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Author Topic: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry  (Read 18728 times)

Offline dwest2419

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Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« on: October 03, 2009, 11:29:25 PM »
When I decided not to become part of the music ministry, just sitting down, but being ministered to by whether the preacher, choir members, or the praise team, I wasn't being exposed to all this spiritual warfare I've been getting into ever since I did decide to join anyway. That's when I had realized that Ive' been getting hell! (<--lol! 4 real!)

Now, I have to remind myself that every time I get upon that stage at church to play, I'm always being engaged in spiritual warfare. That is why there's always a conflict going on. Because I've noticed, that anytime you decide to make a decision to become part of the praise team, or choir, or become part of as a musician, or to sing or play for God, your putting yourself to be exposed by the enemy to become a target.

(Who am I talking too up in here... I know I'm not by myself with this.)

The enemy will attack you and he'll use people that aren't really living for the Lord, whether they're on the praise team, choir board, or within the musician group itself, to come against you. He'll even at sometimes have you thinking that it is them, but its not! You have to recognize the real enemy: "Satan". I also learned that this stuff ain't no joke; you cannot play around.

But the Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places. For the Bible also tells us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal; but their mighty through God through the pulling down of strong holds, and casting down every imagination and everything thing that exalts itself againgst the knowledge of God.

(Again, who am I talking too up in here...)

When the enemy comes against you, if you are operating in that area for the Lord, Satan and his demonic spirits will come against you. You have to withstand, oppose, and resist him in the Name of Jesus; and tell that devil, "Get thee behind me Satan in the name of Jesus." Anytime you decide to join the choir, praise team, or become part of the musician group, you are being engaged at that very moment, in spiritual warfare, why? Because you have to recognize you have an anointing on you (if you're a child of God) that is on your life; and whether that anointing is on you for to sing or to minister to people, or even an anointing on you to play/minister through music, your being exposed to spiritual warfare. For it's the anointing that destroys the yoke.

The enemy will come against you with depression, oppression, pressurization, even having you fell like you want to give up. You wonder why you see people in the choir who would often come to church just about as often as possible, but they draw back and you see them start missing a lot of rehearsals or even a lot of church Sundays. The enemy comes against you because you've decided to become part of ministering to people with your gift. For, some the enemy have them bound by some type of addiction (<---I think you get the point here!.)

(Who am I talking too up in here... help me Holy Ghost!)

So, before you decide to join, you better think twice; you thinking, "Oh, that would be nice a thing to do - join the music ministry - I think I'll join - it seems fun!" You really don't know what you're really getting into. Now, I'm not saying all this to discourage you, but letting you that once you crossed that line, it's a different story. This thing is serious and you cannot play with it because your being put in a position to be on the front line for the Lord.

God bless!

Offline FaithD

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2009, 07:47:31 AM »
You were definitely preaching to me! I recently resigned from playing at a white church, which I thought was going to be different. I stayed faithfully for a little over a year. I haven't been to church for about a month. I can't go back and don't want to go to another church ever again. I haven't lost my praise. I still wake up early in the morning with praises on my heart and mind. I just cannot go to another building called THE CHURCH!

I play enough to carry a service. When the spirit moves I avail myself. In the past year the Lord has really used me and carried me to a level of playing that I thought wasn't in me.

All the scriptures, songs, or anything else all sound good and easy. Its not easy when you put yourself in the front line. I've fallen and I can't get up!

Offline kodacolor

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2009, 10:35:44 AM »
I just wanted to say that this is a good thread.  This isn't something to play with.  People get seriously wounded...and until I recover that's all I'm gonna say about the music ministry.

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2009, 11:47:55 AM »
Dude, you sound like the musician who just left our church. :-\
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Offline betnich

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2009, 06:46:52 PM »
I would add that the struggle/battle seems more intense the more you involve yourself in music ministry...and those whom the enemy tends to use the most to instigate arguments and conflict tend to be others in the ministry and the saints in said church...

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2009, 10:38:57 PM »
Yes Sir!!

Only way I can deal with my Music Ministry is by staying in the Spirit at all times. Also, staying PRAYED-UP!!!

No, you are not by yourself!
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2009, 10:42:55 PM »
Don't give up. Continue to pray and allow the Holy Spirit direct your path.

God Bless!
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2009, 01:04:05 AM »
You were definitely preaching to me! I recently resigned from playing at a white church, which I thought was going to be different. I stayed faithfully for a little over a year. I haven't been to church for about a month. I can't go back and don't want to go to another church ever again. I haven't lost my praise. I still wake up early in the morning with praises on my heart and mind. I just cannot go to another building called THE CHURCH!

I play enough to carry a service. When the spirit moves I avail myself. In the past year the Lord has really used me and carried me to a level of playing that I thought wasn't in me.

All the scriptures, songs, or anything else all sound good and easy. Its not easy when you put yourself in the front line. I've fallen and I can't get up!

Know how you feel...in some ways I think it may be harder playing for a White Church (most of my experience). There's the cultural as well as perhaps a racial and class gap. And if it is a mainline denomination it is more likely that there's an 'old guard' faction in the leadership and/or congregation who want things just like they were 30-40 years ago, thank you, and resent you upsetting their idea of a worship experience. I ran into conflict with a fellow staff member, prayed for guidance and felt led to leave that kind of church situation.

It took me about six months of licking my wounds and searching before I found an independent multicultural church. And once I got plugged into the music ministry there those attacks started again, through friction and hassle from another person on the Praise Team - I was despairing, "Wasn't I just here? Why, Lord, why???"

But the weird thing was that when I prayed this time I got the direction to STAY and give up the entire situation to Him. He told me that the one giving trouble was going to leave, and all of a sudden, it happened. Our Praise team is smaller, we miss those who left, we are in no ways perfect or complete, but now the tension is less and God is in CONTROL.

Please be assured that the Lord can use you to bless others, even in the worst situation. Think about this - the enemy would not have come so hard against you and your ministry UNLESS God was using you to make a difference in those people's lives...

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2009, 06:05:51 AM »
hey KODA and FAITH;remember enemy comes to DIS- courage(take away);take a lesson from David and En-courage(add to courage) in/from the LORD.


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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2009, 01:09:32 PM »
Imma kind of suprise yall with my response:

While I believe in the concept of spiritual warfare and think that it is a biblical truth, I'm not totally on the bandwagon believing that the reason why there is so much "hell" in the music ministry is because of spiritual warfare.

Here's my take on it: A lot of the problems that happen in music ministry involve arguing over stuff that doesn't matter, people not staying in their lane (too many chiefs and not enough indians), and (because many people view the pastor as the head hauncho) the lack of the pastor intervening on these issues for the sake of trying to stay out of choir business or for the sake of having a good music ministry.

Also a lot of these issues stem from the reality that the church wants their music right (as in secular music). It seems like the music ministries where perfecting music is not as big of a deal are the ones with less drama. I'm not saying that we shouldn't strive for excellence but I feel like because we emphasize so much stuff that God probably isn't concerned about, we have more drama.

Another heavy issue is dress. There will be arguments in church over whether the choir should wear black or red. I've said here on LGM before and my opinion is very left field but I actually disagree with choirs having to dress uniform. I don't understand why we can't just let people wear what they want to wear to sing in the choir and that be it. I mean at the end of the day, what will matter most on Sunday morning (or whenever the choir sings) is if souls were saved, people were ministered to, and people leaving the church empowered to serve. That's what matters!!!

Third, many believe that the pastor is the head of the local church and only will respect the authority of the pastor. I feel like if the pastor gets more involved with the issues of the music ministry and sets guidelines then maybe there wouldn't be so many issues. Sorry to make this long but in my 5-6 years playing for churches I have seen these issues and to me it's ridiculous!


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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2009, 01:14:43 PM »
Oh wait I forgot something  ;D

It seems like in the black church (I don't know I could be assuming and it could be in other racial churches too) we have a problem with authority and power. It seems like everyone wants to run the show but nobody wants to follow leadership. I'm not one that feels like someone in authority should think it's their own show and everybody else just do whatever but I do feel like when there are clearly defined roles then everybody can be in their lane.

I'm dealing with this now. My pastor who became pastor in 2005 (been playing piano for church since October 2004) wants to grow me into a Minister of Music. So for right now the presidents run everything. I disagree with this model because it has people operating in areas they shouldn't be. For example I was talking with the president of a choir about new songs and just for sake of doing it I asked about who determines if we will do a new song the following Sunday and the president said "I determine that!". I'm thinking "how can you determine if we ready for a song if I'm suppose to be the musician. But it seems like when there is a minister of music, and their role is defined, and the president as well, things go better.

This is my home church and i'm 22 so the people will not view me as an adult but view me for being raised in the church. The point I"m making is if we had more people willing to follow instead of it being all about them in power we wouldn't have so many issues.

And then you got people who want to run the show but when it's time for elections then they don't want to lead....ugghh! Ok that's enough!

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2009, 12:10:16 AM »
Some people don't want to take responsibility, but want to run the show behind the scenes - either through complaints to the Pastor/Music Minister or other types of machinations. That's how factions get started - like "I am for Paul, I am for Apollos" in the NT. That was one reason I left my last church; didn't want to be a part of the partisianship and conflict I saw brewing.

Yes, a lot of this is Flesh. But like pouring gasoline on a fire, our flesh can be used by the enemy of our souls to incite, accelerate and prolong spiritual attacks. That is why we have to be so careful of our attitudes and emotions....

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2009, 02:40:01 PM »
I'm so glad I'm not by myself in this thing. I was so discouraged with the lack of commitment from the young adults and the lack of patience and long suffering from the senoir adults, that I wanted to dismantle the Mass, Senior and Inspirational choirs and just have one Adult-Sanctuary choir, the Male chorus and the youth choir. The pastor told me to calm down and set a meeting for all choir members and their officers. I had to take this weekend to myself(I don't play on 2nd Sundays) to get away from everybody and everything, because I was becoming resentful, frustrated and ready to explode.

I'm so tired of everybody promoting their own agendas, fighting and gossiping. I asked the older members if they could just put a smile on their faces when they get in the choir stand to sing, and one of the members, paraphrasing of course, basically said she's not going to fake something that isn't there. Whatever happened to a sacrafice of praise? I play when my corparal tunnel acts up, but I press my way. Spiritual warfare, there needs to be another name for it.

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2009, 04:18:08 PM »
Yes Sir!!

Only way I can deal with my Music Ministry is by staying in the Spirit at all times. Also, staying PRAYED-UP!!!

No, you are not by yourself!
This is the key to enduring.

If God has played you in the music ministry you have to work or you are going to be held accountable. Hurt or no hurt at some point in your growth you have to endure. I've been through quite a bit at church even confronted leaders about how I felt but they made it seem like it wasn't what it really was. Lying to themselves or just being deceitful. It really doesn't matter as long as I do my part. You should speak up about things you don't like but if you can't do anything about it learn other ways to minister.

I personally still don't like what's going on in our music ministry but I just go with the flow. People are going to be blessed by my being there either way.  Now I let leaders who want the show have it. After a while they burn out. There is always outside gigs or events I play at where I can express myself.  I started praying more that Saturday night and Sunday morning before service and there is a big difference when I pray in the spirit for a while at home. God moves in the service every time I do it. Whether I'm heard or if the other musicians are playing too loud I know my prayers and presence make a difference. The goal is to see the church edified so Im learning to glory in that God is using me whether seen or unseen.
Vision without action is just day dreaming. I miss practicing.


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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2009, 05:18:20 PM »
I've been through quite a bit at church even confronted leaders about how I felt but they made it seem like it wasn't what it really was. Lying to themselves or just being deceitful. It really doesn't matter as long as I do my part. You should speak up about things you don't like but if you can't do anything about it learn other ways to minister.

I personally still don't like what's going on in our music ministry but I just go with the flow. People are going to be blessed by my being there either way.  Now I let leaders who want the show have it.

That's how I am now. I'm to a point where if they want to run the show, run it! At the end of the day imma give it the best I know how and if they want to run the show, to stay out of drama, then I'll let them run it. Too many people are being blessed through my playing (not to brag or anything) to get bogged down by people who want to run the show and act like they got more music knowledge than I do. There are WAY more who will respect me and the ability I have versus those who act out of ignorance not appeciating the ability God has given me.

But you know what? Life too short to stress petty church issues! Gotta move forward!


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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2009, 01:09:19 PM »
When I decided not to become part of the music ministry, just sitting down, but being ministered to by whether the preacher, choir members, or the praise team, I wasn't being exposed to all this spiritual warfare I've been getting into ever since I did decide to join anyway. That's when I had realized that Ive' been getting hell! (<--lol! 4 real!)

Now, I have to remind myself that every time I get upon that stage at church to play, I'm always being engaged in spiritual warfare. That is why there's always a conflict going on. Because I've noticed, that anytime you decide to make a decision to become part of the praise team, or choir, or become part of as a musician, or to sing or play for God, your putting yourself to be exposed by the enemy to become a target.

(Who am I talking too up in here... I know I'm not by myself with this.)

The enemy will attack you and he'll use people that aren't really living for the Lord, whether they're on the praise team, choir board, or within the musician group itself, to come against you. He'll even at sometimes have you thinking that it is them, but its not! You have to recognize the real enemy: "Satan". I also learned that this stuff ain't no joke; you cannot play around.

But the Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places. For the Bible also tells us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal; but their mighty through God through the pulling down of strong holds, and casting down every imagination and everything thing that exalts itself againgst the knowledge of God.

(Again, who am I talking too up in here...)

When the enemy comes against you, if you are operating in that area for the Lord, Satan and his demonic spirits will come against you. You have to withstand, oppose, and resist him in the Name of Jesus; and tell that devil, "Get thee behind me Satan in the name of Jesus." Anytime you decide to join the choir, praise team, or become part of the musician group, you are being engaged at that very moment, in spiritual warfare, why? Because you have to recognize you have an anointing on you (if you're a child of God) that is on your life; and whether that anointing is on you for to sing or to minister to people, or even an anointing on you to play/minister through music, your being exposed to spiritual warfare. For it's the anointing that destroys the yoke.

The enemy will come against you with depression, oppression, pressurization, even having you fell like you want to give up. You wonder why you see people in the choir who would often come to church just about as often as possible, but they draw back and you see them start missing a lot of rehearsals or even a lot of church Sundays. The enemy comes against you because you've decided to become part of ministering to people with your gift. For, some the enemy have them bound by some type of addiction (<---I think you get the point here!.)

(Who am I talking too up in here... help me Holy Ghost!)

So, before you decide to join, you better think twice; you thinking, "Oh, that would be nice a thing to do - join the music ministry - I think I'll join - it seems fun!" You really don't know what you're really getting into. Now, I'm not saying all this to discourage you, but letting you that once you crossed that line, it's a different story. This thing is serious and you cannot play with it because your being put in a position to be on the front line for the Lord.

God bless!

I like this!


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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2009, 02:18:27 PM »
When I decided not to become part of the music ministry, just sitting down, but being ministered to by whether the preacher, choir members, or the praise team, I wasn't being exposed to all this spiritual warfare I've been getting into ever since I did decide to join anyway. That's when I had realized that Ive' been getting hell! (<--lol! 4 real!)

Now, I have to remind myself that every time I get upon that stage at church to play, I'm always being engaged in spiritual warfare. That is why there's always a conflict going on. Because I've noticed, that anytime you decide to make a decision to become part of the praise team, or choir, or become part of as a musician, or to sing or play for God, your putting yourself to be exposed by the enemy to become a target.

(Who am I talking too up in here... I know I'm not by myself with this.)

The enemy will attack you and he'll use people that aren't really living for the Lord, whether they're on the praise team, choir board, or within the musician group itself, to come against you. He'll even at sometimes have you thinking that it is them, but its not! You have to recognize the real enemy: "Satan". I also learned that this stuff ain't no joke; you cannot play around.

But the Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places. For the Bible also tells us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal; but their mighty through God through the pulling down of strong holds, and casting down every imagination and everything thing that exalts itself againgst the knowledge of God.

(Again, who am I talking too up in here...)

When the enemy comes against you, if you are operating in that area for the Lord, Satan and his demonic spirits will come against you. You have to withstand, oppose, and resist him in the Name of Jesus; and tell that devil, "Get thee behind me Satan in the name of Jesus." Anytime you decide to join the choir, praise team, or become part of the musician group, you are being engaged at that very moment, in spiritual warfare, why? Because you have to recognize you have an anointing on you (if you're a child of God) that is on your life; and whether that anointing is on you for to sing or to minister to people, or even an anointing on you to play/minister through music, your being exposed to spiritual warfare. For it's the anointing that destroys the yoke.

The enemy will come against you with depression, oppression, pressurization, even having you fell like you want to give up. You wonder why you see people in the choir who would often come to church just about as often as possible, but they draw back and you see them start missing a lot of rehearsals or even a lot of church Sundays. The enemy comes against you because you've decided to become part of ministering to people with your gift. For, some the enemy have them bound by some type of addiction (<---I think you get the point here!.)

(Who am I talking too up in here... help me Holy Ghost!)

So, before you decide to join, you better think twice; you thinking, "Oh, that would be nice a thing to do - join the music ministry - I think I'll join - it seems fun!" You really don't know what you're really getting into. Now, I'm not saying all this to discourage you, but letting you that once you crossed that line, it's a different story. This thing is serious and you cannot play with it because your being put in a position to be on the front line for the Lord.

God bless!

I need to print this on the back of the church bulletins.

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2009, 11:29:35 PM »
I love this post!

This requires us as the Leaders of the Worship atmosphere to be prayed up. Attacks will come upon us. I had to remind myself of this thing at my rehearsal tonight. As minstrels and psalmists, we must remember that we are going to be attacked because we are doing what Satan himself can no longer do.

If we look at the life of Job we find him offering sacrifices to God in praise and worship for His wonderful works. We find him even offering sacrifices on behalf of his children. We all know the story of Job, how the devil asked for permission to tempt and test Job. If we can recall, the first thing that Satan took from Job was his ox and ***....HIS WORSHIP. In this time their form of worship was the offering of Sacrifice, and Satan really thought he had done something by doing that, but we all know JOB never stopped praising and thanking God in the midst of his own "warfare".

I'm reminded of another scripture reference in I Samuel Chapter 16, when Saul was tormented with an evil spirit, David began to play upon the harp the tormenting spirit would then flee.

What Am I telling myself and other Leaders in Music & Worship? We have to not only stay prayed up, but we have to stay emerged in God's word. We have to use God's word to combat the spiritual warfare and we also can't show any sign of weakness, "Be not weary in well doing". Worship & Praise is what we can use to combat this Spiritual Warfare. We must begin to call those things out in the Spirit. This is something I have to constantly remind myself when I get discouraged or when I feel their is Spiritual Warfare taking place.

Another thing a lot of people fail to realize is that you must be called to this type of ministry. This must NOT be just a thing we aimlessly decided to do. In my short time of operating in music ministry, I have seen Spiritual Warfare and I've also experience PURE FOOLISHNESS in the Music Ministry. Either way, I have to stay PRAYED UP.

Music Ministry can bring out the BEST and WORST in people...(smh)
Daniel E. Smalls, Minister of Music & Worship Arts
Heaven Bound Ministries Worship Center

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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2009, 12:15:39 AM »
I love this post!

This requires us as the Leaders of the Worship atmosphere to be prayed up. Attacks will come upon us. I had to remind myself of this thing at my rehearsal tonight. As minstrels and psalmists, we must remember that we are going to be attacked because we are doing what Satan himself can no longer do.

If we look at the life of Job we find him offering sacrifices to God in praise and worship for His wonderful works. We find him even offering sacrifices on behalf of his children. We all know the story of Job, how the devil asked for permission to tempt and test Job. If we can recall, the first thing that Satan took from Job was his ox and ***....HIS WORSHIP. In this time their form of worship was the offering of Sacrifice, and Satan really thought he had done something by doing that, but we all know JOB never stopped praising and thanking God in the midst of his own "warfare".

I'm reminded of another scripture reference in I Samuel Chapter 16, when Saul was tormented with an evil spirit, David began to play upon the harp the tormenting spirit would then flee.

What Am I telling myself and other Leaders in Music & Worship? We have to not only stay prayed up, but we have to stay emerged in God's word. We have to use God's word to combat the spiritual warfare and we also can't show any sign of weakness, "Be not weary in well doing". Worship & Praise is what we can use to combat this Spiritual Warfare. We must begin to call those things out in the Spirit. This is something I have to constantly remind myself when I get discouraged or when I feel their is Spiritual Warfare taking place.

Another thing a lot of people fail to realize is that you must be called to this type of ministry. This must NOT be just a thing we aimlessly decided to do. In my short time of operating in music ministry, I have seen Spiritual Warfare and I've also experience PURE FOOLISHNESS in the Music Ministry. Either way, I have to stay PRAYED UP.

Music Ministry can bring out the BEST and WORST in people...(smh)

Good word....we do have to try to stay in the Word and in prayer....

I wonder - who suffers more, the soul that is not called to Music Ministry and struggles to do it, or the one who IS called and resists it?


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Re: Spiritual Warfare in the Music Ministry
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2009, 06:24:51 AM »
Good word....we do have to try to stay in the Word and in prayer....

I wonder - who suffers more, the soul that is not called to Music Ministry and struggles to do it, or the one who IS called and resists it?


I don't think it's an either/or, I believe it to be a both/and.
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