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Author Topic: Current Status Thread!  (Read 2279928 times)

Offline JustBritt

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38200 on: August 21, 2012, 08:36:07 PM »

I can't stand those type of people who tries to tell YOU what you think, or how YOU feel, or what YOU want or don't want. Or try to speak up for you when that's not at all what you were thinking or even gonna say and try to shut you up because they just KNOW that it's just what they've said.

 ::) ::)

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Offline phbrown

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38201 on: August 21, 2012, 08:37:03 PM »
I interviewed a guy today and it took quite a turn. I feel so heavy laden.

He is a former pastor with an MDiv, pastored for 10 years and now considers himself agnostic/atheist. In short, he studied and found that he had more questions than his faith could cover.

The interview began with a discussion of his child custody case. He currently pays $1950 a month in child support for his son, which DNA proved is not his biological child. He learned this 4 years ago. Hired two attorneys and lost his first case, then lost the appeal. Has been paying $1950/mo for 8 years, and will continue until the child turns 18 or finishes college. He then went to court to fight for joint custody and they ruled that since he isn't the biological parent, he has no legal right to the child.

I just feel so powerless.

 :o :o :o :o oh my ....


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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38202 on: August 21, 2012, 11:05:58 PM »
CS: Eating watermelon.

CS: Feeling kind of......idk. Kind of having a moment. Remember when I was telling you all about visiting a family friend yesterday who was suffering with cancer? Well he passed away tonight probably about an hour or so ago. Like I said yesterday, when I went to see him it just mirrored the last couple of days of my mom's life. You could tell that he probably wasn't going to be here for long. It's something how fragile life is. Just a couple of months ago we were at his church (my mom's home church) and my pastor had to speak and he was MCing the program. Then in July he was critical in making sure mom's burial spot was done. Now he's gone. I hate cancer....ugh! But to God be the glory! Pray for the Miles family as they grieve (his wife was taking it pretty hard yesterday).

Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38203 on: August 22, 2012, 01:10:16 AM »
CS: Eating watermelon.

CS: Feeling kind of......idk. Kind of having a moment. Remember when I was telling you all about visiting a family friend yesterday who was suffering with cancer? Well he passed away tonight probably about an hour or so ago. Like I said yesterday, when I went to see him it just mirrored the last couple of days of my mom's life. You could tell that he probably wasn't going to be here for long. It's something how fragile life is. Just a couple of months ago we were at his church (my mom's home church) and my pastor had to speak and he was MCing the program. Then in July he was critical in making sure mom's burial spot was done. Now he's gone. I hate cancer....ugh! But to God be the glory! Pray for the Miles family as they grieve (his wife was taking it pretty hard yesterday).

I'm praying for the Miles and the Yancey family.

It is really hard to experience back-to-back death, and I've learned that for some people (such as myself), it is hard to see death even if you're not especially close to the person. I don't know how to explain it, it just takes a toll on you emotionally. I can remember a time on LGM when we had like 5 people reporting deaths in their families in one week, and I didn't want to share it then, but I was so depressed. It just really wore me out. Big time. It's just hard losing someone. You think about their family, the people who loved them the most... it's just hard. The important thing, I think, is to allow yourself to feel whatever you feel without trying to justify it or make sense of it. And of course, we have to remember that God is sovereign and we have to find a way to accept what He allows.
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Offline under13

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38204 on: August 22, 2012, 01:59:51 AM »
I believe that believers (not necessarily church folks, but saved and committed believers) are held to a higher standard. Whether that plays out or not, I do believe that that's how it SHOULD be.

There is no doubt in my mind that as difficult as it might be to give up an extra $2000 a month, especially if I know I won't get a nickel from the biological father, I would not hesitate to take steps to undo that court order. My morals and integrity would even cause me to try to pay back whatever money I had received. Well wait, actually, if I knew from jump that this wasn't my husband's child, I wouldn't even allow him to pay child support in the first place so there would be no need to return any money. That's just not right and I strongly believe that you WILL pay for your wrong. Most times, the price is much higher than the deed's worth, so I'm not trying to pay $4000 for some $2000 trickery.

But yeah, as much as I don't believe in prenups and all that, I do have to say that if I were a man, no matter how much I loved her and no matter how saved she is and how good a family she comes from, I would be reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal cautious before tying the knot and making babies. No matter how good a person is, there's no telling what people might do when they are hurt or angry or bitter or in need.

Yeah, I agree that we should be held to a higher standard, but imo that just leads to disappointment when or if they turn out to be just like everyone else.

As for prenups, I always was in favor of them, but now I'm thinking that I will most definitely have one. As hard as it is to make it (especially as a black man), I know it hurts to see half of your money go  away in an instant. Women claim to be so independent, so if that's true, why do they need alimony or half of a man's net worth? I mean you wasnt with me shooting in the studio! :D

Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38205 on: August 22, 2012, 03:28:51 AM »
The prenup can't help with alimony, but it can't do much about child support. No contract can supersede the law. Plus, if you were both working, she is unlikely to get alimony anyway.

As for the 'why'.... I think some women just believe that's the only way to stick it to a guy, right or wrong. He hurts her, he moves on like it was nothing, she has to hurt him back.... what better way to hurt a person than in their pocket? Plus, it's easy, accessible, legal.... it's a convenient way to exact revenge. Like I said, if I were a guy, I'd be extremely careful. The law just doesn't lean in your favor.

Sad truth.
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Offline rayjohnson83

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38206 on: August 22, 2012, 07:21:17 AM »
WHY AM I UP SO EARLY!?!?!?!? Guess I'll work on this music for Labor Day.

What's good family!

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38207 on: August 22, 2012, 10:15:50 AM »
First day back on the grind...and my computer doesn't want to work.  :-\

Glad I've got a job, though. :)
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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38208 on: August 23, 2012, 09:55:37 AM »
Glad that you're OK.

Offline lordluvr

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38209 on: August 23, 2012, 11:16:50 AM »
Dang man.  Sorry to hear about your accident, but I'm glad you're ok. 

Offline Gibby

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38210 on: August 23, 2012, 12:32:36 PM »
CS: Thankful for my job!  Didn't know working with the government had so many perks when it came to discounts?! From cell phones to hotels...this is pretty sweet!!! 8)

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38211 on: August 23, 2012, 12:42:11 PM »
CS: Thankful for my job!  Didn't know working with the government had so many perks when it came to discounts?! From cell phones to hotels...this is pretty sweet!!! 8)

Please don't say that.  A friend asked me if I wanted to teach 'teenage adults' doing some sort of government work.  But, I think there's travel involved, and I don't see my wife going for it, anyway.  :-\ :D
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Offline Gibby

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38212 on: August 23, 2012, 01:10:46 PM »
Please don't say that.  A friend asked me if I wanted to teach 'teenage adults' doing some sort of government work.  But, I think there's travel involved, and I don't see my wife going for it, anyway.  :-\ :D

Yeah there will be a lot more travel in my future...but a small price to pay for a decent salary and low turn-over rate...

Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38213 on: August 23, 2012, 01:40:07 PM »
Glad you're okay, Sketch.

I read an article (can't remember if it was discussed here or on FB or somewhere else) about the sleep cycle and driving under the influence of fatigue. It turns out that before you actually feel sleepy, your body is already sleepy so by the time you feel it, you're already in the danger zone. By the time you nod off that first time, you're in like the third stage of fatigue.

Again, I'm really glad you're okay.
When you're in love you don't want to fall asleep bc reality is finally better than your dreams.

Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38214 on: August 23, 2012, 05:53:14 PM »
Since I'm always complaining about Indian/Bangladeshi customer service, I thought it would only be fair for me to share that I just had to call Dell (just bought this laptop in June and the display is frizzing out). That was the best customer service experience I've had in a long time, and that includes experiences with Americans. I spoke to two different Indian-sounding people, and both spoke very clearly and slowly (which shows me they are respectful of the language barrier).

Language part aside, the customer service itself was also very good.
When you're in love you don't want to fall asleep bc reality is finally better than your dreams.

Offline under13

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38215 on: August 23, 2012, 08:11:39 PM »
Since I'm always complaining about Indian/Bangladeshi customer service, I thought it would only be fair for me to share that I just had to call Dell (just bought this laptop in June and the display is frizzing out). That was the best customer service experience I've had in a long time, and that includes experiences with Americans. I spoke to two different Indian-sounding people, and both spoke very clearly and slowly (which shows me they are respectful of the language barrier).

Language part aside, the customer service itself was also very good.

I like Indian people. They are some of my best customers.

Glad you're okay, Sketch.

I read an article (can't remember if it was discussed here or on FB or somewhere else) about the sleep cycle and driving under the influence of fatigue. It turns out that before you actually feel sleepy, your body is already sleepy so by the time you feel it, you're already in the danger zone. By the time you nod off that first time, you're in like the third stage of fatigue.

Again, I'm really glad you're okay.

Yeah, I fell asleep for a second while driving back from upstate. It hits you and you never saw it coming. I turned the music up, got some coffee and was straight.

Offline phbrown

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38216 on: August 23, 2012, 10:44:27 PM »
slept myself iinnto a diitch yesterday morrning. The vehicle is no more, but I am ok. Was wearng seatbelt and the arbagg deployed. Pushed my glasses into my nose, sore neck and shoulders, and had a few dizzy spells last nighht while laying down. But it couldave beeb much worse. I missed an electrical pole by a teeny bit.

it was funny. I didn't know airbags produced smpoke, ao ithought the car was about to explode or something. I jumped out of the car and lost my glasses in the process. When mom and gmom were ooking for them later, the spent some time, then stopped and talked, and when they started again it was right under their noses.

anyway, I'm just glad God protected me, now we just need a new vehicle... And we're in the middle of moving too... Man... And I'm always so paranoid about driving tired too.... -_- I just want to beat myself over the head with a *stupid* bat... I didn't realize I was that exhausted...


:) glad you were protected!

Offline nessalynn77

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38217 on: August 23, 2012, 10:50:22 PM »
Reno Tahoe Int'l Airport!!!  This is gonna be an AWESOME weekend!

Offline BassbyGrace

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38218 on: August 23, 2012, 11:02:31 PM »
slept myself iinnto a diitch yesterday morrning. The vehicle is no more, but I am ok. Was wearng seatbelt and the arbagg deployed. Pushed my glasses into my nose, sore neck and shoulders, and had a few dizzy spells last nighht while laying down. But it couldave beeb much worse. I missed an electrical pole by a teeny bit.

it was funny. I didn't know airbags produced smpoke, ao ithought the car was about to explode or something. I jumped out of the car and lost my glasses in the process. When mom and gmom were ooking for them later, the spent some time, then stopped and talked, and when they started again it was right under their noses.

anyway, I'm just glad God protected me, now we just need a new vehicle... And we're in the middle of moving too... Man... And I'm always so paranoid about driving tired too.... -_- I just want to beat myself over the head with a *stupid* bat... I didn't realize I was that exhausted...


Glad you were good man!  I dont play with fatigue.  Back in college, my wife had an accident.  We were engaged at the time, but I was stationed in Missouri.  She was driving home from school, which is a good 2 1/2 hrs.  I told her to take a nap (the college we went to is just a mile from my house) but she insisted she was fine.  She just wanted to go and get home.  She fell asleep at the wheel on the highway and veered off.  Problem was, she had the cruise control on, so when she woke and tried to steer, it was still going fast.  The car flipped over atleast 8 times.  She made it out with just a small leg gash (praise GOD).  Was even able to climb out and call for help.  They said when her mother and aunt saw the car, they almost fainted because it was balled UP. 

In the army, we have to do risk assessments every time we drive outside a certain radius.  As a rule, you should stop for 15 mins every 3 hrs.  When I drove up from Miami, that really helped me out, because I drove all 12hrs straight.
Praise Him!

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Re: Current Status Thread!
« Reply #38219 on: August 24, 2012, 09:15:21 AM »
slept myself iinnto a diitch yesterday morrning. The vehicle is no more, but I am ok. Was wearng seatbelt and the arbagg deployed. Pushed my glasses into my nose, sore neck and shoulders, and had a few dizzy spells last nighht while laying down. But it couldave beeb much worse. I missed an electrical pole by a teeny bit.

it was funny. I didn't know airbags produced smpoke, ao ithought the car was about to explode or something. I jumped out of the car and lost my glasses in the process. When mom and gmom were ooking for them later, the spent some time, then stopped and talked, and when they started again it was right under their noses.

anyway, I'm just glad God protected me, now we just need a new vehicle... And we're in the middle of moving too... Man... And I'm always so paranoid about driving tired too.... -_- I just want to beat myself over the head with a *stupid* bat... I didn't realize I was that exhausted...


I thank God you came out alright brother.
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