Just read this article on Yahoo: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/miami-heat-greg-oden-break-lebron-james-legacy-160100498.html"But with a lingering luxury penalty tax in place, it makes since financially to remove one of the players and save potentially a $20 million dent to the bottom line."Since when does wording like that make sense?
i c wut u did there
I can't too much say anything in this thread because I'm the "Queen of typos"!
It's okay vonnee. We mess up all the time. However, these are people who write for a living, the "professionals" should be held to a higher standard.
http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/09/09/20406563-police-investigate-incident-between-george-zimmerman-wife?liteShe said her husband of five years was in an argument with her and her father and had has hand on his gun, Lake Mary Police Chief Steve Bracknell told NBC News.George Zimmerman is going to keep on until he ends up in jail or dead after all.