NOt to be rude...(it might be just the way different regions play them) But 1st juridiction of Kentucky plays either Bb or Ab COGIC shout runs
who plays this just a Question
Now if yall want to put your foot on someone, I DARE YOU to start playing your shout in the key of F. The reason is that it gives you the high C TO WORK WITH, THAT WILL SIMPLY HURT FOLKS. Try it and let me know and I promise you that you will not be dissapointed!! Bishop Cole
I'm with you on that bishopcole. I am MOM for both a baptist church and also a COGIC. I change up very often on shout keys. It's like the spice of life don't get locked into one mode. Some keys sound better than others. It just depends what you want to get out of them. Thanks bishopcole - this is the first time I can recall anyone playing shout runs in key of F(which is real nice). I've been doing that a long time. Everyone plays in A flat. G & B flat is nice also. I like to even modulate on the shout runs for effects also. God Bless
Hey organ man1990, what part of Kentucky do you live in? I am in Louisville and we hit up Ab, Bb, & Db.
Church of God in Christ...Hello all...