The Thing about the DVD's ( in my opinion) is that we get so impressed with the person's playing style that we sit and watch the DVD instead of using it as a tool. I bought a few DVD's and at least for me, I would sit there and watch them and be mesmerized. Seldom did I ever take a section, pause it, practice/master it, and then move on to the next section.
These cats probably spend WAY more time practicing their material than we do watching it. and the practice is what makes a person a beast. Jamal, Mike B, Jason White, all of them cats have stated in various interviews that when they were starting out, they would spend hours and hours on one chord or riff.
For me at least, what works best for me is to learn a lot of songs. I learn the basic chord structure and melody line. Then I build up from that.
I'm not knocking the DVD's. Because all of these guys are masters ( in my opinion ). I just had to quit grabbing DVD after DVD and then watch the DVD's and not practice for myself.
Some of the best teaching materials for me have been books and audio. I have a chord book, a book on reading music ( dynamics, note symbols, etc) and a TON of cd's.