What's the difference between "suffering" at home or "suffering" in church... where there are anointed men and women of God who can touch and agree under the anointing of the Holy Ghost, and lay hands with the power of the Holy Ghost??? If you're gonna be sick anyway, you may as well be sick at the "hospital"...
Now that I think about it, we may not see eye-to-eye on this because you come from a different type of church background. Aren't you Lutheran? That might be just a wee bit different.
James 5:14: "Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord."
I think that explains a lot. The teachings are very different, but I'm not getting into that today. Or ever.
I dont think you dont have to be in church for someone to pray for you. Matter of fact, in my church, we go visit the sick, anoint them, pray for them, give them a cd of the sermon, give them communion etc.
No "flames" here... but, as I said, anyone in my house will worship the Lord. If my houseguests are Baptist, they are welcome to go to the local Baptist church. If they are JW, they are welcome to find the local hall. If they're SDA, I'll probably go with them to the local SDA church... but, if they have no religion, or belong to no particular organization, they will indeed go with me to church when I go, or they will find a church to visit.... that is, in no way, disrespectful of anyone's religious beliefs.
I'm sorry, I was under the impession that you made someone violate one of thier religious beliefs (a JW going to a christian church) in order to stay in your Home.
If they are JW, and they go to hall, Are they really worshiping
The Lord or their lord. And I dont think you can make anyone worship. There are many people in church who dont worship. Yeah I might go to a hall or what have you, but I'm not worshiping there.