sory for this question but this bugs me....Does CCM has also something or have in common with gospel or any derived blues because i want to learn gospel and blues...but we usually play hillsong music here or should i say in general the way is CCM (contemporary Christian music)?
Speaking faecetiously (I actually like some CCM) -
Recipe for CCM:
Take 1 Blues/Jazz/Gospel song.
Lose the organ - put annoying woodblock/cowbell percussion and guitar strums front and center.
Remove any sus7, dim7, aug, m7, b5, 9th, 11th, 13th or other altered/complex/interesting chords. NO CHROMATIC MOVEMENT! Keys can do pads but NO tritone voicings. No more than one chord per measure. Sprinkle in a few sus chords here and there.
Bland out the vocals (take out Gospel tone, call-and-response, melismas, choir parts, etc.). Add a little whine. Auto-tune as needed.
Dumb down the lyrics - make sure the same phrase is repeated at least 4 times in the chorus so it burns into the brain. Ditto with the pre-chorus and bridge - you can even use the same chords as on the verse or chorus, no one will notice. On the verses you can cut loose with the pseudo-romantic 'boyfriend' lyrics - like "I will never leave You" and "I will always", etc. Worked so well for the disciples at the Last Supper. Remember, the song's focus should always be all about us.
Oh, and simplify the drums.
And there you have it - CCM.