I think that qualifies for a mandatory revocation of your man card
*Nodding in agreement*
C'mon Son!!!
Men dont "toot". We FOT!
We bust farts, tear drawers etc....
Men Dont take medication prescribe for females. I dont know what the heck........Nevemind!!
He said "Pad Thingies"!!
Ummm......I... *sigh*......ummmm..............SMH!......... Imma use my SMG Card on this one!!!
and to top it off......
In order for a "pad thingy" to stay in place he must have had on some tighty whities or something thong or granny panty related. Mens Boxers aint holding nothing in place. They provide freedom and room to breath like the open wild were men like to go and hunt and kill prey and stuff! Big Difference!!!
Im just sayin the violations yo.....................SMH!!
The only time a man is supposedly authorized to use a feminine napkin near his body is in the armpit of his military undershirt during a military uniform inspection or military parade in the blazing heat. They supposedly absorb the sweat and prevent you from having them gigantic sweat stains under your arms. (NO I HAVE NEVER DONE IT!) Some GI Jane female (that was actually fine) that was fresh off the drill field and in charge of our platoon suggested it. Heck she was a drill instructor she would know!