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Author Topic: missing it when you lose it!  (Read 1628 times)

Offline doubletwin

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missing it when you lose it!
« on: December 10, 2005, 03:33:52 PM »
I have sang solos and played the piano for a few years. I recently had thyroid surgery and will not be able to sing for quiet a while. Sigh!
I am self taught and did not realize what a gift that the Lord had given me until I no longer sing in church. Use your gift of singing every opportunity you have, it is so easy to take our talent for granted and just assume that you will always be able sing. Thank God every day that your voice can praise Him in song!

Offline Pajarita

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missing it when you lose it!
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2005, 10:19:28 PM »
:( Wow, I pray that you have a speedy recovery.  

I had a similar thing happen, but in the form of a strange cold.  It lasted much longer than a typical cold, despite all my efforts to combat it.  After 3 weeks of the illness, the 2nd week of which I lost my voice for about 4 days, when it was all over, I tried to sing again...and couldn't!  Another week passed and I tried again.  Now, my voice which once had some pretty nice range sounded more like that of Mary J Blige, you know, that raspy sound.  I was mortified!  :cry:  I prayed and prayed, and honestly thought it was punishment for doing, saying, or thinking something wrong.  Another long 2 weeks passed before my voice returned to normal.  I had almost gotten used to not singing by then until I heard a good song on the radio and hummed along with it.  I noticed my sound quality sounded more like myself.  8O  I opened my mouth and tried to do a rift...It sounded wonderful (to my ears) even if I cracked a little.   :D Since then, whenever I get a cold, I DO NOT SING.  I just drink hot tea with honey and a dash of lemon juice.  And, of course, I thanked and praised God over and over again for giving me back my gift.  

I endured that torture for 1 1/2 months.  I NEVER want to experience that again.  Get well soon! :)
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