I believe that believers (not necessarily church folks, but saved and committed believers) are held to a higher standard. Whether that plays out or not, I do believe that that's how it SHOULD be.
There is no doubt in my mind that as difficult as it might be to give up an extra $2000 a month, especially if I know I won't get a nickel from the biological father, I would not hesitate to take steps to undo that court order. My morals and integrity would even cause me to try to pay back whatever money I had received. Well wait, actually, if I knew from jump that this wasn't my husband's child, I wouldn't even allow him to pay child support in the first place so there would be no need to return any money. That's just not right and I strongly believe that you WILL pay for your wrong. Most times, the price is much higher than the deed's worth, so I'm not trying to pay $4000 for some $2000 trickery.
But yeah, as much as I don't believe in prenups and all that, I do have to say that if I were a man, no matter how much I loved her and no matter how saved she is and how good a family she comes from, I would be reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal cautious before tying the knot and making babies. No matter how good a person is, there's no telling what people might do when they are hurt or angry or bitter or in need.