"Jesus was a poor black boy raised in a country controlled by rich white people" give or take I'm paraphrasin'!
There is a God! LOL! I found the clip on the first try, and he made the referenced comment within the first 15 seconds!

Okay, I'm no historian, so I couldn't tell you how accurate Dr. Wright's assertion is. But, what he said was that the country and culture was controlled by the Romans who were Italian (-->European --> White) and ran everything.
Are you asserting that this is inaccurate or untruthful?
And as for the poor, black boy part... I mean.... Jesus wasn't Black American as you and I are and neither were the Romans White Americans as some of our caucasian sisters and brothers are. I don't think that's what Dr. Wright was getting at. Jesus was born and raised in the West Bank. I'm 100% certain Dr. Wright knows that. He's a highly educated man.... I think he was strictly speaking about (1) their skin color, and (2) Jesus's minority status (which is where BFBT's comment about the metaphoric nature of Dr. Wright's statement comes in). I mean, based on the information provided in the Bible, and a little basic geographical and historical information, it is more likely than not that Jesus had dark skin... not dark as in West Africa... dark as in West Bank.
Furthermore, does your Bible imply that Jesus was wealthy in any way other than spiritually???? Does your Bible imply that His natural parents, Mary and Joseph, were in any way wealthy?