Greetings in the name of Jesus.
Hi guys been a while since I started a new thread message, my baby is growing 2months already and because of new working responsibilities and can't participate to the forum on a regular basis anymore but I am trying to catch up on all the new messages.
Tell me what scale is using the following system.
I know Major scale - TTSTTTTS (T- tone S-semi tone) but this one I am currently doing I can't recognise the scale TSTTTTTS.
Another thing we need to give more attention to our beginners and write down some basic chorusses and work out the progressions from there.
Master Daryl I always though we need a beginner section on this site, what about under Piano Room and 3different section beginner,intermedite & advanced and the other rooms can follow.
Lastly I started this year with a new music school a full Gospel band that gives training and we are playing by ear and only gospel music, this was always my hearts desire so I thanked the Lord 4 providing in my musical needs. Will let you know about my progress.
Quote : Be obedient to GOD is more important then attending church or Bible school or whatever else our church folks are doing.
Love :oops: :oops: :oops: