CS: Dad had back surgery this morning. I heard from my mom a few hrs ago and the surgery appears to have gone well. This is his second one in about 3 yrs or so. His pain had gotten so bad that he was in a wheelchair most of the time. If you know my dad, that means the pain had to be excruciating because he will force himself to work through pain. My dad had never been sick for most of his life, but in recent years he's had bypass surgery and now two back surgeries. He's not one to stay down for long, so they say the date to go home is Monday or he'll have to be moved to a rehab center... I have no doubt he'll be chillin' at the house on Monday, lol! I plan to go for five days at Christmas, don't know about my two siblings yet. The church is preparing meals for them next week and members seem to be more willing to pitch in to keep my dad from over doing it, so there's always a bright side, lol. My dad and I have not always seen eye to eye on everything and our relationship has had its share of riffs, but I am truly glad to say that I still have my dad around, corny jokes and all...