I'd like to encourage all my fellow beginners. Don't stop practicing. Practice EVERY DAY. I've found it's better to practice a little alot than to practice alot a little.....confused yet? lol. In other words it's better to practice 20 minutes a day than to practice 2 hours every 3 days. When you practice every day, you build on what you learned the previous day. When you miss a few days, you'll spend the first portion of your practice trying to remember what you did the last time. Things stick better when you don't skip days. I practice about an hour + a day. Things are starting to stick. I'm learing and applying little things. I'm remember chords in there different inversions. My playing is starting to sound like actual MUSIC. So to my fellow beginners....DON'T STOP. And don't be intimidated by people who are spectacular on the keyboard. Understand that they were once where you were. Let them be an inspiration to practice longer and harder. Playing an instrument is not some magical gift that you either have or you don't. All things in time and through practice. In time you start to recognize progressions. Your fingers will naturally fall on the note you want to play next. There are only 12 notes on the keyboard, and hundreds of songs consist of the same 3 or 4 progressions. It won't come in a month, so don't expect it to..... You won't be AWESOME in 6 months, so don't expect to be....But one day, when I've practiced long enough, I'll be able to play whatever I want. Any sound in my head, I'll be able to reproduce it on the keyboard. I'll be able to completely express myself. Then the hours of practice will be worth it. So, my fellow beginners, learn your scales. Learn your different chords and their inversions. It will become natural.......
....Just keep practicing.