Can u help a brutha out in tryin' to hear what the lyrics are to this song? I can hear bits and pieces of stuff at the beginning and the end of the phrases, but for the most part they are goin' so fast and their mouths are all runnin' together that i can't make hardly anything out. Any assistance would be helpful, or if you've done this song, even better! Thanx in advance!
Seems like i remember the song being by either Queens Community Choir or New Birth Baptist Church Family Choir. I tried to google the song/lyrics/artist with no luck.
Anyways, i have a link to listen to the song here ( and the lyrics are below, and i have question marks where I can't make anything out.
We're soldiers in the army,
Can't stop until ???????.
Soldier's in the army
???????????? Victory is won.
(i'm on the batttlefield....)
Victory in Jesus, my Savior Forever.
?????? Victory, Victory is won.
These old battles they get hard some time
but God's on our side,
So, in the end, we win.