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Author Topic: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?  (Read 49346 times)

Offline Fingers!

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #180 on: February 20, 2010, 09:48:05 AM »
Ok LaRue and the rest of the LGM drummers.... I just re-read it and i see why u guys think i came off dat way.... My B.... Bad typing.... I was meaning as far as time at da ministry for and musicians at the church is more hours than sum pastors... I didn't say dat the pastors job wasn't important than a musician.... Did I??? And don't question the way i feel about my Pastor and Bishop b/c i love them dearly and they are Great men of God....

The dude dat brought up da whole subject just made it seem like professional musician shudn't deserve pay.... And i'll tell and show my Pastor and bishop exactly what i said and they'll ask the question before they assume.... But it's all gud... Hope y'all got my point and hold it down...

For the non-understanding(PASTORS AND THERE JOBS ARE MORE IMPORTANT,BUT THE MUSICIANS WORK ALSO) Das all i'm trying to say... Thanx LaRue for helping me clear that up.... No luv lost LGM fam

Dude, it does not matter what you meant.  Pastors are not just winging it, some are but they shouldn't.  Just because they are not IN the church does not mean they are not working.  They, or most of them, are under the anointing but they STILL need to work and study to show themselves approved. 

Most of them have to work on those sermons.  What do you think they are doing at home.  Those sermons do not just come floating down from the air, some do.  Then, on top of that, they STILL need to minister to the congregation, moreso than the average joe. 

I can see if someone from the congregation said this, but someone in the music ministry, sitting right up there in the midst of things with pastors, ministers, deacons, and bishops...gotta know your place.  This is spiritual stuff.  Just pray on it and watch closely of what is going on.  God WILL show you.

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #181 on: February 20, 2010, 03:52:49 PM »
Its all good Donald! Everyone entitled to there own opinion. I wish you stood up for what you said and not let some threat of someone telling change your whole mindset.  Makes it seems like you were just talking in the moment..If I was a pastor I wouldnt take offense I would upgrade my leadership. I know alot of pastors that after a certain amount of years begin to wing it with sermons and their call of duty. Its obvious look at the current state of the church nothing but transferred growth here in America, basically, a bunch of church folks......cant worry bout them!

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #182 on: February 20, 2010, 04:43:09 PM »
SJon, I love your signature!  Actually, your signature and Nessa are my fav!  I know this was completely irrelevant.

Thank you, sir.  :)
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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #183 on: March 06, 2010, 11:28:31 AM »
Its all good Donald! Everyone entitled to there own opinion. I wish you stood up for what you said and not let some threat of someone telling change your whole mindset.  Makes it seems like you were just talking in the moment..If I was a pastor I wouldnt take offense I would upgrade my leadership. I know alot of pastors that after a certain amount of years begin to wing it with sermons and their call of duty. Its obvious look at the current state of the church nothing but transferred growth here in America, basically, a bunch of church folks......cant worry bout them!

Amen A Sponge...
- Drum Ducer


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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #184 on: March 06, 2010, 12:35:24 PM »

 :D :D :D :D

*runs to get a ursher sheet for LailoveruffnecksRue for when she passes out*


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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #185 on: March 06, 2010, 12:37:51 PM »
oh, an brah, its really

c'mon, mane u older than me, u should kno dat. :D

Offline musician4life

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #186 on: March 07, 2010, 07:04:08 AM »
Let's keep it really real:

The church created the market, and we intend on keeping it alive, if at all possible. People love to have money ... period.

If they started paying people to come to church - rest assured, people would be in line like, "Hey, ummm...Deacon Stewart, you got that check?"

Their MAY be some Biblical mandate to pay musicians, but I'm willing to bet .01 percent of all paid church musicians wouldn't know it even existed.  ;D

Offline robin of drummin

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #187 on: March 09, 2010, 12:20:44 PM »
I've been keeping up with this thread, some of the commits are hilarious, some make you scratch your head, some makes you wanna take a advil or asprin, and some just pray for em.... but to try to make some since of this all we all have our ideas and opinions, but the truth of the matter is any position in the church no matter what title are referred to in biblical term is a levite or levitical priesthood, they were the ones that took care of the church and handled the worship and offerings, and priest were the leaders the ones that spoke gods word and heard from God and were the voice of God.  

The roles may have involved or have changed in duration of due time of centuries.  But the purpose of it all work together under leadership to glorify God and to save souls nothing more nothing less were just vessels on earth striving to make it through the gate when our time comes.  So until that time comes does it mean more to live off of the church, but it is ok for the church take care of those that do the service of God.  

But it has to be a daily calling not just on a Sunday, do we become a different person when Monday comes, still hanging with the wrong crowd, being stumbling blocks for those trying to walk towards Christ, are we even trying to witness to those who don't know God, are we taking the time to take up the bible and read it, including going to bible study.  Let lone being a faithful member, supporting the church every chance you get.  

I don't have a title of a pastor or any of the sort but the one way I know how be good member is to support my pastor as He hears from God and to make ground prepped and ready for him bring the word is to be one accord with the spirit to bring in the worship to break all yokes and unbound any that is bounded and word of God will take care of the Rest.

Offline iDrum.

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #188 on: March 28, 2010, 06:18:09 PM »

3-)In the words of my Panthers coach John Fox, "It is, what it is"..... so if you want cheap or free musicians for every sunday, you have to get beginners. Granted they won't know alot, but they would be cost-effective. That's why churches are paying the neccessary money because the service is so much different when you have SKILLED and ANNOINTED musicians.

i'll have to disagree because of the fact that i'm 17 and i've been playing since i was 3 and i only get paid $25 dollars a week. all that does is takes care of my lunch for the week ;D i know for a fact that i'm SKILLED and ANNOINTED, but i love what i do too much to ask for money. I think all these other cats asking for all this money should get an actual job!!after all you got the gift from God in the first place and your sole purpose as a christian is to use your "gift" for the glory and edification of God, not for money.
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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #189 on: March 28, 2010, 10:14:00 PM »
Bro, lemme say this, and take no offense to this.

You're 17. at this stage in your life, you shouldnt HAVE to worry about a gig. While I dont know your situation, your biggest concern should be rockin grades, and if you just got outs HS, lookin to college. Preparin yourself for life ahead. If you get blessed with some ends for what you do, to God be the glory.

but it's a different viewpoint from an adult that's put a lot of time into his craft, (not to imply that you have not)and has CHOSEN to make this his living.

and for the record, music ministry is a job, in many places. Granted, it is service rendered to God, but it is a task, alebeit enjoyable, it can be laborious.

Offline kodacolor

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #190 on: March 29, 2010, 02:26:58 PM »
i'll have to disagree because of the fact that i'm 17 and i've been playing since i was 3 and i only get paid $25 dollars a week. all that does is takes care of my lunch for the week ;D i know for a fact that i'm SKILLED and ANNOINTED, but i love what i do too much to ask for money. I think all these other cats asking for all this money should get an actual job!!after all you got the gift from God in the first place and your sole purpose as a christian is to use your "gift" for the glory and edification of God, not for money.

You gotta understand that your perspective as a 17 year old with parents who take care of all the things you need is different from someone who, most likely, majored in music (if not self taught only/mostly) and who's lively hood depends on what s/he gets from gigs.  As a 17 yr old high school student (assuming you haven't graduated yet) $25 is enough when lunch at school is about $3, when tithing is $2.50, and when the rest can be saved or spent on fun stuff.  But when music IS your real job (see: Pit musicians for broadway musicals, house musicians for shows like "American Idol," "Jimmy Kimmel Live," "The George Lopez Show," etc, Church musicians, tour band for artists, orchestra member for entertainment or even movie scores, music teacher, recording artist, etc.)  $25 won't cover everything for them.  They are going to need to pay for their rent/mortage that is probably about (or in a lot a places way more than) $600 a month.  They're going to need money to take care of their kids the way your parents take care of you.  They're going to need money for food, soap, gas bills, etc.  One shouldn't have to get a part time job in conjuction to what they went to school for after.  Right after college that may be what you need to do until you can get your foot in the door, but when you go to school for something the point is to make that thing you're in school for the thing you use to support your self and/or your family.

Bro, lemme say this, and take no offense to this.

You're 17. at this stage in your life, you shouldnt HAVE to worry about a gig. While I dont know your situation, your biggest concern should be rockin grades, and if you just got outs HS, lookin to college. Preparin yourself for life ahead. If you get blessed with some ends for what you do, to God be the glory.

but it's a different viewpoint from an adult that's put a lot of time into his craft, (not to imply that you have not)and has CHOSEN to make this his living.

and for the record, music ministry is a job, in many places. Granted, it is service rendered to God, but it is a task, alebeit enjoyable, it can be laborious.


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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #191 on: March 29, 2010, 09:46:50 PM »

Offline QCdrummer

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #192 on: March 30, 2010, 12:40:29 PM »
LOL, this thread won't die because there just hasn't been alot of interesting topics of late..... lol!

Anyway at 17, not only would I have taken $25 a week, I would have rejoiced for $25 a month!

iDrum, I used to be like you. I didn't care  about money at all, I just wanted to play! I thought like that until I was about 20 years old. I was in college playing at a church (a SHOUTING PENTECOSTAL church no less) for no charge..... I never complained one time, but the constant rehearsals and church functions were getting to be very time consuming and demanding. Using up the little gas I could afford to put in and then going home to cereal and oodles and noodles. Constantly having to call my mother to see if she could spare any funds.
I don't know if you plan on going to college, but $25 won't even buy you 2 pages from one of your textbooks you will have to buy.

The older you get, the more responsibilities you get. And when you're musician friends (some of whom you will be better than) are all walking around getting some level of token, that is when I think you're thinking will start to change.  Not to the level of greediness, but to the level where you feel that you're playing is good enough to justify being offered SOMETHING.

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #193 on: March 30, 2010, 06:21:12 PM »
and then going home to cereal and oodles and noodles.

ahh, yes, the food of the (broke) gods.....

Offline thatswhutsup

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #194 on: July 22, 2010, 01:34:13 AM »
to me if it is  gift from god i dnt think i should the charge the church. i just play. why would i charge a church so i can play for like 1 hours 2 hours max. i see it as this is also my church and im not going to charge it. if u want to get a piano player stop looking for one and ask some kids in the church if they have any knowledge on how to play. it will get them more involved and they will progress in playing.

Offline robin of drummin

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #195 on: August 29, 2010, 09:35:02 AM »
So are we saying "Pass the Collection plate  3 times and lock the doors till i get a new Benz" ?

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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #196 on: August 29, 2010, 06:09:34 PM »
to me if it is  gift from god i dnt think i should the charge the church. i just play. why would i charge a church so i can play for like 1 hours 2 hours max. i see it as this is also my church and im not going to charge it. if u want to get a piano player stop looking for one and ask some kids in the church if they have any knowledge on how to play. it will get them more involved and they will progress in playing.

I agree, although Im not Cory Henry or Eddie Brown or Derrick Jackson if the Lord sees fit to bless me with that ability through studies i still dont think i would charge. Not saying that I would turn down an offering (honestly). I look at it this way, when my dad preaches at different engagements he's never concerned with the money. He NEVER once told the Deacons that he need 1200 in order to preach. I understand the church has a business side but I think folk gravitate more torwards that side. Ill NEVER accept an engagement and tell them I need X amount of dollars to play. Im no bible scholar but im pretty sure Paul and John and em didnt set a price to preach. If im not mistaken I think it was John who lived in the wilderness and ate locusts (i could be wrong). I understand folk have to survive and that you should take care of them but I say allow that to fall on the church. Even if they dont, the Lord will always provide. Folk dont believe that. Ask em to keep tithing although their bills are do. Things get real tight ::sweats:: ::loosens up tie::
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Re: I want to know the real reason why musicans need top pay at a church?
« Reply #197 on: October 31, 2010, 05:21:36 AM »
HINDRANCE If it is a hindrance to pay musician as it pertains to the word or the body of Christ DONT PAY AND MUSICIANS DONT STAY LOL your services are not needed there but there's plenty of places that you are needed and will take care of the minister of music and pastor and widows for that matter just the same!!


Now for yall EXACT CHRISTIANS, no it doesn't say it like that but it says it READ 1 COR 8 CHAPTER AND 9.

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