One of my biggest fears.
With a degree and a good start, you have virtually no reason to fear that type of situation.
FB is proof, and anyone whose first instinct is to disagree with me should just go to their news feed and scroll through their classmates. I know I'm not the only one who has seen the occasional classmate posting about finally finishing their GED, or a CNA course (and even in large cities, CNAs don't make much more than $10/hr), or some other low-paying job, or working hard to get an associate's degree (in their 30s or 40s).
The thing is (and this is my point), it's a GREAT thing to pick up a deferred dream and not let it die, no matter how long it takes or how long you wait. But almost everyone will tell you that if they had it to do over again, they'd do it in their 20s, before having kids, bills, responsibilities, spouses, etc. A degree doesn't guarantee a high salary or great future. You CAN be somebody, achieve success, and earn a comfortable living without a college degree. But if you have NO REAL PLAN besides working your p/t $12/hr an hour job, then yes, you need to go to school or join the military.
My two cents.