CS: Facebook has made me aware of this show called "Pastor's Daughters". Of course I'm annoyed that this show even exists, but I've decided to go to to the site and watch it. Maybe it's not as bad as I think it is. Well, it kinda is. Does anybody watch the show? After watching episode 1 I feel that:
(1) It's feels like poor taste to start segments with Bible verses and then show all the ways the girls are not living by them.
(2) Olivia shouldn't have told her parents about the paternity test. She should have just went and got it done on her own without dropping possibly unnecessary bombs on them. If it turned out to be Shawn's baby then she'd have nothing to tell.
(3) Kolby wants to date but I really don't feel she's ready. She's talking to her sister about the different bases and, how to kiss, how to do oral sex, but the word "penetration" and the phrase "finger sex" creep her out. I can see her uneasily saying, "well...okay" to one of her boyfriends and deeply regretting it later because she REALLY isn't ready. (DISCLAIMER: I know sex and dating don't have to go hand in hand. I'm just acknowledging that for a lot of people it does)
(4) Taylor is hurt. She's tired of gossiping church folk. She's tired of having to be Miss Perfect for everybody. She wants freedom and wants out from under the microscope. Who wouldn't? However the paths she thinks will free here will later prove to create more bondage than she bargained for. Unfortunately there's nobody around she respects to make that argument and show her the how and the why in a way that's reasonable.
So far there are 4 episodes. I kinda want to see episode 2 just to figure out what happens. As someone who's in the church it can be a good convo starter, but for someone outside of the church it confirms everything they believe about Christians.