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Author Topic: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!  (Read 8112 times)

Offline Mmiss marsha

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #60 on: March 22, 2008, 05:07:39 PM »
Please listen to Reverend Wright's sermon in its entirety befor asserting a critique. It is dangerous to spew forth an assertion based on misinformation, ignorance, and cut and pasted sound bites you hear on Mainstream media shows (I hope you know which news shows I mean). Unfortunately all adults are not free, independent thinkers.
If you really were listening to Reverend Wright intelligently, you'd have discerned that he wasn't cursing America; rather he was telling his listeners that this country will surely be punished for its sins of colonianism, slavery, imperialism, preemptive wars, such as what  we are currently engaged in and  which taxing our citizenry( as even you will see in years to come, when many of our poor soldiers, shell shocked, and menatlly compromised, come home to an unfriendly America of no jobs, opportunities, or healthcare), and our economy     ( babies of babies yet to be born eill be paying for this quagmire!). God in fact is already punishing our nation as we see it evident on the news every day.
This country is in a position to be a benevolent, peaceful nation, yet, because misinformed people like yourself either vote, or fail to exercise that right. Beacuae of that truism,  Ministers such as Jeremiah Wright MUST continue to preach against the social ills and impediments in this world of sin.
Scripture does remind us that in Jesus' time those in high official positions took his words out of context and misjudged him, too. This of course is not to compare Rev. Wright to our savior -that would be reckless; rather, my gesture is to enlightenyou that what isn't politically popular, is classically frowned upon by the mass media, and it takes guts and fortitude to speak out against these things. Usually HATERS criticise those who step up to the plate. Take a crash course in modern world history before you put that stuff out.

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #61 on: March 22, 2008, 07:16:07 PM »
"Jesus was a poor black boy raised in a country controlled by rich white people" give or take I'm paraphrasin'!

"Give or take" paraphrasing is reckless and unwise. What Rev. Wright said was that Jesus knows what it's like to be a poor black boy in a country controlled by rich white people. That is totally different than what you quoted. I do know that the bible says we have a high priest (Jesus) who can understand our feelings and struggles, and that goes for everyone; black, white, red, brown, etc. Let's keep things in their proper context.
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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #62 on: March 22, 2008, 07:22:11 PM »
Will the real jesus please stand up?

 :) :D :D :D :D :D :'(
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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #63 on: March 22, 2008, 08:19:54 PM »
"Give or take" paraphrasing is reckless and unwise. What Rev. Wright said was that Jesus knows what it's like to be a poor black boy in a country controlled by rich white people. That is totally different than what you quoted. I do know that the bible says we have a high priest (Jesus) who can understand our feelings and struggles, and that goes for everyone; black, white, red, brown, etc. Let's keep things in their proper context.


Reckless and unwise.

What he said.
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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #64 on: March 22, 2008, 09:58:08 PM »
Yeah, I was a little stumped on that, too...

There's no way Jesus could've been wealthy.  No way.  He wouldn't be Jesus if He was.

define "wealthy".

Offline Furious Styles

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #65 on: March 22, 2008, 10:17:01 PM »
Someone hinted in the thread about the importance of knowing the historical reference of Jesus' appearance. Most people who have a problem with Jesus being anything but lily white are bitten with the gospel of racism. The image of a white jesus is what help to convince white people that it was ok to enslave black folk. It also made some black people accept that as truth. Thus why the concept of a jewish, black or ethnic jesus has always been frowned upon. Wright is a prophet..True prophets speak out against the establishment. They don't join it like many of our televangelist heroes and sheroes... You my brother are largely misinformed on many issues. Thank God for the blood but trust me you sound just like the slave master when you say its no way that we can no Jesus idenity. Those statements remind of when Malcolm x for got converted and the father in the jail makes such a dumb statement of not knowing what Jesus looked like!! Interesting how racial supremacy works!!! It can cloud the judgement of even the most educated...
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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #66 on: March 22, 2008, 10:48:03 PM »
define "wealthy".

having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value

(I used this one because it's closest to what I had in mind. The other definitions either related to character or said stuff like "having wealth" or "characterized by having wealth").
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Offline Bruh Kell

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #67 on: March 23, 2008, 03:25:05 AM »
I suppose my anger (in the post) has caused many of you to think a misunderstanding into the situation. I never said he was Black.........I never said he was white........I never said I knew.......


Lemme simplify.......

The Statement: It's pretty strange for any of us to say that we know what color Jesus was.....especially being that he was mixed with Jewish and ??? (if God has a color).

The Question: What difference does it make what color he was?

I would argue that Wright was just trying to play the ol' "Jesus was poor and black" card t speak out against white folk. But hey........can't go by what we see right?!?!?!?!?

I recall speaking out against focusing on his race.......did I not?
The responses I'm getting here are very much like I care what color he was. almost like I was trying to prove that I knew!

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #68 on: March 23, 2008, 11:40:14 AM »
I suppose my anger (in the post) has caused many of you to think a misunderstanding into the situation. I never said he was Black.........I never said he was white........I never said I knew.......


Lemme simplify.......

The Statement: It's pretty strange for any of us to say that we know what color Jesus was.....especially being that he was mixed with Jewish and ??? (if God has a color).

The Question: What difference does it make what color he was?

I would argue that Wright was just trying to play the ol' "Jesus was poor and black" card t speak out against white folk. But hey........can't go by what we see right?!?!?!?!?

I recall speaking out against focusing on his race.......did I not?
The responses I'm getting here are very much like I care what color he was. almost like I was trying to prove that I knew!

I love you all..........God bless!

Actually, Bruh Kell, I don't think there was a misunderstanding on MY part (but I can't speak for anyone else).

I was responding to the overall venom in your post.... I mean, you were surprisingly and inexplicably angry... and I was responding specifically to these statements/subjects wherein you didn't necessarily imply you knew Jesus's race, but you did certainly imply that you know Jesus isn't black:

so every time he says that Jesus was black HE'S LYING!!!!!....

The other comment you made was in response to Dr. Wright's assertion that Jesus was poor, to which you seemed to express your certainty that Jesus wasn't poor because He is King... (and as BFBT pointed out, you missed the metaphor)

Second Point
From the mouth of Jesus himself in John 19:11............
11Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.
Sounds like Jesus knows he's king to me. Did he ever say that he knows what it is "to be black in a country controlled by rich whites"?

Anyway, no point in rehashing the whole discussion.  It's all good, and we're all entitled to our opinions.  You have yours, I have mine... both are worth about a penny.  ;D

Just wanted to make sure you knew that I wasn't misunderstanding what you were saying, I just disagreed.
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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #69 on: March 23, 2008, 03:28:34 PM »
Are you really implying that those gifts made Mary and Joseph (and Jesus) wealthy?

I never said Mary and Joseph was wealthy, I just mentioned those gifts to say that Jesus was not poor.

I just want to see where, in the Bible, those gifts are stored/kept and used again during Jesus' ministry.

Do u ever wonder why those disciples left their businesses to follow Jesus?  They had to know that Jesus could take care of them.  Think about it, would u leave a good business to follow a poor man?  As for where the gifts were stored/kept, it doesn't say in the Bible because that's not really important.

There's no way Jesus could've been wealthy.  No way.  He wouldn't be Jesus if He was.

So, u saying that Jesus, the son of a God was poor?  Why do u think the bible even mentioned the gifts that he recieved when he was born?  God had those gifts in place so that Jesus would be set to accomplish His will when the time was right.  Think about it!!!  ;)
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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #70 on: March 23, 2008, 03:31:54 PM »
Think about it, would u leave a good business to follow a poor man? 

If the that man was Jesus, Yes

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #71 on: March 23, 2008, 03:57:45 PM »
If the that man was Jesus, Yes

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #72 on: March 23, 2008, 04:09:53 PM »
I never said Mary and Joseph was wealthy, I just mentioned those gifts to say that Jesus was not poor.

Do u ever wonder why those disciples left their businesses to follow Jesus?  They had to know that Jesus could take care of them.  Think about it, would u leave a good business to follow a poor man?  As for where the gifts were stored/kept, it doesn't say in the Bible because that's not really important.

So, u saying that Jesus, the son of a God was poor?  Why do u think the bible even mentioned the gifts that he recieved when he was born?  God had those gifts in place so that Jesus would be set to accomplish His will when the time was right.  Think about it!!!  ;)

With all due respect, T, that is a WHOLE lot of speculation and deductive reasoning with absolutely ZERO scriptural references.  This, in my opinion, is just so dangerous, and is indicative of the reason we have so many different denominations, so many people tossed about with varying winds of doctrine, so many people creating their own truths, stretching the truth, teaching others their truth... Anyway, I'm not saying Jesus was poor or rich - we'd probably argue all day about how poor "poor" really is, or how rich "rich" really is.  The purpose of THIS PARTICULAR post is to say that it is my opinion that you are speculating, not stating documented facts.

But, before we even get into all that, I'll just repeat Jonathan's request for a scriptural reference, and we can take it from there.

I just want to see where, in the Bible, those gifts are stored/kept and used again during Jesus' ministry.
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Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #73 on: March 23, 2008, 04:22:03 PM »


Well said, U13.

So, u saying that Jesus, the son of a God was poor?  Why do u think the bible even mentioned the gifts that he recieved when he was born?  God had those gifts in place so that Jesus would be set to accomplish His will when the time was right.  Think about it!!!  ;)

One other thing... I do think it's dangerous to speculate, when it comes to RIGHTLY dividing the Word of God.  But, to answer your question, I think there are many possible reasons the Lord saw fit to include mention of the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus.  It's possible that God wanted to show us that wise men don't worship Jesus just for what they can get, but actually come bringing gifts to Him.  Wise men say "what shall I render unto God for all His benefits?"  Maybe God wanted us to see the sacrifice that some made, while others were yet skeptical.  Maybe God wanted us to see faith in action.  Maybe they brought THOSE gifts because anything less would be unsuitable for the Savior of the world and King of Kings.  Maybe God wanted us to see what sacrificial giving is all about: offering up what is valuable to you, and doing it cheerfully... not because you want something in return, but because that's what you're supposed to do. 

Some theologians submit that the gifts may have been used to finance Joseph & Mary's escape to Egypt.  Of course, if that's true, those gifts certainly weren't put in the bank for safe keeping to finance Jesus's ministry 30 years later.  :-\

My point is that the Bible - to my knowledge - doesn't mention those gifts during Jesus's ministry, so we shouldn't declare definitively that they were used for ministry.
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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #74 on: March 23, 2008, 04:26:39 PM »
I'll toss Matthew 19:16-30 in the mix about this whole rich/poor thing.

I think it would've been hypocritical of Jesus to tell the guy to give up his wealth, if he had wealth. I don't believe that Jesus was "poor" per se, but I do believe that he didn't have a lot of money. Sheesh! He was a carpenter! He had to work for a living!

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #75 on: March 23, 2008, 04:36:01 PM »
I'll toss Matthew 19:16-30 in the mix about this whole rich/poor thing.

I think it would've been hypocritical of Jesus to tell the guy to give up his wealth, if he had wealth. I don't believe that Jesus was "poor" per se, but I do believe that he didn't have a lot of money. Sheesh! He was a carpenter! He had to work for a living!

Yep, and the list goes on and on... He said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into heaven...  :-\  Can you imagine a rich Savior telling you that you that you prooooobably won't make it in since you're so rich... LOL

For the record, though, I don't think Jesus was like, homeless-poor, or like eating-out-of-the-trash-poor, or like sleeping-on-a-park-bench-poor, or like putting-cardboard-in-the-soles-of-his-hand-me-down-shoes-poor....

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #76 on: March 23, 2008, 05:03:35 PM »
Yep, and the list goes on and on... He said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into heaven...  :-\  Can you imagine a rich Savior telling you that you that you prooooobably won't make it in since you're so rich... LOL

For the record, though, I don't think Jesus was like, homeless-poor, or like eating-out-of-the-trash-poor, or like sleeping-on-a-park-bench-poor, or like putting-cardboard-in-the-soles-of-his-hand-me-down-shoes-poor....



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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #77 on: March 23, 2008, 06:29:36 PM »

Well said, U13.

One other thing... I do think it's dangerous to speculate, when it comes to RIGHTLY dividing the Word of God.  But, to answer your question, I think there are many possible reasons the Lord saw fit to include mention of the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus.  It's possible that God wanted to show us that wise men don't worship Jesus just for what they can get, but actually come bringing gifts to Him.  Wise men say "what shall I render unto God for all His benefits?"  Maybe God wanted us to see the sacrifice that some made, while others were yet skeptical.  Maybe God wanted us to see faith in action.  Maybe they brought THOSE gifts because anything less would be unsuitable for the Savior of the world and King of Kings.  Maybe God wanted us to see what sacrificial giving is all about: offering up what is valuable to you, and doing it cheerfully... not because you want something in return, but because that's what you're supposed to do. 

Some theologians submit that the gifts may have been used to finance Joseph & Mary's escape to Egypt.  Of course, if that's true, those gifts certainly weren't put in the bank for safe keeping to finance Jesus's ministry 30 years later.  :-\

My point is that the Bible - to my knowledge - doesn't mention those gifts during Jesus's ministry, so we shouldn't declare definitively that they were used for ministry.

I'll toss Matthew 19:16-30 in the mix about this whole rich/poor thing.

I think it would've been hypocritical of Jesus to tell the guy to give up his wealth, if he had wealth. I don't believe that Jesus was "poor" per se, but I do believe that he didn't have a lot of money. Sheesh! He was a carpenter! He had to work for a living!

Yep, and the list goes on and on... He said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into heaven...  :-\  Can you imagine a rich Savior telling you that you that you prooooobably won't make it in since you're so rich... LOL

For the record, though, I don't think Jesus was like, homeless-poor, or like eating-out-of-the-trash-poor, or like sleeping-on-a-park-bench-poor, or like putting-cardboard-in-the-soles-of-his-hand-me-down-shoes-poor....



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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #78 on: March 23, 2008, 08:31:30 PM »
Actually, Bruh Kell, I don't think there was a misunderstanding on MY part (but I can't speak for anyone else).

I was responding to the overall venom in your post.... I mean, you were surprisingly and inexplicably angry... and I was responding specifically to these statements/subjects wherein you didn't necessarily imply you knew Jesus's race, but you did certainly imply that you know Jesus isn't black:

The other comment you made was in response to Dr. Wright's assertion that Jesus was poor, to which you seemed to express your certainty that Jesus wasn't poor because He is King... (and as BFBT pointed out, you missed the metaphor)

Anyway, no point in rehashing the whole discussion.  It's all good, and we're all entitled to our opinions.  You have yours, I have mine... both are worth about a penny.  ;D

Just wanted to make sure you knew that I wasn't misunderstanding what you were saying, I just disagreed.

I guess I gave away my peace huh!?!?!?

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #79 on: March 23, 2008, 08:41:11 PM »
I guess I gave away my peace huh!?!?!?

I love you all brethren!!!!!

Love you, too!  :)
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