I agree with MrSparrow and also the other person that talked about getting a letter of commitment. If the praisers who led the procession around Jericho had not been commited........
If the praise team had not begun to stand up and praise God in 2 Chron 2..........
If Job had not praised God when he allowed Satan to wipe out everything he had........
The P&W should be disciples of the Lord, and disciples of the Lord are faithful, dependable, striving to be holy, having their minds constantly transformed, tithers, intercessors, fast& pray-ers. They are humble and are not looking to put on a show. We have had to sit one of two down in our ministry, and this came from the church leadership being kept informed.
Remember Jezebel need an Ahab (weak leader) spirit to operate.....
Those who will not subject themselves to the leader of the P&W team needs to be lovingly sat down, no matter who they are. God punished Moses when he disobeyed we are no different....
It is good to have some dependable alternates so you prevent the team from getting burned out or when they hit the dry places where you expect them to sing and all they can do is cry.
I know I am preaching to the choir (no pun intended), remember Satan hates P&W because it was originally his gift and God took it away from him and gave it to us.
Anthing he can do to stop P&W he will do it. Stay encouraged, sit down woth your church leaders and ask for their help in getting to the P&W team that will glorify God above all!!