In response to the post about GOD making a way when there was no way . . .
Listen, I understand. Really I do. But GOD is Holy. GOD will never side with what is wrong, because then HE would not be Holy.
GOD never gave anybody favor so they could keep doing wrong. GOD gives favor so they can start doing right.
Just because GOD doesn't strike someone down doesn't mean that what they did was alright with HIM.
Copyright laws are put in place to protect the artist. That is why we don't burn CD's, it is stealing what they worked for. There is no way the artist can be present with everyone who baught their CD to turn them in for bootlegging, so the laws of the land say clearly "Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited and it against the law. All rights protected"
That is why I am REALLY against making copies of the instructional videos that brothers and sisters put out. They get a vision to help the Body of Christ, make a video, and of all people the chruch . . . THE CHURCH starts stealing from our own brothers by not buying their own copies . . . they start dubbing them! 8O The devil is a liar!
Through the loss of revenue needed to pay for studio time, production time, etc . . . they can't make another video. Or they have to charge more than they want to because they know that there will be some bootlegging going on. So we all suffer.
Many people do try to find grey areas . . . case in point, this thread. We know it is illegal, but oh well . . .
Many people do the same with ministry. As long as they are not the musician or director, then they feel like they are justified to talk about what needs to change, what is wrong, what needs to be done differently . . . and they see nothing wrong with it. The Bible CLEARLY says to beware of idle words because you will account for every one of them . . . and the love thinks no evil, but so what . . . it is their church, they give in the offering, and they feel like they should have their say. They see nothing wrong with it.
Then they become MOM or director, and those same words now almost make them want to cry. They want to quit, because now they are on the other end. It's not right now that they are suffering for it. Now something needs to change, and how in the world can they call themselves saved and be so evil . . . etc, etc etc . . .
Same with this. The people who bootlegg are not the artist who is losing MUCH money, and so they see nothing wrong with it. The Bible CLEARLY says that we are to be subject to the higher powers for they watch for our good, and the powers that be are ordained by GOD. but so what . . . they feel like they have a right to do what they want with what they bought. So what if the law clearly says no, so what if it is theft. So what?
What about if you were the artist going bankrupt, or can't record again, or has to work another job so you can afford to record again? What if it is your CD who can't pay back the company who backed you and whom you owe? And you know it is because of church people bootlegging? Now YOU are suffering, so it's different now. Now you're ready to say who is saved and who isn't saved, how can church people steal like that and still shout anyway . . . etc, etc, . . .
Yes, many people do lie on GOD and hint at "He made a way out of no way," when they actually did what was wrong. But I want to be blessed. I don't decide what is right or wrong by what someone else did, or even by how I feel about it or how I see things.
It is theft.
And theft will never be right.