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Author Topic: Salaries  (Read 7923 times)

Offline melodic

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« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2004, 05:48:04 PM »
Again, I'm late, but I have enjoyed this topic.  Personally, I am a full-time minister of music so I have to get paid. Don't give me wrong, i served faithfully at my home church as head musican for the last 10 plus years.  I only remember being paid once, and that was because the Minister running the revival decided to give the musicians some of his money for being faithful.  This church was not very large and it consisted of basically FAMILY.  Now most people in here know the scripture about a prophet getting no honor in his own town and so forth right?  Well, for a ll those years it was the same way for me.  Now I cried for years, was hurt and all torn up to peices because they treated me as if I didnt know what I was doing, and that my work required nothing.  Finally after years of going through, God told me that it was time to MOVE ON.  I love my family but sometimes you gotta get away from them to truly grow into whom God called you to be.  It's 5 months later and I am officaly a full-time Minister of Music who is blessed enough to have the church take care of me financially.  I am also respected and that goes a long way, more than the finances do at times.  I thank God everyday for working things out in my favor.  "THE BEST IS YET TO COME."
BELIEVE (Because Emmanuel Lives I Expect Victory Everytime)  http://www.cottagesoft.com/~songbird/graphics/mgglogo01_thumb.jpg

Offline praiser22

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« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2004, 08:15:15 PM »

I am not a musician, but I am a praiser (hence the name) and I am currently the minister of music for a starter church.  We rely on accompaniament tracks, and I have invested a lot of my own money to building a good library of music.  I have not asked the church for any type of reimbursement nor do I get any type of salary.  We, as ministers first, should do what we do because we are their to serve, not because we want to get served.  God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.  The salary is not relevent because what may look like a lot of money (physically) is chump change compared to what God wants to give.

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« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2004, 08:33:17 AM »
I started playing for my church 7 years ago.  When I started playing for the church, I was making $10.00 per Sunday.  I didn't care because I enjoyed what I was doing.  2 years later, I went up to $30.00 per Sunday.  I din't care because I enjoyed what I was doing.  2 years later, I went up to $50.00, I didn't care because I enjoyed what I was doing.  Then 1 year later My salary went up to $135.00 per Sunday.  And guess what, I don't care because I ENJOY WHAT I'M DOING.   This boils down to you as a musician,  Are you playing for the money or are you playing because you enjoy playing.  All those years I did not complain at all because I knew that one day the Lord was going to bless me.  Like I said, I enjoy what I do and so, if I play and don't get paid, OH WELL!!!  I'm not in this for the money.  I'm doing this because I love the Lord and I love to play the piano.     If you enjoy what you do, then money isn't really a big factor.   It's good to accept a salary but if you do not get one, don't quit playing, keep doing what you do and one day you'll be making BIG money, because you're doing it for the Lord and not for your gratification of money.

Offline antwash

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In the Service for the Lord - For He is my reward
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2004, 08:25:15 PM »
In over 20 years of playing for numerous churches, fellowships, etc..  pretty much salary wasn't an issue.. I did it because of my love for the Lord and I didn't think my playing was "grandiose".  Until I was finally rebuked by the Lord thru my pastor. who quoted Matthew 10:10  Nor scrip for [your] journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat.. God rewards us naturally and spiritually.  Sometimes it's our "inferiority pride" that is saying, I'm not good enough...etc.  You practice, you purchase albums, you support your family, you pay your tithes and offerings.. If you do that and if your church can afford to pay you... then it is well..  

Until recently I never accepted a salary for playing.  It is basically $100 Sunday service (includes choir practices)...  

In turn I pose this question to the group... what happens when the church checks for payment start to "bounce"?  How do you handle it....?  Do you get up and run out? Start looking for other employment? Keep on praying and suffer the loss?


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« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2004, 09:50:44 PM »
i am an organist for a small presbyterian church in sc.  I get paid $30 per Sunday.  Not a lot, but I am a college freshman and sometimes that seems like a lot.

Offline TheDuke

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« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2004, 09:04:21 PM »
Here's my 3 cents...mostly chiming in with what others have said.  At first, salary didn't mean a thing to me.  I was just happy to be able to play.  I remember the first wedding I played for, I got $10.  I was in 5th grade, so that was a lot to me!  When I started playing for my church, my compensation averaged about 96 cents a year.  Basically, I got a Christmas "bonus" of $50 for my first two years, before I graduated to getting $25 a week.  I ended up serving as MOM at my church of 500 parishoners for $50 a week as a junior in high school.  

Although salary still wasn't a big deal to me in high school, I began to feel differently in college, having experienced all that I experienced up to that point.  Musicians should be compensated as they reasonably feel they should be compensated.  Even though I am compensated, I still feel that my ministry is just as powerful and spirit led as if I weren't getting compensated at all.  At the end of the day, however, I'm glad about my eternal reward in heaven, but it's good to know that I will get a nice reward on the 4th Sunday of each month as well!
Romans 8:28

Offline TheDuke

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« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2004, 09:05:48 PM »
i meant to say 96 cents a week, which averaged to $50 a year.
Romans 8:28

Offline Lauragal

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« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2004, 11:52:41 PM »
Here's my take on this issue:

The musicians don't get paid in my church.  I am the music director and piano player and don't get paid.  I have played in this church for 17 years, 3 services per week.  My issue is not about getting paid as much as it is appreciation, and not feeling pressured to be at every service (I live 40 minutes from the church).

I get very frustrated because the other musicians and worship team members (and worship leader) miss services quite often, and I really can't do anything about it.  I wish they were paid so then I could "fire" them if they continued to not show up!!!  Or maybe they would be more committed if they were paid.

Someone said in a prior post that people don't realize how much work goes into this ministry, and it is a ministry that is very visible (it is obvious when the drummer is not there, or some of the singers, etc.)  I think that appreciation would go a long way for the people in this ministry.

Offline PROSTR8

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« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2004, 11:21:19 AM »
ALong the same vein of this discussion......does anyone use CONTRACTS?  Would it be considered "obscene" to ask this when considering taking a music ministry position?

Not to sound  so worldy, but you are providing a SERVICE and shuld be compensated as such..not only time in service but practice time, rehearsal time, etc.  Now this is for someone who takes thier music ministry seriously.

Why do people feel that the church should get away with "getting something for nothing"?  I find this goes on more in black churches than white churches unfortunately.  

No one is intent on breaking the bank of the church.  It's no different than these churches I see where the pastor still has to have a full time job during the week on top of his pastoral duties.

Offline key-wiz

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« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2004, 12:15:59 PM »
Quote from: PROSTR8
ALong the same vein of this discussion......does anyone use CONTRACTS?  Would it be considered "obscene" to ask this when considering taking a music ministry position?

Not to sound  so worldy, but you are providing a SERVICE and shuld be compensated as such..not only time in service but practice time, rehearsal time, etc.  Now this is for someone who takes thier music ministry seriously.

Why do people feel that the church should get away with "getting something for nothing"?  I find this goes on more in black churches than white churches unfortunately.  

No one is intent on breaking the bank of the church.  It's no different than these churches I see where the pastor still has to have a full time job during the week on top of his pastoral duties.


I feel all of you all but let me say this

As a full time Minister Of Music; most musician if they want to perfect the gift god has given them put in 20 to 30 hours of practice a week now if you add that to the hours spent in choir prep and rehersals and not to mention church services that adds up to about 40-50 hours a week

My question to every one is "If you worked that many hours at your job and at the end of the week they shook your hand and said God Bless You"What would you do? :?:  :?:
Abracadabra!!!! "Key-Wiz" The Magic Of Music

Offline tonyfingaz

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Re: Salaries
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2006, 03:49:43 PM »
I get 350.00 but that is not what I charge. Pastor says when teh church blesses me and the other musicians, then the church will get a blessing. The church is big though, it has almost 5,000 members
The good thing about going through, is that you will soon come out!

Offline melodic

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Re: Salaries
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2006, 11:27:01 PM »
I am very late on this topic but here is my take.  I honestly believe that if you are WORTH being paid then you should be.  If you know you are not as skillful as you need to be then don't charge huge amounts of money.  Charge what you believe you are worth "TRUTHFULLY".  Now when I see cats that can't play in every key, relying on the transpose button to get by, I question whether they are worth the huge amounts money they ask for.  I transposed for years and it crippled me.  So thats why I had to take time to really learn music the way its supposed to be played.  I am still WORKING to perfect my skills. Now I am not going to hate on transposers because I have been there and done that.  All I am saying that if you are transposing, please be at least be awesome in that key amd take time to learn all of them.  Believe it or not, there will come a day when the button will not save you and you will be exposed to your inperfections.  I am a full time MOM and I know from experience that it takes a lot of time and dedication to learn this craft.  I get paid 200 a Sunday right now because I am not ready to ask for any more than that right now.  I am still getting "tight" as we like to say.  After I have reached the level I am trying to be at, maybe God will lead me to a larger ministry that can afford what I will need.  I have not always been paid though.  I labored for over 15 years in the music ministry at my home church. I only remember recieving 2 love offerings.  I played drums for most of those years and it was all for the "LOVE".  To make a long story short, I always felt unappreciated.  I was disrespected and overlooked for years after I started playing the keyboard too.  "family church".  Anyway, I finally cried to God that I had enough and he released me to minister music elsewhere about 3 years ago.  Since I get paid now there is more responsibility.  There is NO EXCUSE for not being prepared for rehearsals or service.  Basically, what I once did for free and love has become a job.  Now PLEASE do not think that I am a MONEY musician.  Music is my ministry and I know it is for his glory.  My gift has made room for me.  I still do freebies for my HOME church sometimes.  In closing, just pray about the issue, be the best musician you can be, and follow your heart.
BELIEVE (Because Emmanuel Lives I Expect Victory Everytime)  http://www.cottagesoft.com/~songbird/graphics/mgglogo01_thumb.jpg

Offline jomo7

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Re: Salaries
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2006, 07:54:46 AM »
well at my church we have two service and for each service i make 325 so thats about 650. then i play at a 1:00 service i just get 100 for that but check this out pastor give me my salary for any special events like funnerals, wedding(which i hate playing),revals. So God has blessed me where to me or my wife(mrs-mojo) has to work. The church is even eventually going to start their empolyees on benifits. ;D ;D
I do it all for his glory
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