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How many homsexual ministers of music do you know?

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Total Members Voted: 57

Voting closed: April 16, 2004, 09:47:19 AM

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Author Topic: Homosexuality or Femininity among male musicians?  (Read 5015 times)

Offline BBoy

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Homosexuality or Femininity among male musicians?
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2004, 01:34:00 PM »
First of all, thank God for His Word. It is His Word that gives us instruction.

I do beleive that the reason this keeps popping up is, as some of us have noted before, many folk are not completely convinced that homosexuality or effeminate men are actually sinning. Like I said before, when one of my students keeps on asking a question it is because they really don't understand.

The Word of God is reaching everywhere. And have you noticed, that different people are having different reactions to it? Oh, but before Jesus comes back, everyone will have had the opportunity to choose . . . you may have heard that homosexuality is okay, that it is biologically determined, or that people can't help themselves.

Well, no one can help themselves from whatever sin they were in! That's why Jesus came . . . TO SET PEOPLE FREE! Not just from homosexuality or lesbianism, but fornication, alcoholism, pornography, over-spending (oops, did I say that). And we have to hold that forth, because some people are being taught in a lot of different ways that bondages are not sins.  

Sound Bible teaching is key. To anyone who knows Scripture, they know that the Law was completed in Christ; He Is the Fulfilment of the Law. That, bwa-patat, is why we no longer sacrifice animals . . . Jesus was Our Perfect Sacrifice. The other laws, which were Laws of cleanliness, seperation, and purification, were given until CHirst came . . . this is clearly explained in the Book of Galations.  I did not take your comments as being rude, and I hope you did not take any of ours as being rude . . . but rather, as postings from concerned, Spirit-filled Christians who must stand up for what is right.

Finalement, j'espere que nous pourrons parler en francais de temps en temps! J'enseigne le francais, et je suis en train de poursuivre mon doctorat en francais; malheureusement,  il n'y a pas beaucoup de francophones aux Etats-Unis!  :lol: Mes specialisations sont la litterature du dix-septieme siecle et la francophonie. Je ne sais pas si vous etes francais ou non, mais car vous etes a Paris je devine que vous parlez bien le francais si vous n'etes pas ne en France. J'ai visite Paris trois fois; c'est mon endroit favorit du monde!

J'etudie aussi les langues etrangeres, comme vous, et je comprends bien qu'il faut etudier les langues originales pour comprendre un text. Mais meme en les autres langues, c'est clair que l'homosexualite n'est pas permi dans le Bible. Lisez bien les vers en Romans, le premier chapitre, s'il y a de doute. Il faut aussi regarder les vers en I Corinthians, ou Paul parle d'effiminisme. Lisez-le bien, et s'il vous plait,  nous pouvons continuer notre discussion.   :D Car je suis chretien, je doit obeir le Bible; et c'est clair.

It's a needed topic, and we have to put the truth out there so people can know that they can be set free. Christians need to know that we welcome and love everyone, but no . . . we can't say something is alright when it isn't. Nor can we look the other way.

Now Be Blessed . . . BBoy  8)
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Offline jennyd12121

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response to Jan
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2004, 10:48:53 PM »
Its a good thing that you are fluent in many languages, but sounds to me as if you have no comprehension.  In order to find the answers to your questions you must speak to the Lord our God in the Language of the Holy Spirit.  I am not here to judge anyone for their understandings of the word. I just hope that before Jesus comes back that all whoare confused are provided with the true understanding.

Offline jayjay

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Homosexuality or Femininity among male musicians?
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2004, 01:21:06 AM »
I would imagine that what seems to be an abundant amount of gay or feminine acting musicians/choir directors is really irrelevant.  Our concern with others sexuality should not be a concern.  The one thing that I love about music is that it's not your skin color, hair texture, gender, body weight, riches, poverty or matter of fact your orientation.  It's about your skills.  I would tell any church musician, whether gay or straight, carry yourself with christain professionalism, intergrity and class.  Work on developing your craft in the spirit of excellence, and try to live a life that you can be proud of and happy with.  Keep a humble teachable spirit and always remember who gave you the gift.  We have to remember that the church is a microcosim of the larger world.  It's people who make up the church and we are all on different parts of the journey.  We also have to be careful about judging the book by the cover.  Just because a person acts a certain way doesn't mean that they are actively engaged in what we believe them to be.   Many gay christian struggle in their walk with Christ.  Some have even chosen to live a celebate lifestyle so not to conflict with christian principles.  We can all quote the bible about the sin of homosexuality, and it's easy to point fingers if you aren't gay, but rather right or wrong it still exists and is a part of the human experience.  Yeah it's in the church-on the organ, the piano, the choir stand, the usher board, the deacon board, the sunday school, the pulpit(oops sorry).  All we can do is pray one for the other and let God work His perfect work in all of us.  Much love to Ya'll-Peace

Offline Neelie

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Homosexuality or Femininity among male musicians?
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2004, 07:44:07 AM »
I am new to this site.  I love it!  Maybe I am wrong, and I'm not trying to offend anyone.  I'd just like for us to stick to the most important issue.  That is music.  We are not hear to judge anyone.  We are all accountable for our own actions.  Whether homosexuality is right or wrong, we are unable to judge.  We don't know why people act as they do.  We don't know what goes through an individual's mind.  We don't know what they may be dealing with personally.  Not trying to be shallow, but ...Let it go!  Let God!

Offline T-Block

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Homosexuality or Femininity among male musicians?
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2004, 10:30:04 AM »
Wussup everybody.

I was reading all the posts here and I have to say something. I apologize in advanced for any rude sounding comments.  I say this with love and concern for all.

   First, to all those who think this forum, The Gospel Music Lounge, should only contain topics related to music, read what it says before u click on it.  It clearly says this is a place for general discussion, not just discussion about music. If u only want to talk about music, please find another forum.  
   Second, I think that just because a man acts a little "feminine" doesn't make him a homosexual.  Maybe he is just a little more softer and sensitive than other "manly" men.  For instance, my dad has a very soft heart and he tries to help out the whole world.  He cooks, cleans, and does
stuff that society says a "woman" should do.  Does that make him gay? Oh
no.  He is definitely a man, and truly a great man of God.
   Third, who are we to say that a man should only act like this or a woman should only act like that?  The only thing we can say is that a man should not be with another man and a woman should not be with another woman.  That's it.  There is no right or wrong way to act like a man or woman.  I believe that all people are born with qualities of a man and a woman, it is only our sexual organs that determine if we are male or female.  Even in the rare case when a person is born with both (u know what I'm saying right), if a person has a womb, they are definitely female cuz all females have wombs.  No man can have a child.
    Fourth, I strongly feel that if someone is a homosexual, they have no business having any kind of "position" in the church.  They can come and be part of the service, but don't try to hold a "position" like minister, deacon, M.O.M, etc.  Why?  Because it sends out the message that God accepts homosexuality, which he DOESN'T.  In fact, some might disagree,
I think that a only those people who are saved, sanctified, and Holy Ghost filled should be allowed to hold those positions.  The people who are in these "high" positions should be the leaders for the rest of the church and if they are not Holy, then the people are going to be misled, and God will get them and the leaders.  I am not saved myself, but I do play music at my church.  I don't consider myself a minister of music yet because I am not saved.  
   Lastly, I DO NOT support homosexuality, but I think that if they have a gift for music, then they should at least be allowed to be in the background
using their musical gifts to be a blessing to someone.  Music is not gay or straight, so it really shouldn't matter who is playing it, as long as they make it clear that they are not men or women of GOD, but GOD gave them a gift that they want to use to bless others.  I believe GOD can make
something good out of something not so good, make perfect out of something that is imperfect. Yall feel me?

Whoever started this topic, I don't know if this is the response u wanted, but this is what I have to say about it.  Again, I hope no one was offended by what I said, if u are then I'm sorry, but this is just my opinion on it.  Peace out!
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Offline B-man

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Homosexuality or Femininity among male musicians?
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2004, 10:52:45 AM »
I agree 100% with Bboy. I just wanna say that God didnt make any mistakes when he made you. If he made u a man or a woman its becuz thats exactly what he wants u to be and I feel 4u to act any other way is a direct slap in his face. I never bash a person or what a person does becuz if it wasnt  4 tha mercies of God, there we all go, but I certainly dont condone it.  When christ comes in your life he brings about  a change, and when the Holy Ghost comes in which is the mind of God, it governs u. Its not gone make do anything but it will govern u IF u let it. We always say at my church  you gotta get real before u can get right.
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