Maybe the word EVERYONE (one of those all inclusive words) was not that greatest word to use, but the everyone I was referring to was to the ones who seem to be on the negative side of indifference. I was just shocked that there was as many people who just didn't care that much for it. Like I said before, if it's a matter of preference, then fine. Some people don't like CCM and other don't like Quartet Music...for whatever personal reason, but that's a matter of taste to me.
But it seems hard for me to seperate mime from other non-verbal ministries, except for ASL. When done correctly, I see it as a form of dance. I can understand anyone being turned off by any ministry that poorly does there craft. An unprepared minister, can be a complete turnoff to some. I definitely belive that all things should be done with an attitude of excellence.
Also, my question was birthed from the fact that no one had a biblical reason to not care for it. Seems to me that the large number of poorly trained mimes are hurting the perception of the whole ministry.