As everyone knows, in the book club we're reading "Pagan Christianity" that is basically questioning about 90% of what many of us were raised in church doing. One particular chapter was on the sermon. One of the basic arguments they make is that the contemporary sermon (basically one person speaking/monologuing) is not the scriptural way of preaching/teaching. The argument (and they make a very good one in my opinion) they make is that it was never intended to be "certain" people being able to preach/teach. It was intended for everyone to participate, bring a teaching, something from the Word, etc.
So here's my thing: As of now I still believe in preaching, or to a certain extent the way we share the Word via the sermon, yet, to a small extent (I keep adding this fillers because I'm torn on a lot of these things) I'm beginning to question the idea of people being "called" to preach. Here's my case:
It seems to me (especially in the black tradition) like there's nothing "special" that distinguishes one who is called to preach and one who is not. Well, let me take that back: in the black tradition it seems like people measure someone's "calling" by how well they sound (style) vs what they are saying (substance). I guarantee you that if I put up 15 sermons from our tradition about 14 of them would basically be the same, having the same beginning, maybe a diverse middle, and an end with whooping, cliche's, etc. I'm not saying that is wrong, but just saying for the sake of my argument.
So here are my questions:
1. Do you believe that "everyone" should be able to bring something from the Word for a church service or even a bible study, etc? Would you support your pastor having a Sunday or two where everyone is able to talk about something from the Bible to share with everyone?
2. Do you believe the New Testament supports the idea of how we do the sermon? Do you believe the New Testament supports the idea of everyone participating in bringing the Word?
3. Do you believe that "certain" ones are "called" to preach the Word? What does it mean to be "called" to preach?