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Author Topic: What Yall think about this??? Serious Opinon Only.....  (Read 3259 times)

Offline gaman

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What Yall think about this??? Serious Opinon Only.....
« on: November 05, 2005, 02:43:41 PM »
Hey Sisters and Brothers...

Do you think people who have a problem hearing notes should be on the Praise and Worship Team?  

I will take the extra time to work with her until her voice get like it should be. On the Other hand if someone still doesn't get the notes and they are a problem anyway.. Is it time for them to leave!! What do you think?

Offline rwynn

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What Yall think about this??? Serious Opinon Only.....
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2005, 01:41:45 PM »
I agree but........when you accept someone as is, that's what you get. Since you are dealing with souls, you need to make it known upfront what is expected and that if they can't stay on key, or hear their part, they may be asked to leave.

This is from experience. I sing in a group and when it was formed, I got 4 ladies that could sing. Just because someone can sing doesn't mean they can perform technique. After more than a year of misery, I asked two of them to leave. I explained why, but it was not taken well. I now have two new members and it is working out well. I had them all sign a contract with the guidelines and expectations.
God knows the plans He has for me......Jer 29:11

Offline Jmanley1116

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What Yall think about this??? Serious Opinon Only.....
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2005, 03:25:18 PM »
In most churches the P&W team is the first to minister.  They are called upon to set the atmosphere and to lead the people into a posture of worship.  This group should be one of skill, dedication and anointing.  By no means should you be on the group if you are struggling in ANY of these areas.  

However, if this wasn't a stipulation in the beginning it will be a trying task to implement it now.  If you have people on your group who are not "there" you shoould make it your job to explain to them that you need to get them "there" and provide the teaching necessary for them to get to the point where they can hold a note.  

Bring in a vocal teacher in your area once a month to go over technique, breathing and ear training.  Give them excersizes where you send them home with a CD and tell them to learn their part and have them sing it in rehearsal without you teaching it.  Don't ridicule, but reinforce.  

Trust me it will either pay off or they will see that P&W isn't thier ministry and bow out.  

Make sure that fasting and praying is also apart of this regimine...some good 'ol Holy Ghost intercession surely won't hurt.

Offline elio

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What Yall think about this??? Serious Opinon Only.....
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2005, 04:06:53 AM »
Agree with the others. IMHO, people who can't really sing have a place in a choir, but not in a P&W team. The P&W team is a small unit and everyone has to carry their weight. The team has a responsibility towards the whole church - off-key singing can be a hinderance towards the whole assembly: people will pay attention to the singers and not the worship. As far as I'm concerned, that's a no-no (the same applies to musicians, btw).

In a choir, instead, even singers who aren't great can be used to make up the volume. Plus, if the choir is big enough, they'll just have to follow their section (alto, soprano, tenor) leaders (ie, people with better singing skills) and they'll probably be ok.

Having said that, deliverance for the P&W singers themselves can come through their ministry - so it's the MoM's responsibility to give them all the help to improve their skills and maintain the position.....

Offline rickshaun

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What Yall think about this??? Serious Opinon Only.....
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2005, 05:06:15 PM »
I feel that if you are on the Praise and Worship team you are appointed by God thru the pastor or music minister. God would not send no one to be on the praise team and they cant sing or have no musical sense at all.
So before you even try to work with her i you need to talk to god about this person even being on the praise team. We got rid of our entire praise team at my church because the lifestyles and people on there just from friendships but God spoke to me about change and what  a praise team is for.


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Re: What Yall think about this???
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2005, 05:43:02 PM »
Quote from: gaman
Hey Sisters and Brothers...

Do you think people who have a problem hearing notes should be on the Praise and Worship Team?  

I will take the extra time to work with her until her voice get like it should be. On the Other hand if someone still doesn't get the notes and they are a problem anyway.. Is it time for them to leave!! What do you think?

I believe that if the call is on their life to minister they should be allowed to when they are able to blend in with others without causing or being a distraction to the team as well as those in the congregation.  

We are to make a joyful noise unto the Lord but also be skillfull in ushering the people into the presence of GOD.

What I suggest is have her be mentored by others who are capable of getting their notes down and blending together.  The way my old choir director handled it was put them in the person in need in the middle of the strongest people in that section and eventually they would be as strong as those they were singing next too.

Im able to blend and get my notes pretty well but standing next to the strong altos in the group helped me to be able to sing louder.  They dont have to turn my mic up much lol  :D
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