Just transcribed this for my church, so I thought I'd share my version of it.
He Is - William McDowell
Part 1 (Chorus)
Eb C# B Bbmin7
Almighty, Incredible, Amazing , Supernatural
Abmin7 F#maj7/9 E Bbmin7 Eb
Wonderful, Marvelous, He is, He is
Part 2 (Verse)
Throughout this part the riff below is running.
The C# and Eb chords need to be inverted to preserve the melody
C#/F Eb/G Eb C# C# C# Eb
Let creation sing, let the people shout
For His goodness and his mercy
Let us praise Him now
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue proclaim
Giving glory to His Holy Name
Part 3 (Pre-chorus)
Abmin7 Bbmin7
He is the Lord over everything
B C#
And let all of creation proclaim
Part 4 (Tag)
Basically a Ebmin7 chord throughout.
Intro: single notes: F# C Ab F#
C#dim/A Ebmin7/Bb Ebmin7/C Ab/C
Riff: single notes: C# Eb F# Ab C F#
Verse 2
Let the earth rejoice, let the people dance
To our Savior and Redeemer
We will lift our hands
He’s the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings
Hallelujah, let creation sing