.I really don't like helping other people with chords to songs who don't first try to help themselves. Try to list everything you already know about the song, so I can see that you have tried your best. You can post the key of the song, the bass line, the melody line, any chords you have figured out, the name of the song, the artist, the lyrics to the song, etc. If yall can post anything to show that u are trying, then I will be more apt to help you.
3. Asking for chords should be a last resort, not a first resort.This is just a continuation of the above 2. There are plenty of posts here on this site and on other sites that give you all the tools you need to learn about music. I believe it's time that we, yes me included, stop being so lazy and get serious about music. It takes a long time to really become a good musician, so don't try to rush thinking you can just get chords and be alright. YOU WON'T!!!
If it seems like I'm yelling, that's the purpose of it. I'm just wondering when are we gonna realize that there is no easy way to do this. It takes hard work, dedication, determination, etc. You have to be very serious and focused on what you are doing. That means consistent practice not only on playing, but on the learning aspect, i.e. music theory. There is no way around it guys and girls.
Music starts in your head, so if you want a true short-cut to becoming a better musician, get it in your head first. Practicing away from the keyboard is just as effective as practicing in front of the keyboard. If you never get this stuff in your head, you will never be able to really play and understand what you are playing because your mind should control your fingers, not the other way around.
O.K., I'm done yelling now, but honestly I want all of us to become the best musicians we can be. I truly am concerned about your needs and I'm here to help in any way I can. I love each and every one of you and I am praying for everybody's success in music. T-Block out!!!
(This message may or may not reflect the opinions of the owner of this site or anyone else on this site)