wazzzup??? most of the time i see the following drum hero's names on this forum! And i would know who they are in the drumming world!!!!!
Like this
Aaron Spears(my hero) Gerald heyward (enuff said!!!) calvin rodgers(mentioned in almost every thread - met him in south africa)
marvin mquitty bike mike;(hoping to meet him in march) j haynes.,,,,,and on and on
but who is spanky??? who has he played with?? whats his website? does he know jesus? what drums he plays? does he know jesus?
Most recent threads sees his name come up alot so..........
help a brother out...........WHO BE SPANKY AND WHY IS HE CALLED SPANKY
Spanky is best known for playing with Tye Tribbet and GA and to knowledge he is saved. He also is playing for the Back Street Boys (Teddy's old spot back when) and will be holding it down on the MaryMary tour.
Spanky endorses Tama and Vater sticks and is listed on both sites.
He's young, and plays in the flamboyant style of today's gospel music with the blazing big fills all over the place and odd-note groupings. How we he be seen by the drum world as a whole is still up for grabs because he is just making it on the pop tour circuit and it' s all abount consistency, versatility, longevity and references. Hi sassociation include Brian Frasier-Moore, Erik Tribbett, Lil John Roberts etc and our resident Modern_Drummer so he's in good company
I hope this info answered you question.